Medical MJ card & employment


Active Member
can haveing a medical Mj card mess with your job?
My friend wants to get her card, but she has a job (wiping old people asses) and wants to goto the high leavels I think she said "CNA" or something like that. could they do a back ground check and see that she has her card???? (i know ether way she is not alowwed to use drugs) but would haveing a card make it any worse than not haveing the card.


Well-Known Member
People are getting nervous about this stuff. I have a person who wants to be a patient but has backed out because they're worried about their CPL. I have one, and it doesn't bother me, but rumers go around and people get nervous.

As of now having a card is not able to be seen by anyone, and it would be a violation of HIPPA laws. The Supreme Court may be changing that soon though I guess.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
People are getting nervous about this stuff. I have a person who wants to be a patient but has backed out because they're worried about their CPL. I have one, and it doesn't bother me, but rumers go around and people get nervous.

As of now having a card is not able to be seen by anyone, and it would be a violation of HIPPA laws. The Supreme Court may be changing that soon though I guess.
You guess or you know ?
Just came to mind after the rumor comment...


Well-Known Member
It SHOULD be illegal for a testing facility to fail a cardholding patient for testing positive for marijuana as it should also be illegal for an employer to fire an employee for failing the test or having their card. Unfortunately it isn't but it is something we should be lobbying to get changed.


Active Member
For just having the card? or for smoking/failing a drug screen? My friend is trying to get STate certifyed.
I'm home from one job and after a short dinner off to the next - i will type up the story when i get home tonight (after debate probs)

i'll make it clear so less questions after, becuase i had many as it was happening and at times i still wonder if i should of done what i did in all events. we'll discuss later. peace


Well-Known Member
I can tell you this: My patient has a job driving a truck which requires a CDL. He has pretty serious endorsements like HAZMAT and stuff. He has never told any of his co-workers and nothing has happened after 3 years as a card holder. Of course, every job is different, but in regards to privacy laws, all normal HIPPA regulations apply to mmj.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you this: My patient has a job driving a truck which requires a CDL. He has pretty serious endorsements like HAZMAT and stuff. He has never told any of his co-workers and nothing has happened after 3 years as a card holder. Of course, every job is different, but in regards to privacy laws, all normal HIPPA regulations apply to mmj.
Until Bill Schuette hands your information out... and he has done it already.


Active Member
I know SMOKING/USEING weed gets you fired. but just the fact that someone has there card, donest warrent getting fierd


Active Member
I know SMOKING/USEING weed gets you fired. but just the fact that someone has there card, donest warrent getting fierd
when the Gf gives me more than 10 mins at the computer i'll type up my incident because my biggest mistake was from my mouth, but the final blow was for it being in my system, not for anything else. and that is why i maintain i could sue their asses for wrongful termination. ttys


Active Member
so back in august, august 5th. 1 year to the day of me getting my Medical Recommendation and the anniversary of my Father's death.

i was working at grocery store, corporate. i woke up smoke a bowl like every other day. work or not. arrived to work an hour early, and rested my head for a good 15 minutes in the break room. the produce manager comes back and asks if i could help this women put up some signs, i say sure. (i'm tall - get asked to do it all the time)..after this woman abuses my time off the clock i then decide to go back to the break room where the meat manager and the produce manager are. meat manager says to me in a joking tone, "wow you look a little glossy eyed, smoke a big ole fatty this morning?" -mind you he has known that I smoked for MANY years. we joke all the time. i reply back to him. "well no, actually just a bowl" i was kind of mad, because really i was just tired as hell. so then the produce manager a female says "and he says it likes it's no big deal?" kind of in awe i suppose.

i think nothing much of it. i go punch in at 10am - start working.. 20 minutes later the boss comes up and tells me my case of molasses i ordered came in... (MIND YOU TO GROW POT WITH).. then tells me to turn off my light at my register. we go to the back to talk and the first thing he says is this, "i had two department managers tell me you smoked before work, is that true?"

i replied, "yes"

he then informed me that he would have to drive me home... there was some bullshit after that. in the parking lot i revealed i had my medical card and that everyday i ever came to work, interview, day he met me years before.. i was 98 percent sure to be stoned.

days went by then i had to take a piss test. i complied. though i admitted to the fact of it being in my system, LEGALLY. and even he agreed the test seemed redundant. so i went to the test. pissed. dirty of course. with pride.

2 weeks later i was "separated from employment"

EVEN AFTER being shown and then arguing about the prescription drugs policy which states that if you take any medications that would affect your performance in any way you would have to notify your managers.

1. cannabis only helped me back issues started from working at that gawd awful place..but during this time i was top cashier. had a contest going on for most improved.. i couldn't participate because i was already at the top.

2. right to privacy motherfuckers... i'm sure the other people who are on their pills while at work aren't notifying their legal or illegal ones.

anyways... i'm poor and can't afford any lawyers.

i wanted to fight - but.. tbh i don't want the job back.. would just want to have others like me protected.


Active Member
Is that snitch ass meat manager's piss clean?
lol i have no clue - we used to talk about his 500dollar a week coke habit back-in-the-day.. but i'm pretty sure he straightened out, he had recently had gotten married since i knew him.

but i know for a fact that is was the produce mgr lady who went to the store manager first. the meat mgr then was consulted as witness i guess and i can't blame him for telling the truth. it is all i did as well.


Well-Known Member
You have to be the bigger person. You need to show everyone that medical marijuana or not you are a honest, hard working American! You need to just admit that you got the weed from the produce manager.


Active Member
My freind is worreied about losseing her certfcation if she gets her "card" . she is ceritifyed by the same place that you get your card from.... do they cross refrance anything?