All My Pictures!!!


Moderatrix of Journals
a wee vid.....


..... and now i have to go shovel SNOW (that's right all you cali bastids -- you know that white stuff that falls out of the sky?) :lol:


Weed Modifier
a wee vid.....


..... and now i have to go shovel SNOW (that's right all you cali bastids -- you know that white stuff that falls out of the sky?) :lol:
I love your vids kitty they always makes me feel so calm and relaxed...maybe its the music :mrgreen:

I know hey!!!...I need to build Bigger IGLOO...:lol:


Moderatrix of Journals
I love your vids kitty they always makes me feel so calm and relaxed...maybe its the music :mrgreen:

I know hey!!!...I need to build Bigger IGLOO...:lol:
thanks lime.....

and yeah, TELL me aboot it, i'm huddling in my igloo procrastinating shoveling wet snow right now.
your igloo.... were ya thinking clear ice for solar action or are you gonna insulate that shit before we light er up?
(reminds me of a time i was working up north -- winter came, all the snow melted off the barn roof, and our neighbour up the hill came down to tell us we needed to insulate that shit, pronto. :lol:)


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much.

I got about 3lbs off the CPPP

P.S. I just want to say I ain't trying too brag, I'm here to help anyone that I can.
I answer all questions & give help where ever I can. I love this place!



Weed Modifier
thanks lime.....

and yeah, TELL me aboot it, i'm huddling in my igloo procrastinating shoveling wet snow right now.
your igloo.... were ya thinking clear ice for solar action or are you gonna insulate that shit before we light er up?
(reminds me of a time i was working up north -- winter came, all the snow melted off the barn roof, and our neighbour up the hill came down to tell us we needed to insulate that shit, pronto. :lol:)



Well-Known Member
Mellokitty, what's snow? Can we eat it? lol!

I do feel for you kitty, that's why I left the PNW 30 years ago, too much snow
Curl up by a warm fire & pay some neighbor kid to shovel the drive!
