Legend of Zelda Movie (april fools joke?)


Well-Known Member
I'm actually not sure, due to it being very elaborate and obviously took time to make makes it more authentic.

But I do not think IGN has the ability and resources to produce any sort of film, but just enough for a short trailer to fool us :)


Well-Known Member
Yea they should make a movie of the Nintendo 64 version "The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time". That is still one of the best games i have ever played. Has anybody else played that game? i Remember when i was younger i could never beat the final boss. So i ended up putting away for a few years. But i ended up hooking my nintendo 64 back up a couple months ago and i ran threw the game pretty quick.

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
hmm, to be honest, i have no idea, because it looks authentic and looks like it has taken a long time to make.
and if it really is a real move coming out next year im definatley watching it, although i think it would be better if the people playing zelda and link were younger. like 15 or 16 because in the games link is a child/teenager not a 30 year old man. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I would love to see a Legend of Zelda movie aslong as whoever did it, did it right

A movie with the storyline of Ocarina of Time would be the best.

Most epic plot line ever:blsmoke:

even though that trailer did have the "Hero of Time" which was pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
Yea they should make a movie of the Nintendo 64 version "The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time". That is still one of the best games i have ever played. Has anybody else played that game? i Remember when i was younger i could never beat the final boss. So i ended up putting away for a few years. But i ended up hooking my nintendo 64 back up a couple months ago and i ran threw the game pretty quick.

Dude, I played that and LOVED it! I still have my N64, but I only have the Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask. Watching that fake trailer makes me want to go unhook the PS3 and play some old games


Well-Known Member
i wont lie it was a great game and it could make a great movie.
but.. i think they should have sum different ppl in the movie.
was good until the green costume LOL


Mota King
Dude, I have a Sega in my room right now too, how wierd. I really wish I had the OG Nintendo, play some Super Mario Brothers, Duck Hunt, with that bastard laughing dog...
its funny that you say that cuz my friend who i've been hanging out with for the past month doesnt have the newer systems so all we've been playing is the Super Nintendo, N64, and Sega haha :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
its funny that you say that cuz my friend who i've been hanging out with for the past month doesnt have the newer systems so all we've been playing is the Super Nintendo, N64, and Sega haha :blsmoke:
I got a PS3 for Christmas, and honestly, sometimes it makes me feel sick if I play faded. Like I get really into the games, and if I'm playing this racing game, I dunno, I start feeling it. So when I'm high I love to play older games that just look like games.