Skyrim Is The Shit.


New Member
Won sone $ gambling at the casino so i picked it up. Im digging it. Its fun. Im only lvl 4.

I remember in oblivion you could increase stamina by jumping. Can you do that on here?


Well-Known Member
I actually slowed down my Skyrim play
Me too, I've slowed down a bit with gaming in general lately but when I do play it's been either Skyrim or NCAA12.
Won sone $ gambling at the casino so i picked it up. Im digging it. Its fun. Im only lvl 4.

I remember in oblivion you could increase stamina by jumping. Can you do that on here?
Nope, you raise stamina by leveling up and spending your attribute points.


Well-Known Member
ya, I've been thinking of getting it, but am wondering if the graphics are as good in xbox 360 as they were in the previews.


Well-Known Member
Oh ok thanks! Is it possible to lvl up every attribute? Is there enough levels to do that?
When you level up, you go to the level up screen and it forces you to spend your points on magicka, health or stamina. Then you get to pick perks too. My advice, try to be a pure type character - at least at first. Be a sneak thief/assassin, warrior, or mage and stick with it for a bit because all the best perks are deep in the trees.

On my sneak character, for example, most of my perks are in Sneak/Archery. Then I've got points in One-handed (for damage boost on my dagger, which ends up having a multiplier on it for sneak attacks), illusion(so I can cast Invisibility without using all my mana) and Smithing (for weapons and armor, very important IMO). Then I have points in less important places like Light armor and pickpocket(3 perks in pickpocket nets 100 extra carrying capacity). On my character right now, I'm working on getting 5/5 of the first enchanting perk and 2/2 fire enchanter so my weapon enchants will be much stronger and then I plan on working up through Alteration (just up to adept) so I cast paralyze. I'll probably be level 60 by the time I have all the points for Alteration and enchanting though... Which is why it's kind of important to plan to maximize your character, in a lot of ways the leveling system is more like WoW.


Well-Known Member
Skyrim is the god of all games for me (besides the original halo ce and halo 2) :)

the game has sucked my life up, its just beastly, the new feeling isn't even close to going away, why? because everytime I load up the game the NPC'S are always doing something different or something in the game world has changed lol. Its a very good game.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
I spend about 75% of my gaming time playing competitive multiplayer games. But as far as single player games go, this game is amazing. Bethesda did such a fantastic job, although they really did drop the ball on the PS3 port. This is my single player game of the year. But as great as this game is, I still prefer the Fallout series. I hope they give the next Fallout game as much love as they gave Skyrim. To me the Fallout setting is so much better than The Elder Scrolls (Skyrim is part of TES series) setting. Post-apocolyptic nuclear wasteland is more interesting to me than the fantasy realm with knights and magic. Fantasy has been played to death, I've been playing fantasy games since Dragon Warrior on NES. Post-apocalyptic future has not be done as much.


Well-Known Member
Yea I just got skyrim for christmas, and I agree, it is the shit. There is another game Id like to recommend, its assassins creed,the revelation And it is just as addictive as skyrim. Anybody else familiar with any of the assassins creed games?


Well-Known Member
assassins creed was lame, never got into it, its too scripted, doesnt feel totally open world ended like skyrim

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Yea I just got skyrim for christmas, and I agree, it is the shit. There is another game Id like to recommend, its assassins creed,the revelation And it is just as addictive as skyrim. Anybody else familiar with any of the assassins creed games?
I played the first one. It was incredibly fun for like an hour, then it just got crazy repetitive. It was my first ps3 game so I was amazed at how pretty everything looked, but the gameplay was really dull and tedious. The combat was awful and the missions were awful. I imagine the series has gotten much better since the first one.


Active Member
I spend about 75% of my gaming time playing competitive multiplayer games. But as far as single player games go, this game is amazing. Bethesda did such a fantastic job, although they really did drop the ball on the PS3 port. This is my single player game of the year. But as great as this game is, I still prefer the Fallout series. I hope they give the next Fallout game as much love as they gave Skyrim. To me the Fallout setting is so much better than The Elder Scrolls (Skyrim is part of TES series) setting. Post-apocolyptic nuclear wasteland is more interesting to me than the fantasy realm with knights and magic. Fantasy has been played to death, I've been playing fantasy games since Dragon Warrior on NES. Post-apocalyptic future has not be done as much.

i really liked the fallout series, but new vegas was terrible!!! they added a lot of depth to it, but what they added wasn't much more than an expansions packs-worth of irrelavent bumf. i mean who really played new vegas and used the faction armour to fool other factions and sneak in and out of places? I found the story in new vegas pretty poor and was really disappointed that i ended up skipping half the story just by wandering around and exploring, poorly thought through, only really worth the hardcore mode and wild wasteland mode. i'd be very surprised if a new fallout game could hold as much relevent depth be it potions and alchemy, weapons and smithing, even character development. Skyrim is definitely closer to the Fable games, although i dont think i could play Fable after playing skyrim

big games like these often have glitches, skyrim on the ps3 is riddled with them and dramatic slowdown when theres more than 5 moving charcters, the xbox version is much smoother and seems to play within its limits, but skyrim is superior to fallout here too, there was more than a few points in fallout where i got stuck or would fall through solid surfaces and get stuck or my followers would get stuck and lost in fast travel.

love to be able to eat my words when the new fallout comes out, if they use the skyrim engine for it i very may well be

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
i really liked the fallout series, but new vegas was terrible!!! they added a lot of depth to it, but what they added wasn't much more than an expansions packs-worth of irrelavent bumf. i mean who really played new vegas and used the faction armour to fool other factions and sneak in and out of places? I found the story in new vegas pretty poor and was really disappointed that i ended up skipping half the story just by wandering around and exploring, poorly thought through, only really worth the hardcore mode and wild wasteland mode. i'd be very surprised if a new fallout game could hold as much relevent depth be it potions and alchemy, weapons and smithing, even character development. Skyrim is definitely closer to the Fable games, although i dont think i could play Fable after playing skyrim

big games like these often have glitches, skyrim on the ps3 is riddled with them and dramatic slowdown when theres more than 5 moving charcters, the xbox version is much smoother and seems to play within its limits, but skyrim is superior to fallout here too, there was more than a few points in fallout where i got stuck or would fall through solid surfaces and get stuck or my followers would get stuck and lost in fast travel.

love to be able to eat my words when the new fallout comes out, if they use the skyrim engine for it i very may well be
I agree with you about NV. The setting of NV was pretty bad compared to FO3 as well. It just didn't fell Fallouty with a full functioning vegas strip. Although I did use a Powder Ganger uniform to help get a sheriff for Primm (that was the only time).

Of course there is enough room for depth in fallout as in the elder scrolls. They could deepen their weapon crafting/attachment system, add more use to food (after battle heals while stimpacks can be during battle heal) and deepen the cooking system, add more houses, add marriage, etc. They just need to show Fallout the same love Skyrim got. Could you imagine if the combat in Fallout played like Battlefield or Gears of War or some other good TPS/FPS? A cover system in battle would be amazing. The Fallout series has way more potential than The Elder Scrolls in my opinion.

For some reason Skyrim feels way more immersive than either of the Bethesda Fallout games. At least I feel more part of the world of Skyrim than in FO. I think it has to do with the character interaction. The characters feel deeper in Skyrim or something, I really can't put my finger on it. I do think it's a issue of writting.

The elder scrolls doesn't have that much room to grow, Fallout has tons. I would like to see an improved combat system in the next TES game though. My idea was a Z-lock targeting system like Zelda:Orcana of Time. Once you are locked onto an enemy it would control much like fight night. One joy stick to move, the other controls your weapon, you would need to guide your weapon strikes with the joy pad.


Active Member
i just think new vegas was a cash in rushed out sequel. i would quite happily shell out another 45 quid for a complete replica in terms of quality and depth for another elder scrolls game, it doesn't need improving, just a new story, few different items here and there. fallout is always going to be less diverse than skyrim because its set in this fictional world, with magic and everything in oblivion, fallouts real and thats not a criticism it just needs to play to its strengths and capture that desperation that was in 3, ur right about the strip not quite fitting into the FO world, red dead redemption had better more enjoyable gambling mini-games, and another game i enjoyed more than vegas.

are there plans for a new fallout game? be good if they got out of america, maybe went to some far flung corner of the world just after the nuclear war, start a new story new characters there, that sounds interesting.....korean instamash!

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Well they are possibly working on FO4 now, but there will definitely be one. The head of Bethesda said something along the lines of not buying the IP to release one or two games. In 2010 the head of Bethesda said they were working on two projects. One had been in development for some time (now we know that's Skyrim), the other was starting pre-production. Most believe/hope that game in preproduction is Fallout 4.


Well-Known Member
Fuck man, I took on too many quests at once and now I'm confused as shit, don't know where to go for what. And I keep getting killed by giants. Fucked up a few dragons already though! Skyrim is the shit!