Well-Known Member claimed they are a club which...
*"control the money"
*get each other money and "jobs in politics"
*"make everything not work right for the "regular" people"
some club there. they control the money, politics, and screw everything up for your average joe.
but they just assemble at lodges a few times each week and play billiards and poker and bingo, right?
a small group of people that controls money, positions in politics, and screws up everything for the normal joe is basically a "nefarious kabal" against your common rights. you might refer to post #8 to see what h.l. mencken thinks about such people.
in any case, pointing out that lodges exist in no way provides evidence for your claims that these people "control the money" and "make everything not work right for regular people". that just sounds like you playing the victim.
my two cents.
I never said they "Control" power OR politics.
Just money...
I'm sorry you like to lump stuff together,
But that doesn't make bullshitting okay