A Noob Question


Ok here is the thing, i have been growing this unknown strain marijuana plant in my balcony for about 5 weeks since it sprouted, its under sun light. I take it inside at night because its gets really cold about 11 degree. My question is when it might show sex and is there anything i can do to force flower. Coz i cant afford it to grow big. Any help is appreciated.

I can post pictures if needed.


Weed Modifier
Ok here is the thing, i have been growing this unknown strain marijuana plant in my balcony for about 5 weeks since it sprouted, its under sun light. I take it inside at night because its gets really cold about 11 degree. My question is when it might show sex and is there anything i can do to force flower. Coz i cant afford it to grow big. Any help is appreciated.

I can post pictures if needed.
put in in dark for 12hrs a day...will kick it into flower mode :)

how big is it now?

should show sex in next week or so usually around 6 weeks veg


I know its a long shot but is there any way i can find what sort of strain or what sorta weed plant is it?


Weed Modifier
what kind of soil is that? they look hungry too...you have nutrients?

I would pick up some better soil/add perlite20% and transplant asap. and start to feed asap.... before starting to flower, once you start to flowering you don't wanna have any problems or the will get stressed!

after transplanting wait one week to make sure they will be ok then you can put it in dark for 12 hrs a day to flower. :)


Thats the best soil i could get here, trust me i tried everything to get better soil just wasn't possible. And i gave em some food but not much, should i increase the amount? Kinda scared of over feeding.


Weed Modifier
Thats the best soil i could get here, trust me i tried everything to get better soil just wasn't possible. And i gave em some food but not much, should i increase the amount? Kinda scared of over feeding.
what kind of food...and n-p-k on bottle does it say? being your soil has minimal nutrient in it you need to feed nutrients.