Tangerine Dream, White Rhino x Dutch Cheese, Vanilla Kush - Week 4 flowering - w/pics


Hi guys... here some pics that I promised long ago... never got around to it but they are now 4 weeks into flowering and worth showing a little. Sorry about the poor camera shots and the HPS lighting...

I do have a little issue with the TDs, they are behind on the others as you will notice.

I use a variety of AN products. I try to keep it as organic as possible so I use Iguana Juice as my base nutrient. To get better yield I did use Big Bud and Bud Blood. I also use CArboLoad, Voodoo Juice, SensiZym, Nirvana, Organic-B, F-1, H-2, all as per instructed. Please don't rant on me for using AN products.... They are a marketing boosted brand who takes adavantage of growers, but I was using them with success in the past and it was all I knew.

I am keeping the TD on Big Bud an extra week because they are very late... Any other ideas or suggestions on what I should do or something I could use to boost the TDs? I have read that they were late bloomers but so were supposed to be the VK. The VKs and the TDs were germinated at the exact same time... Big difference in bud density...

If you are wondering about the WR x DC, it is a cross a friend of mine did a long time ago. I kept 50 seeds for like 5 years and got 3 viable ones that happened to be females out of them. I also germinated 4 VKs and 4 TDs mid-October. They all germed, but 3 of each survived.

In the pics, there are 2 pics of each strain. Plus a pic of the 9 plants togheter. They are arranged 3 deep of each with TDs on the left, the WR x DC in the middle and the VKs on the right.

I remember the WR x DC that my friend grew to be the best stuff ever... no jokes... And I have smoked my share and grew a few times. So unless the TDs are amazingly good, they will be out of my next grow. AS for the VKs... Depends on how they turn out but they were easy to grow... quite on the tall side.

Comments, suggestions, questions are welcome...




Active Member
The tangerine dream was a long flowering plant for me, took about 12 weeks
But it was worth the wait, she ripped me out !


I guess I'll keep the TDs on Big Bud for two extra week (last week and this week), regular feeding for week 7 and 8, and start flushing at week 9 hoping to harvest at week 11...

The Vanilla Kush I did not give Big Bud an extra week but I will give regular feeding including Nirvana an extra week, before flushing for 2 weeks, harvesting at week 10...

I will keep the planned feeding schedule for my White Rhino x Dutch Cheese because I think it will be ready to cut by week 9...


Well-Known Member
Hey man I'm growing Tangerine Dream from seed and I will be flipping em to 12/12 in 10 days. She is a pretty lady and if u treat her nice she'll shine for you like a star. :lol::lol::lol:
12 weeks it's kinda long but will see with mine.


Active Member
I had 2 diff phenos the better of the 2 was the 12 weeker,
The still good but not as good pheno was a 9-10 weeker pretty
Heavy yeilder but not at potent. I have since walked away from the
Tangerine dream as I wanna get back to growing "old school" strains, an
Doing some breeding.


Well-Known Member
I had 2 diff phenos the better of the 2 was the 12 weeker,
The still good but not as good pheno was a 9-10 weeker pretty
Heavy yeilder but not at potent. I have since walked away from the
Tangerine dream as I wanna get back to growing "old school" strains, an
Doing some breeding.
The reason I got the Tangerine Dream was for her 25% THC. I think to set the records straight I will have one of the labs in LA to test it. This way we will all see what is the true THC level in TD. Fair enough????...so stay tuned:lol::lol::eyesmoke: but love your idea going back to the old school strains.


That is sweet... I doubt that the TD has a 25% thc and 1.8% cbd. The Vanilla Kush is said to have 22% thc and 1.2% cbd... any chance your getting this tested as well?

I feel like these numbers are either pumped up or vague and biased estimates from Barney's Farm.

That said, I am not getting rid of anything as of next grow, because I want to do a smoke test first. I really think I will grow mostly my White Rhino x Dutch Cheese strain since it seems faster to grow and I know it will be very good... we'll have to see if the TDs or the VKs will be that much better.

I have to say that the TDs started to smell lately and I can smell a sweet orangy aroma that I like very much...

One of my WR x DC has 50% red hair on it so I think its time to start flushing those 3 soon and they will be harvested first.

My VK's are different one from the other. One of them has almost no eafs and the buds are really tight and hard. Another one makes really leafy buds...

Picture tomorrow!!!


Well-Known Member
That is sweet... I doubt that the TD has a 25% thc and 1.8% cbd. The Vanilla Kush is said to have 22% thc and 1.2% cbd... any chance your getting this tested as well?

I feel like these numbers are either pumped up or vague and biased estimates from Barney's Farm.

That said, I am not getting rid of anything as of next grow, because I want to do a smoke test first. I really think I will grow mostly my White Rhino x Dutch Cheese strain since it seems faster to grow and I know it will be very good... we'll have to see if the TDs or the VKs will be that much better.

I have to say that the TDs started to smell lately and I can smell a sweet orangy aroma that I like very much...

One of my WR x DC has 50% red hair on it so I think its time to start flushing those 3 soon and they will be harvested first.

My VK's are different one from the other. One of them has almost no eafs and the buds are really tight and hard. Another one makes really leafy buds...

Picture tomorrow!!!

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I agree the 25% THC is kinda high but will see....hmmm that sounds yummmy the sweet smell ooooh...My advise get a scope so u can see the trichomes and then deiced what type of high u like zombi or clear high:lol::lol::lol::lol: I like zombi kind:lol::lol::lol::lol:bongsmilie good luck and happy grow


Well-Known Member
I am currentlygrowing a good old school strain, well it's the best weed I smoked this year but I got it from a A1 grower, looking forward to compare it with my own! it's the Chemo!!! Does harvesting your pot early gives you higher cbd and less THC? and you get high from both right? thanks


I have found several cheaper "china made" ones on e-bay... we do not have Radio Shacks here anymore... they have been replace by Circuit City The Source and mainly carry toys and a/v equipment.

I am wondering if 160x-200x is too much or if it is actually better than the most common 60x-100x.


Here's some pics I took yesterday, after 5 full weeks of flowering!

I took a sample bud...

Besides the group shots (TD, WR x DC, VK - from left to right) and the fresh nug shot, theres 3 pics of my White Rhino x dutch cheese which is almost ready.

there's also 2 pics of 2 different VK. One is leafy and the other has buds solid like rock that almost feel dry to the touch...

Feel free to comment!




I also went for feeding today and compared smell...

The tangerine dream has a definite smell of sweet citrus in it... I love it!!!

The Vanilla Kush has an earthy, black licorice kinda smell....

The White Rhino x Dutch cheese has the wost skunky/shitty smell... I mean shitty in a good way... as in organic smell...


I stand corrected... My good friend who supplied me with some seeds awhile back corrected me and told me that it was not dutch cheese, but Dutch Treat he crossed with the White Rhino.

It's my bad... at first I thought he said Dutch Street but only heard of Dutch Cheese so I assume he mas mispronouncing the name, but it was in fact Dutch Treat...


Woohooo... Smoke report time on test bud.

I smoked a bong load of my regular suff this morning (commercial white widow) and waited a few hours and then I smoked a part of that bud I cut off early to test.

I just smoked a joint and I have a bit left for a small bowl.

Taste was ok, not wow. I think it is mainly due to poor and way too short curing process. It dried for 2 days and cured for 2 days... It was a bit harsh on the throat. It was also not flushed...

The bud smelled a bit fresh, greeninsh, but had a nice weedy smell when you opened it up.

It grinded well and left a lot of dust in my grinder cap.

It burned very well, slower than faster, but did not go out.

The high is quite strong for the little joint I had and considering I smoked a few hours before.

It's definetely a head high... More precisely, it's the kinda high I described as being mostly in the front part of the brain and in the eye. I am a bit slow and confused, without being drowsy or sleepy but my head still feel heavy.

I think I'm giving them one more week of feeding... then all the plants will get their regualr flush over the week-end. The White Rhino x Dutch Treat I just smoked is not going to get any more nutes after that, should cut in exactly 2 weeks!

The VKs will get at least 2 more weeks of nutes and the TDs probably 3 or 4...