Meausring Darkness


Well-Known Member
Hey, RUI RUIs,

I'm building out a spare bathroom and got to the "total dark" part. Stange to be on a ladder in the dark. IAC, I thought I had the daytime dark down well enough by looking for light with adapted eyballs.

But, when I put in a light meter, it reads 60 lux even at night. I read where 1 lux is moonlight and that's the goal.

Has anyone made good lux measures on the dark in their rooms?


Well-Known Member
no lux measure but if you carnt see your hand in front of your face then its dark enough! dont over do it :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks, guy! Yes, I've heard that. I just wonder if anyone has actually taken a reading. Or if anyone has an data on lux data on Hermi threshold?


Well-Known Member
I don't have measurements, but when I first began growing I thought my room was dark until I went in there and sat there for about 10 very long minutes and then I could see virtually undetectable light leaks. That is the method I would suggest.
Sorry I don't have the info you request.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've done that. I can still see very faint glows in some areas from the Mom's in the bathtub. I was hoping to say, well, 50 lux is good enough, if some one had success at those levels. Jeezzzz. 1 lux for a full moon? My room seems darker than that.

I'll hang more Panda film between the areas and see if that does it.


Well-Known Member
It all depends on your situation, but duct tape worked well for me to seal up cracks.

same as me, i had light coming through the seals where i had split my room in 2 using plaster board/gyoroc, duct taped that bitch up no more light! also ran it down the inside of my door where the hinges are and right around the inside of the door jams/stops, (the thing that stops the door opening in on itself) made the door light tight so i could no longer see a glo from out side the grow room.


Well-Known Member
Yes, each situation is different and some (Cervantes and others) warn against duct tape. Holds water, molds, etc, but in my case too heavy. So, I used Mylar tape.

IAC, it's solved. I was getting a no-localized glow from the divider between the two rooms. A third layer of Panda film did the trick.

Zero lux on the light meter. Much happy.