I need a more precise guideline for watering than "feel the weight, duderino".


Weed Modifier
I did not insult you in any way! but thanks for putting me in the worthless category...wtf? wow ...I was just trying to get you to think about it, from a different angle, but you got your Bible so your good now. peace
I did not insult you in any way! but thanks for putting me in the worthless category...wtf? wow ...I was just trying to get you to think about it, from a different angle, but you got your Bible so your good now. peace

  • According to Jorge Cervantes:
    Yes, a meter can tell you when to water.
    No, you don't need experience, trail and error. You just need a $20 meter.
    I don't know if gauges don't work for everything, but they work for this.​

That's what I quoted about you. When did I say in there that you insulted me? On the other hand, you told me that you needed experience to know when to water and that a gauge wouldn't always work. And that is wrong. That's ALL I'm saying. The people who treated me with no respect are stated in the quotes. You can see them in the quotes. And no, you did not treat me without respect at all. Your answer, although imprecise, was totally respectful. Sorry if I made you think otherwise.


Weed Modifier
I would like to to reference all those people who treated me like shit for wanting to be precise in my work. Thanks to all of you for your worthless contributions.
treated you like shit? that would be insulting you. and i did no such thing! wow ....good way to come back after thread was re-opened


Weed Modifier

  • According to Jorge Cervantes:
    Yes, a meter can tell you when to water.
    No, you don't need experience, trail and error. You just need a $20 meter.
    I don't know if gauges don't work for everything, but they work for this.​

That's what I quoted about you. When did I say in there that you insulted me? On the other hand, you told me that you needed experience to know when to water and that a gauge wouldn't always work. And that is wrong. That's ALL I'm saying. The people who treated me with no respect are stated in the quotes. You can see them in the quotes. And no, you did not treat me without respect at all. Your answer, although imprecise, was totally respectful. Sorry if I made you think otherwise.
Experience as a general concept comprises knowledge of or skill in or observation of some thing or some event gained through involvement in or exposure to that thing or event.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
you told me that you needed experience to know when to water and that a gauge wouldn't always work. And that is wrong.
This thread was started because you claimed you didn't have the experience to know when to water. Gauges are mechanical devices, they are prone to failure, they don't always work. Lime was right ;)


Weed Modifier
This thread was started because you claimed you didn't have the experience to know when to water. Gauges are mechanical devices, they are prone to failure, they don't always work. Lime was right ;)
Thank you! and that was exactly my point.

I tend to see things from a different angle/spectrum than most.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Look at the reviews for that meter (which is not much different to any of the analogue metal prong meters). Notice the variation in reviews from "works great to " "it did work now it's broken" or "it's not very accurate"


Active Member
There is also the fact that Jorge's own "bible" says there will be dry spot and spot with more water. The probe will give different readings depending on where it's tested.
You yourself said that even though your pots had differing weights the meter gave the same reading for all. That to me alone shows its inacuracy.


Well-Known Member
Dry spots or otherwise known as an antagonistic situation can be avoided by watering slowly until you get some nice runoff. Guess ol Jorge hasnt figured this out yet. Probably too busy putting his disguise on so he can promote his line of products...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
There is also the fact that Jorge's own "bible" says there will be dry spot and spot with more water. The probe will give different readings depending on where it's tested.
You yourself said that even though your pots had differing weights the meter gave the same reading for all. That to me alone shows its inacuracy.
Exactly. Take 2 pots each with 1kg of soil in it, and then add 1kg of water to each one. If they are different weights a few days later, they do not have the same moisture content unless someone has snuck in and stolen some of the soil overnight. That is just a mathematical fact.
This thread was started because you claimed you didn't have the experience to know when to water. Gauges are mechanical devices, they are prone to failure, they don't always work. Lime was right ;)
So you say your finger can measure humidity levels better than a device? Then you must be bionic man. Since I'm just a mortal, I will go with the meter.
You yourself said that even though your pots had differing weights the meter gave the same reading for all. That to me alone shows its inacuracy.
I also said that I had to refill some pots, which means they had different quantities of soil and therefore different weights when at same humidity. That's the explanation.
Look, I found the information I wanted from a trustworthy source, so that is done. I also could reply to all of those who were either wrong or disrespectful and wrong. SO there's not anything left for me in this thread, so I'm out. Good luck.


Weed Modifier
You are right. Sorry I expressed it wrongly in that sentence. I will fix it right away.
Thank you!

I even added to your reputation, and complimented you for posting a very valid thread.

you are going to hear allot of different ways that growers use here/anywhere, you just take what you think is best for your garden.

like the Bible/books, sometimes you have to read in between the lines to see the whole picture, not just word for word.

what works for one person might not work for another. peace


Active Member
I understand the need (more like want) of devices and gadgets to take the guesswork out of any given situation, but the fact is they ate just that, gadgets. No gadget in the world will stand up to experience. If you want to by into the hype that you need all these fancy items to get a job done, then that's up to you (OP, or anyone else), but they will not replace experience.
Think of it in terms of math. Sure a calculator can give you the answer to any calculation you type into it. That doesn't mean you know anything. This is the same problem we run into every day in life. Everyone is looking for that gimic, that gadget item that will tell them what to do, or when to do it. You gain zero knowledge from such things, and eventually (some people) depend on them. When they become in-operable, the user is lost due to not having the knowledge to get by without it.


Weed Modifier
Look, I found the information I wanted from a trustworthy source, so that is done. I also could reply to all of those who were either wrong or disrespectful and wrong. SO there's not anything left for me in this thread, so I'm out. Good luck.
why are you out? .... you can learn allot from everyone here...just don't take anything personal, everyone is just debating is all.


Well-Known Member
Look, I found the information I wanted from a trustworthy source, so that is done. I also could reply to all of those who were either wrong or disrespectful and wrong. SO there's not anything left for me in this thread, so I'm out. Good luck.
Bye, and thanks for the drama...lol