My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

you have 3 plant, and you dont want to give up, so put your ligths all on 1 plant, and you have to add some more cfls, add at least 3 or 4 24 watt cfls which are 6400 kelvin, bye the way you said to had 60 watt grow spot, ignore the spot cause it is hot. finally wish for good luck
Theres no way near enuff light on them plants mate, u need to add at least another 8 20watt cfls cool white, and get them as close to the plants as u can, like 1 or 2 inch away from the tops. they are already very very badly stretched so i would'nt think u will get any bud from them at all , more than likley they will just fall over soon and die.....get it sorted mate more lightss better soil, n start some new seeds..
well i have read high times plenty of times, i have the cannabis grow bible which ive read, so im pretty plant smart, but give me a break this is my first grow out of bag seed, the summer is almost here n i plan on putting my string bean out in the sun, it will get stronger... i have bought pots, jiffy soil, miracle grow, water contrainers, cfl bulbs n grow bulbs, a aquarium light with a plant bulb, ive put alot of time n effort into my plants n i want it to live, its not OFFICIALLY doomed is it?
id say its fucked but look at my journal thats my first grow and my plants are younger han yours not tryin to be sad but get new seeds and start over concentrate on 1 or 2 new plants
look, i have a ghetto ass set up granted all of my lighting all together didnt cost more than 50 bucks, my soil and pots and miracle grow all toghether didnt cost more than 20 bucks, my seeds were free from mix bag of mid-grade bud i smoked. i have invested alot of time and effort and i am proudof what i accomplished with so little and i am going to grow this plant into a mature adult and have it bud and im gonna keep everybody posted the entire time to prove that my plant can make a comeback. so if u have helping suggestions offer them, but not if they are rude, ignorant or involve throwing away my plant, cuz i wont. thankyou... no disrespect but i like my plant.
in all the money you wasted, you could have went to walmart, picked up 3 75watt fluoro grow bulbs at $10 each, with the fluoro ignitor, and still done better. Just take 30 bucks, go to walmart, goto the home lighting section, then get some 75 watt growing fluoros. Its in a clear hermetic package with brigh green ink on the paper packaging, ive used them to start seeds and to support a small mother, they work. While at walmart, get some pots with drainage, id say your best bet is to keep these viable until spring, then start over inside with new seeds.
thanks for the advice, i mean this is bull shit you know my plants have been growing a month and a week and look at the results garbage, i plan on putting them out in the sun once it gets warm which is coming up soon 8-)!!! n hopefuly the sun light will over turn them but for now i asigned each of my 3 plants its own light, i have my tallest plant within 1 inch - 1 1/2 inches away from the 13w cfl, i have my other plant above 3-4 inches away from cfl cuz i ran out of items to stack on n that plant sux even more, then i have my smallest under the 60 watt grow bulb singeled out, i am going to stop using miracle grow, hope for the best, keep the suggestions coming this really is the best website ever its more addicting, well 2 me at least, than myspace.
look, i have a ghetto ass set up granted all of my lighting all together didnt cost more than 50 bucks, my soil and pots and miracle grow all toghether didnt cost more than 20 bucks, my seeds were free from mix bag of mid-grade bud i smoked. i have invested alot of time and effort and i am proudof what i accomplished with so little and i am going to grow this plant into a mature adult and have it bud and im gonna keep everybody posted the entire time to prove that my plant can make a comeback. so if u have helping suggestions offer them, but not if they are rude, ignorant or involve throwing away my plant, cuz i wont. thankyou... no disrespect but i like my plant.

ah hahahahaha it's gunna be a 5 foot plant with 10 nodes and 7 grams worth of bud....... if it's not a male.
you should start over. people are not tryin to be rude, do you know how much stress stretching causes? that alone may be enough to make a plant go hermie. not to mention the fact that using a soil with time released ferts (miracle grow) is not good for growin pot. regular ol top soil with perlite in it would be 90 times better. you haven't wasted any time if you learn from your mistakes.

i will be interested to see one of those with bud on it....... good luck with it, i hope whatever you choose to do you enjoy the end results.
well i am going to go germinate some more seeds right now n the next time i plant them i will keep them closer to the light so therefore there wont be any stretching. can male plants still bud by the way? isnt the weed just more seedier, n thanks for the advice.. i appreciate it man im tryin to learn as much as possible its just so hard to let go of sometin u been workin on day n night for a month straight n just be like, trash. ya know>
no male plants do not bud at all, the prduce pollen sacks, the seedy weed is from females that were pollinated or hermie plants. if you have money to spend and this is your first grow and you want it to be a success i highly recommend you look into getting some lowryder #2 or any other auto flower, it will get you used to how the plant grows without having to worry about light schedules. these pics are from my current lr2 grow and are four weeks FROM SEED. with no fertilizers and straight tap water.


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dude if they are just bag seed then juts get some more and a few week befor the weather breaks get them growing and put them out side you will do so much better and it will be easy. and if i were you i would sit on this site reading instead of wasting our time. after you have read and had a few summer crops then mabe you will be ready to go in side. sorry ha ha good luck to you
No matter how many people come in here and tell you its gonna fail your still gonna try so PEOPLE why are you wasting your breath? Dood do whatever you want but like everyone else has said if it is a female expect a very poor harvest, but whatever floats your boat