Ahhhhh kratoms awesome(:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick replies, it sounded like that JWH shit they put on 'spice'. I've been following this thread bc my brother loves opiates but is always broke from buying pills


Well-Known Member
Oh I know that. Trust me... Were both interested in this. A couple months ago i smoked a legal flower that was suppose to be exactly like opiates. Purple and dried, the dude had probably a QP.... Same stuff?


Well-Known Member
kratom is great for disupting opioid addiction as it binds to the receptors and stops them from being able to absorb the pills.

At worst you'll get a small kratom addiction while in the process but it is not severe and about as easy to quit as drinking tea.


Well-Known Member
yah there is a def addiction chance

but i didnt feel much physical dependance

its more that urge

and i can curb a urge real easy with a bowl or 2


Well-Known Member
the energetic ones tend give me the squinty eye euphoric feel not as euphoric but goest GREAT in combo with makes it super euphoric

green malay / sumatra white are good for that

watch it with the white as it can be quite speedy for some


Well-Known Member
well that conniseur pack certainly feels weedlike, down to the squinty eyes.


Well-Known Member
the energetic ones tend give me the squinty eye euphoric feel not as euphoric but goest GREAT in combo with makes it super euphoric

green malay / sumatra white are good for that

watch it with the white as it can be quite speedy for some
Based on the reviews Green Malay produces a sense of well being, CNS stimulation, and sedative qualities related to Hydrocodone. It's a mixture of effects that outlast the effects of many opiates combined. The effects of Kratom still amaze me!


Well-Known Member
did you happen to get any of that malay ndanger?

interested in your thoughts on it

next batch im gonna try the red jungle thai ill give you a heads up on it


Well-Known Member
No. I'm placing an order by next week. A kilo of it to my doorstep. :D

Gotta love Wholesale discounts. For the next 3 months, I'll be deeply engaged in the studies of Kratom and Kava Kava. I'll will try to extract both its medicinal and recreational use while conducting side by side trials. My Hippocratic Oath will be of utmost concern! ;)


Well-Known Member
i got great teks on both if your interested brother

i worked out a great way to extract kratom into a maleable material that feels somewhat like black hash


Well-Known Member
I'm all ears my dearest partner in crime!

I heard extractions of the Kratom material weren't successful. But I guess you found a stable one that works! :D

When you get the chance, shoot me a PM on the other side with all the details.