stang, I do want to compliment you for your extraordinary effort in looking over this thread and comprehending it throughly- more than a bit difficult when the information comes at you a bit higgledy-piggledy as it does in a discussion forum. Not like there's a Table of Contents for all this.
OK, let's cover your queries.
I am going to try this even though I havent been doing any of this in years. Could you guys look at the picture I am attaching and tell me what you think! I will be using 3x3 trays for # 1-4 . My moms will be in a box 2ft 6 in x 2ft 6inx 6ft 9in tall with a flood and drain setup that is 2ftx2ft. My clones will be in a box 2ft 6in x 1ft 8in x 2ft tall this drawing is too scale 1 square= 2 in.
Looks great!
The clone box will be on tracks mounted to the wall so i can slide it out in the open and open it then when i am done slide it back next to the moms out of the way!
ooh, clever.
The 3x3 trays will be a standard flood and drain setup! Hopefully with one 1000 w light in air cooled tube, with the batwing setup this will cover two of the 3x3 trays, another 1000 w light in air cooled tube, with batwing setup for other 2 3x3 trays. When I hang these lights how far should they be from the plants and how do you make yours cover two trays when the plants in the two trays are different heighs?
A 1000 in a cooltube can be as close as 300-350mm from the plant tops, perhaps even closer- that's a conservative estimate.
The plants in trays 3 & 4 are all usually close to the same height, so the disparity isn't great there, but as you correctly point out, plants in tray #1 are 'vertically challenged' compared to those in tray 2, certainly come the day when tray 2 is in week 4- they are growing as much as 25mm/day up til the end of wk 4. You're right in noting that the cooltube can't come down to 300mm over the tray 1 plants while maintaining sufficient clearance over the tray 2 plants.
I don't mind the disparity in height for the tray1 (newly introduced to 2 wks) plants. These plants have just come out of the clonebox where they have been under fluoros for the last 12-14 days. They don't develop much new leaf foliage in the clonebox, but what is grown in that time will be acclimated to fluoro light. A bit of extra spacing over the tray 1 plants for the first 7-10 days, when they begin to catch up with the height of the tray 2 plants, is just fine. This 'sun hardens' the new growth and prevents any 'sunburn' of the tips of the youngest plants
I should center the light between tray #1 and #2 right and the same for #3 and #4!
For my moms they will have an air cooled 400w setup.
Will work like a champ, does for me.
For the clones I will have a heat mat with a 2ft four lamp t5 setup!
I don't think I'd opt for the T5s. Clones just don't need to be pounded with light. All they need is to be convinced it is daylight for 18+H/day. Go for some less expensive, regular 24" tube fluoros or CFLs. Replacement ordinary tubes/CFLs will be more readily available, probably even at your local grocery. Your clones will thank you for the heat mat by rapidly setting root.
Cany anyone give me any hints or see anything that will be wrong with this setup?
nothing wrong so far!
This room is in a basement and stays a constant 65 degrees so I am going to wait on the exhaust/scrubber and intake fans becuase i wanna see what heat does in here first when I do my test runs for a wk or so!
Yep, do your testing, but I think you'll find that a powered intake, even with (a) modest axial blower(s) will bring the thruflow closer to the actual CFM rating of the exhaust blower, which is rated with its air intake at atmospheric pressure. When the exhaust blower has both to fight to push its air column out the back side as well as work against a restriction in the intake, the actual CFM rate will fall off quickly, even with a centrif blower in the main exhaust position. Powered intake also makes it a lot easier to light-trap the intake as the duct size will be much smaller. Passive intake annuli have to be about 2x the area of your exhaust duct.
Also, I think you said your pots are 175 mm wouldnt that be a 6" pot not 8" because I dont see how you are fitting 23 8" pots in your tray that is smaller than 3x3?
OK, now you've forced me to whip out my tape measure.

I grew up with feet & inches but have not had to use the old imperial figures much for the last dozen years or so. I have a very special hatred for fractional inches, as do many folks who grew up in the early days of pocket calculators. You'll note that I use metric figs as much as possible these days. Converting every figure I use when writing a post is a bit onerous, but when someone has asked me something quantified in imperial units, I try to respond in those units as well. I am not so good at doing the conversions on the fly, but I do my best.
The pots are not cylinders, rather slightly conical. The pots are labelled "175mm" (about 6.9"). Turns out this measurement is the OD of the top of the pots, inclusive of a rim lip. The bottoms of the pots are about 130mm dia. I cited the pot size as 8" in the lead post in this thread because the top dia to my eye looked like about 8" but in fact is about 1.1" smaller than that. You can fit as many as 24 of these pots into the 820mm^2 trays but they can't sit with all their bases flat on the trays unless there's only 22 or 23. With 24, they're a bit wedged in.
Sorry for all the confusions just trying to get this all streight and have some other people look at it with another eye to help fix any problems before I go and drop this kinda money on equipment. The room is also covered with B/w Poly film except the floor but its painted flat white and is concrete!
Sounds like a great space for a grow op.

A durable floor surface is very convenient- the only thing better is a durable floor with a floor drain.
From your dwgs (great stuff, thanks

), all looks in order.