Plasma lighting....all that or not??


Well-Known Member
I wanna see the pics wheezer!!looks like I might have to invest in something else than LEDs next year after all... 800$ I would only need the one light... so it looks like you brother will hit well over 1 lbs per light then? It easily compares to a 1000W?


Well-Known Member
yers, he gonna get a [pound per light I believe easily, and it's his first run with em'. I'm gonna go over this evening, his lights go on at 4 pm cali time, and I'm gonna get more pics, and his older pics, and all the info for ordering them from the manufacturer, and price. I was really sceptical of these lights when he bought em' , but what I'm seeing is all good! I'll post it all for ya tonight.


Well-Known Member
Well what we really want to know is who makes this light. Primarily is this the Luxim light engine or something new.

The Luxim engine is good, but it's not the plasma to get excited over. They use a metal halide plasma, it produces a good spectrum, but lacks in the reds and far reds that we so love for flowering. You often see these Luxim engine powered units supplemented by a bank of red LEDs.

Now sulphur plasma. Thats drool worthy.
My understanding is this model the 420s have the extra reds needed that original 400s lacked. The crystal is outstanding on the plants. That was my biggest concern with them. I knew they would grow good, but the potency thing...another story. But they look right so far.


Well-Known Member
Solcielo here on RIU has logged good results with the Inda-Gro 400s. I think he has 2-3 grows in... I recommend having a look!

Really looking forward to seeing what your lil bro has going on, and I hope that it is indeed the new Inda-Gro 420 light =D


Well-Known Member
Solcielo here on RIU has logged good results with the Inda-Gro 400s. I think he has 2-3 grows in... I recommend having a look!

Really looking forward to seeing what your lil bro has going on, and I hope that it is indeed the new Inda-Gro 420 light =D
yea he just left here a minute ago. Thats the ones the 420s....he paid like 1700.00 each for em' though....that's the hard part, but I figure I'd make that up in a year just in saved bulbs!! I
m running 8 ights right now and it's not cheap changing out 8 200 dollar bulbs every 2-3 months! I'm still going over there today at 4 or 5 to take some pics and stuff....peace!!


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming it was 1700.00 for both... as both greners and the Inda-GRO store list the Pro 420 PAR for 795.00 each


Well-Known Member
yea, maybe he even said 700 not 1700.....I'll find out for sure tonight. That's the same light so it couldn't have been 1700 each.


Well-Known Member
Ok so just for others to be clear, we actually are not talking about plasma at all. I don't know why people keep confusing induction lighting with plasma. This is not the Luxim engine, nor any other type of plasma.

Too bad we can't change the title. These lights seem great, it's just a lot of confusion spreading around.


Well-Known Member
These chameleon lights are plasma lights. The chameleon lights use the Luxim light engine, which is a metal halide plasma. They should be wide spread in street lights in not too far future. As you can see from their most expensive unit, the light lacks the reds needed for flower, so they charge you a few hundred dollars per led to add some LEDs to the light, a few hundred by the looks. I mean what a freggin rip off. Let's use a cheap(ish) light engine, throw 200 red LEDs on the side to make up for shortcomings and sell the entire thing for 6grand hahaha.


Well-Known Member
These chameleon lights are plasma lights. The chameleon lights use the Luxim light engine, which is a metal halide plasma. They should be wide spread in street lights in not too far future. As you can see from their most expensive unit, the light lacks the reds needed for flower, so they charge you a few hundred dollars per led to add some LEDs to the light, a few hundred by the looks. I mean what a freggin rip off. Let's use a cheap(ish) light engine, throw 200 red LEDs on the side to make up for shortcomings and sell the entire thing for 6grand hahaha.
Hey karr, what other plasma lights do you know of? I just know the chameleons and the gavita leps


Well-Known Member
Well, the gavita also uses the Luxim light engine. If you look at their spectrum graphs the red is low. Other sites have grown with this light and noted that they would be best suited next to a hps, likely due to their loss in red. That said I would still love one.

The only sulphur plasma light that looks to be nearing available to the public would be They are specifically going for horticultural plasma, but it may be quite some time before its available. The technology has been around since the 80s, and is in use in a few museums around. Im told that there are even some greenhouses using actual sulphur plasma, though in a much higher wattage.
It's been a while since i looked through the net for sulphur plasma advances. most come out of europe.


Well-Known Member
ok sorry I called it the wrong name so shoot me. We all know wat I'm talking about now right ? OK sorry guys, one more day. I got caught babysitting my Grandaughter tonight and that's more imortant. SOOOOO........


Well-Known Member
No worries, like i said i am still very interested in this grow. All alternative lighting is way cool to me. :)


Well-Known Member
Right now for indoor growing (particularly lighting) is what the 80s and 90s were for computers. Expect big things in the next 8 years, particularly in about 2. I just got word that a horticultural sulfur plasma light is pending certification in the us, and it already has a little brother thats available. I think i am about to make a thread about it to inform others interested. Trying to not derail too bad.


Well-Known Member
015.jpg016.jpg017.jpg018.jpg019.jpg020.jpg021.jpg022.jpg023.jpg024.jpg025.jpg026.jpg027.jpg028.jpg029.jpg030.jpg031.jpg032.jpg034.jpg035.jpgok guys, here's the first shots for ya. These are Jedi Kush and Valley Purp. The 2 pics that are under HPS are Jedi Kush also, so side by side testing happening here on that strain at least. They are both in 4x8 trays, one has the 2 Indagrow, and the other 2 1000 watt cool tubes. I'll check in on this and update as it goes, and we'll get yield on em when he's done. He did pay $1700.00 for 2, after taxes and shipping, 2 months ago. Hope this helps.



Active Member
i had 2 of the inda gro 400 watt models. they produced a high quality product but produced far less weight then my 1000 watt hps. the induction lights were considerably cooler then the hps. the inductions deffinately have a purpose but in no way come close to producing as much yield as an equivalant hps. now plasma lights look they may have a shot of competing with hps in the next few years. right now i think there good for supplementation...