G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope


Well-Known Member
genetics a better ph and better use of nutrients i think is what makes this grow better then the others. i know nutrients plays a role too because on my second grow i had a g13 and a bagseed and they both looked killer heres a pic. the sativa looking one was a bagseed and the really bushy one is my g13 it was born with 3 tops lol but they both tuned male but as you can see they both look awsome.



Well-Known Member
your plants are comming out perfect mattso101 they all ready have nice size buds. hope mine look like that in 3 days.


Well-Known Member
hey bwinn i wanted to post some pics but my disk keeps flashin read in the printer? I am getting pissed the more aggresive side of myself has been surfacing alot!!!! I am soooo stressed and close to giving up on school?

anyhow hope you found some yummy munchie food:)

o yea i sooooo love that pic comparing the two grows, very nice bwinn love your plants


Well-Known Member
sorry to here that kaya. but you have to finish school do whatever it takes its something you can always fall bak on. i hope things get better for you try ot take it easy.


Well-Known Member
hey bwinn what kinda critter you got in that cage? thanks for the pep talk i need it. I have come this far i cant give up now!!!! I need to finish so i can afford to pay all the money i owe. Your plants are looking good bwinn your love for them shows:)


Well-Known Member
hey bwinn what kinda critter you got in that cage? thanks for the pep talk i need it. I have come this far i cant give up now!!!! I need to finish so i can afford to pay all the money i owe. Your plants are looking good bwinn your love for them shows:)
thanks kaya. my critter is a bearded dragon there from australia very mellow lizard.