400 or 1000


Active Member
i got 4x400s on one side of the tent and i wanted to know if i should switch them to a 1000 watt raptor or should i stay with the 400s what would give me more yield

Dr Lg

Active Member
Stay with the 400's FOR SURE. More efficient, stays closer to the plants, more points of penetration. Btw.. 4x400's is 1600 watts so it would be more regardless but if you had the choice of 2x1000s or 3x600's which both output 2000 watts, the 600's would be wise.


Well-Known Member
The question should be 600 or 1000 watters.......400's aren't worth it. You'll get more yield from two 1000 watters vs. five 400 watters. Guaranteed! Bigger is better for deeper penetration.

Dr Lg

Active Member
No reason to buy more equipment just stick with what you have.. Bigger bulb might mean deeper penetration but you can't forget about the inverse square law!! E= 1/d squared. 3x400's will cover 30-40 percent more than one 1000 watt and they can be hung closer to the plants.

Sorry to clear that up the inverse square law measures light intensity in relation to distance. Closer the light is to the plant the more intense it will be.. don't gotta go to school to figure that one out. Put your hand 1 foot away from a fire then try and keep it a few inches from the fire. Lol basic example.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I had the same setup as you. I started with several 400's and then I got a deal on 8 1K HPS ballasts. BELIEVE ME, go with the 1K!! I now veg with the 400's but flower with the 1K BEASTS!!!


Active Member
i say it because its a 5x10 tent one side with a 400and a 1000 and the other side i got 4x400s but i notice the the 1000 does way better than than the 400s i can bring the 400s closer but the plants on the 1k side looks way better and bigger than the 400 side i wanted to stick a 1000 and a 600 and take the 400s out but they wnt fit unless i just swith the bulbs and use the same hood anyways my point is that the plants on the 1k side looks way better lol srry

so im confused on wat to do and thnx all for the info and help all is appreciated so what should i do


Active Member
ive never used 1k ive always used 400s now that i got the 1k in there i notice a reall big difference 1ks are beast bro with out a doubt but is it worth me loseing 600 watts for it
I had the same setup as you. I started with several 400's and then I got a deal on 8 1K HPS ballasts. BELIEVE ME, go with the 1K!! I now veg with the 400's but flower with the 1K BEASTS!!!


Well-Known Member
Each size light is suitable for a defined amount of floor space:

1000W = 4-5ft (1.2-1.55m)
600W = 4-3.3ft (1.2-1m)
400W = 3.3-2.5ft (1-0.75m)

One thing to bear in mind is that the more powerful the light, the further away from the tops of the plants it needs to be. This means that if you have a low ceiling height, you should consider using lower wattage lights. The example room has an 8.2ft (2.5m) ceiling height so we can use the 1000W lights, as long as the plans don’t get bigger than 5ft (1.5m) which is fine for most plants. Indoor plants want to be short and wide to make the most of the light available. The distance between the light and the canopy that most growers follow are:

1000W = 39-31 inches (100cm-80cm)
600W = 31-24 inches (80-60cm)
400W = 24-16 inches (60-40cm)


Well-Known Member
The example room has an 8.2ft (2.5m) ceiling height so we can use the 1000W lights, as long as the plans don’t get bigger than 5ft (1.5m) which is fine for most plants. Indoor plants want to be short and wide to make the most of the light available. The distance between the light and the canopy that most growers follow are:

1000W = 39-31 inches (100cm-80cm)
600W = 31-24 inches (80-60cm)
400W = 24-16 inches (60-40cm)
Where did these values come from?



Well-Known Member
as above 24 inches is to far for a 600, thats 2 foot away? at that distance your 600 is more like a 400 with the light the tops of plants are getting. i would say the norm is without a cooltube/shade 14-16 inches easy, with a coolshade its more like 8 inches, even closer but i wouldn't, mine can touch the glass without burning,


Well-Known Member
This was my point too. You can bring 1000 watters down a lot closer than mentioned with a good shield and proper ventilation from the light. I'm guessing I'm getting at least 30% more yield by using 1000 watters. I think it's a generally accepted fact that if you can control the heat, use the biggest bulbs you can afford.


Active Member
its a 5x10 tent but on one side i already have a 1000 watt and a 400 next to it and it looks like it way better thn the 4x400s on the other side ill post pix later today
What square footage are we talking about?



Well-Known Member
Off subject. Fuck Hydrofarm! and all of their shitty ass equipment. Bigfoots just came out and their much nicer. Hydrofarm makes nothing but cheap cheap shit


Well-Known Member
600 watters actually have the highest lumen per watt ratio, unless you're talking about leds and their watt equivalence bs, don't ask me about it, I don't know about it, i hate leds.


I you scrog with those 400's in an efficient layout you should be able to get some great yields. If you're eating cash sandwiches, well, go balls out man. 600's are your best bang for buck and can also be air cooled. 1000's are gonna garner the most lumen coverage possible. All depends on your grow style when it comes down to it, really.

Edit: If you haven't already, get that ventilation system under control ASAP. That can also really affect your results in both quality and quantity.


Well-Known Member
your yield will def go up if you swap those 400 to 1000, i used a 600 in a a 4x4 area with 6 plants and was pulling around 12-13 oz, on the last run i added a 400 hps i had lying around to the 600 and pulled 26 oz, so as you can see it will be worth your effort.


Active Member
thies is my set up one side with 4x400s and the other with a 1k and a 400 the 1k side there looking awsome and stronger then the othere side
