Help Id this problem. PLZ :D

hi all,

whats up with the leaves here?? any thing obvious? it seems to be on most of the plant. sry for bad pics.

any help appreciated.


(Cheese LST Grow) With Cfls' in growbox.



Well-Known Member
is it something on the leaf or in them?

if its on the leaf it may be powdery mildew wich can spread and pose a serious issue. if its in the leaf it may be a deficiency, wich one im not sure. first thing to do is get a accurate PH reading of your soil and make sure its in a acceptable range. i believe 6.8 is the "Ideal" Ph for soil but 6.6-7.0 is also acceptable. depending on the PH check a chart to find out wich nutes are locked out that your current PH reading. then go from there. generally stabalizing the PH will fix the issue as these nutrients are already in the soil just unable to be absorbed due to PH lockout.

hope this could help :)

Ps. if its on the outside of the leaves and it is in fact powdery mildew there are tons of safe remedies to get rid of it without using chemicals as it looks like your plants are a couple weeks into flower avoiding chemicals right now is always a plus :)


Well-Known Member
are or were u using any kind of foliar spray? need to know more info. ph, ppms or feeding schedules and dosages. the whole 9 yards.


Well-Known Member
Spidermites look out!
thats kinda what i was thinking. looks like they been grubbin but he would have noticed them i think. plus its hard to diagnose without knowing all the facts. examine ur plants regularly. preventative maint is the best way to keep them healthy.


New Member
Yup looks like bugs. Check under the leafs for tiny moving dots spray with water to see if you have webs the mist will bead up and you will know.
i dont know the ph of the soil or any parameters :( its just planted in multipurpose soil.
always watered with fish tank water... lol (its next to the plant) ph of my tap water is 7.8

i havnt sprayed with water, ever. i will try to get a few more pics.

the stuff on the leaf i can only describe as slug juice? (like dried salt crystals reflecting) if you know what i mean.
Only reaally old large leaves seem to be dieing off from this infestation. and when the older leaves die they are going spotted/blothcy brown/yellow colours.

higher quality pics are needed i think. i post some more 2 moro. (lights are off)



New Member
I still think its spider mites look on the underside of the leafs keep looking poke at every dot you see.look for movement.


I just had this problem. Its spider mites. The leaves have brown spots and eventually turn all brown and fall off. Get some neem oil and mix it with water and add a little bit of mild liquid dish soap. The neem oil has the recipe. Mix this in a spray bottle. Just before the lights go, out spray the plant (top and underside). I also spray around the drain holes on my pots. You might need 2-3 applications but it should do it if it hasn't gotten too infested.
Ok, so upon closer inspection i have found some nasty ass bugs... and quite a few of them.. :(

Hard to describe what they are or what they look like.... they are (white creamy yellow colour) elongated body quite thin looking..... look like mini catpilers.

Very very small. i hope they are easy to get rid of.. whateva they are.

Thanks. i will get some better quality pics on within the next few hours.

Been googleing.. looks like thrips?

Whats a easy home remidy to get them of my buds? i have no neem oil. :(


Well-Known Member
neem is the safest way to get rid of them without damaging the plant more. um try some sm-90 it pretty bangin and since u said they sare everywhere u will probably need it. ur gonna have to buy something to get rid of them. or better yet toss it out and start over if its too bad.


New Member
your plants not budding heavy yet cover the soil take it to the shower and and flip it upside down wash it real good. gently rub the leafs to get everything off you will need some spinosad
[h=1]Spinosad Garden Insect Spray 32 oz.[/h]
$16 online

Spinosad is a relatively new insect killer that was discovered from soil in an abandoned rum distillery in 1982. Produced by fermentation, Spinosad can be used on outdoor ornamentals, lawns, vegetables and fruit trees, to control caterpillars, thrips, leafminers, borers, fruit



Well-Known Member
Ok, so upon closer inspection i have found some nasty ass bugs... and quite a few of them.. :(

Hard to describe what they are or what they look like.... they are (white creamy yellow colour) elongated body quite thin looking..... look like mini catpilers.

Very very small. i hope they are easy to get rid of.. whateva they are.

Thanks. i will get some better quality pics on within the next few hours.

Been googleing.. looks like thrips?

Whats a easy home remidy to get them of my buds? i have no neem oil. :(
You are correct its thrips.
I dont understand. You never mention anything about web,s but everybody keeps saying "OMG ITS SPIDER MITES". No its not lol. Come on people, SPIDER mites as in web producing SPIDERS...
I use doctor doom or avid for thrips. Lot of other organic remedy's out there as well. But those two seem to work the best for me.