Spicy White Devil and Kalashnikova (pics weekly)


Well-Known Member
Subbed in on this. I will be ordering from Herbies middle, end of Jan, myself as a first timer (Mostly...had one pathetic outdoor photo mystery/baggie NL last year..tried to keep it small out of fear, but went too far, and I almost broke it OFF at one point..did not help. [got just under an eighth dry] what ripened was PRETTY, but just pathetic yield, of course). Am going for a variety heavy on the Sativa/Mostly Sativa side with an Indica or two in the true dwarf auto catagory (Samsara Ultraviolet [Due to THIS album!...https://www.rollitup.org/members/surfhead-310569/albums/ultraviolet-grow-complete-22991/] and Short Stuff Automatic Assasain, for sure, and one or two more Sativa dominant strains), and a couple longer growing, larger ones (KC Brains KC45 + Short Stuff Super Cali Haze, prob[some for HASH; Ice Method])...so am VERY interested in the (Indica Dominant?) kalashnikova (maybe grab that and def. De Sjamaan Widow Ryder). Curious have you tried seeing if topping and NOT topping on the SWD before with better results topping it? It would seem couter-productive to me to top ANY autoflower, so , as stated just an honest question from a newbie. Hope I can breed some beans of at least 3-4 of the strains I get, but budget will hold me to 5-6 beans per (except KC45)...am I fooling myself? Gonna have to get SOME FEMMED strains, as that is the only way they come, so GOT TO stress femmed ones to get the pollen sacks to bloom.

Sorry for the Ramble, but need some guidence. Got Pics/early journal of the NL I grew last year, fisrt pistils to harvest date, if anyone intersted how NOT to dwarf a photo outdoors...LOL...still have fond memories, even though almost a bust; the little nuggets WERE very nice indeed, all said and done..and the iced hash from the clippings (Little under BB sized) was the BEST I've ever had...not bragging, but truth.

Sweet looking set-up and treees, too, dude..waiting on the harvest pics and report!

oops! forgot to ask...what is lst? Seen it around here, such a newbie, though can't figure it out.
ok so i think you are mistaken. the Spicy white devil is not an auto nor is the kalashnikova. if i hadn't topped the SWD they would have over grown my tent, but the kalashnikova stays nice and small. i think when i started flowering she was like 6/7 inches and now is 19 with lots of side branching. lst is low stress training. it's when you tie certain branches down to allow more light to more bud sites - increasing your yield. thanks for dropping in bro and if you've got any more questions i'd be more than happy to help


here is an example of what lst does. the first pic is the untopped lst free kalashnikova, and then you can see the strings i attached in the second pic causing the plants to bend out of the way. making more branches off of the main stem.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I had figured that out. When I went looking, I found a Greenhouse Seeds Youtube showing every week of flowering a 'Kova CLONE to harvest date...lol. Knew it was not an autoflower, then. So is this posted in the wrong place, then. I would think yes, but no harm done. Do you have experience with autos? Should I post my prospective list to the newbie corner or something to see if anyone can help out , should they have have a good or bad experience with the strains I am planning on trying. How about the breeding question...can I expect success with only five beans of each strain, be they regular or Femminized?

Thanks for the response and clarification. Happy harvest when it come, too...:leaf:

OOPS! now I see that I'm the one in the wrong place...thought this was the autoflower section of the Growroom...Sorry for the misunderstanding....next time I'll make sure WHERE I'm at in the forums before I go posting.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I had figured that out. When I went looking, I found a Greenhouse Seeds Youtube showing every week of flowering a 'Kova CLONE to harvest date...lol. Knew it was not an autoflower, then. So is this posted in the wrong place, then. I would think yes, but no harm done. Do you have experience with autos? Should I post my prospective list to the newbie corner or something to see if anyone can help out , should they have have a good or bad experience with the strains I am planning on trying. How about the breeding question...can I expect success with only five beans of each strain, be they regular or Femminized?

Thanks for the response and clarification. Happy harvest when it come, too...:leaf:

OOPS! now I see that I'm the one in the wrong place...thought this was the autoflower section of the Growroom...Sorry for the misunderstanding....next time I'll make sure WHERE I'm at in the forums before I go posting.
lol no worries bro. i actually do have experience with autos. i did two on my last grow. private message me your questions and i'd be happy to answer them


Well-Known Member
so this is week 4. i went away for new years weekend and thought i could get away with watering them before and after the trip. i was mistaken. a lot of the lower leaves were drooping and yellow but no worries the are coming back. everything else looks great. i cant wait to smoke the fuck outta these plants.



Well-Known Member
Even with the long weekend, they look like they will bounce back nicely. Looks like it'll be a nice crop-out. Jealous. : )

Got news a good friend I've known a long time is in need of some LEGAL (Michigan caregiver) indoor growing advise...and I thought, perfect timing, I've done almost all of the shopping for some great auto strains, and we....well maybe should keep it about that vague, honestly... I wonder if it is legal to consult with me if I am not a licensed Michigan caregiver? I go to a different topic to post more Q on it...


very good bro!! i got 1 seed from attitude as a gift 4 months ago! and omg this strain is beautiful, the high is great,more like a head high not couchlock. but this aroma... this taste.. tastes like a sweet lemon O.M.G!!! im very happy with it and ill grow this girl again for sure!!!

this is mine SWD topped once, i had her 50days to veg mode cause of some autos in the room. so she got big!! a lot of strech and ofc i had to tie her down allmost ALL branches.. today its 8 weeks in flowering.

some today pics (only about the half plant its showing..so imagine!!):


Well-Known Member
outstanding bro. thanks for the info. nice to know what i have to look forward to. i only vegged mine for 30 days and they are now roughly 3ft tall. i can only imagine how big yours got. are you going to chop at 9 weeks or let her go to ten?


Well-Known Member
here is week 5. everything is business as usual with the SWD but this kalashnikova is starting to piss me off. the pistils are starting to die back but no new ones are coming in. i realize she has she has 3-4 more weeks of flower left but for the last two weeks there has almost zero production. i've seen in other threads people having problems with this strain and it would appear as though i've become one of those people. no wonder it was $43 for ten of these disasters:cuss:



Well-Known Member
week 5 ^ week 4^

just to show what im talking about you cant even tell the difference:cuss:. there is like nothing going on.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...maybe they are just storing their energy for a bud explosion!!! Let's hope so anyway:). Shit looks tasty bro!!
i can only hope bro. im just glad i didn't grow 4 of these disappointments. but the SWD is outstanding smells like lemon and berries, i cant wait to blaze that shit.


Active Member
dam dude there looking nice, il take ur advice and up my ph to like 6.5 see if that makes a diffrence cheers bro


Well-Known Member
So here is week 6. my ladies are getting fat as shit, and unlike with real ladies i couldn't be happier. the kalashnikova has started showing a little new growth, but that's it. just a little. a lot of the lower leaves are yellowing and falling off so i started hitting them with some grow nutes mixed in with the bloom to put some N back in there.



Well-Known Member
i got my beans today from the lucky 7 promo. i'm really looking forward to my next grow already. i think i'll be doing 1 dinafem powerkush, 1 dinafem OG kush, 1 barney's farm 8 ball kush, and 1 barney's farm vanilla kush. i wish i had more space....


Well-Known Member
The SWD's are swelling up nicely still and going smoothly. the kalashnikova, on the other hand, is still not doing a god damn thing:cuss:. but no worries i gave it to my girlfriend and she couldn't be happier lol. she's even going to trim it up :clap:. so not all bad. here are the pics.

DSC00599.jpgDSC00600.jpgDSC00601.jpgDSC00602.jpgDSC00603.jpgDSC00604.jpglast two are the kalashnikova