Arizona Growers Thread

Im down man! I will have six different strains to bring.. This is gonna be awesome, think of the salad bowl :)

that would be 12 strains between the both of us, maybe 13 if this purple haze if female too. either way that's more of a selection than most cali dispensaries, and beats every compassion club here that's for sure. :)
Running an AgroMax dual spectrum right now :) Im almost 2 weeks into 12/12

Nice;) How ya like your dual arc? The agromax is good brand compared to most on the market right now. We ran dual spectrums for a while but it appears we are going to use old faithful, 20K worth of HPS. If you guys have the space for it and the fans to cool it, I would suggest a dual bulb reflector. While the dual arc bulbs are great, nothing can beat this, that I have found, so far.
that would be 12 strains between the both of us, beats every compassion club here that's for sure. :)

Not quite :)

we have been known to carry up to 17, well I think that was our highest count anyway, it was nuts, poor budtenders. Trying to remember all the parents, lol, more isn't always better on things like this anyway unless you have a few days to do it. Otherwise you just end up using meds that kinda fight each other, and all in the same day no less so there is no true "smoke test" or "taste test" so to speak. You might be lighting one up, as the last one is kickin its second wind at ya.
Nice;) How ya like your dual arc? The agromax is good brand compared to most on the market right now. We ran dual spectrums for a while but it appears we are going to use old faithful, 20K worth of HPS. If you guys have the space for it and the fans to cool it, I would suggest a dual bulb reflector. While the dual arc bulbs are great, nothing can beat this, that I have found, so far.

Why dual bulb?

Would you do MH and HPS ?

Or dual HPS?

I do not know how much MORE beneficial 2 bulbs in 1 reflector would be.. I could not imagine much especially if running 1000watts...
Nice;) How ya like your dual arc? The agromax is good brand compared to most on the market right now. We ran dual spectrums for a while but it appears we are going to use old faithful, 20K worth of HPS. If you guys have the space for it and the fans to cool it, I would suggest a dual bulb reflector. While the dual arc bulbs are great, nothing can beat this, that I have found, so far.

In small grows those dual reflectors work wonders but in your huge area isn't that a waste? When growing in an area your size I've always noticed it to work better to alternate HPS then MH in separate reflectors to get a wider range of output. It'll be cool to see how they work for you.
DUAL SPECTRUM HID LIGHTING ROCKS! the only thing better than dual spectrum HID are these I get a lot of shit for my stances on multispectrum lighting. However, if the resources permitted me, I would by one of Lifelight systems HID setups in a heart beat. I would also drop the money on a plasma lamp and an induction lamp, as well; but the Lifelight system is the best HID lighting solution you could EVER buy.
In small grows those dual reflectors work wonders but in your huge area isn't that a waste? When growing in an area your size I've always noticed it to work better to alternate HPS then MH in separate reflectors to get a wider range of output. It'll be cool to see how they work for you.


Smaller areas may benefit from the Dual bulb reflector...

I would rather have 2 separate lamps over a dual lamp setup 365 days out of the years...
Nice;) How ya like your dual arc? The agromax is good brand compared to most on the market right now. We ran dual spectrums for a while but it appears we are going to use old faithful, 20K worth of HPS. If you guys have the space for it and the fans to cool it, I would suggest a dual bulb reflector. While the dual arc bulbs are great, nothing can beat this, that I have found, so far.

I couldn't tell you yet! I am still completing my first grow haha! I am 16 days into 12/12 and things seem like they are ok! I have nothing to compare it to though, sorry!
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]I'm sorry for delaying everyone on here that I have said to meet. Ever since Bill scared me with the patient to patient trading I was skeptical and needed to wait for my lawyer to come back into town to make sure everything was kosher. Now that I know I am okay to be doing what I have already done, I will be taking orders. Jjlongo yours should be ready here in a few days...beaver yours too. Swag hit me up later this week or next week...I have a big harvest coming up so I would love to trade meds.

The cuts I can take right now is as follows:

Golden Pineapple
Williams Wonder
La Confidential
Pot of Gold
Kings kush

I have to talk to my buddy to see if I can take some off of his chocolope mother. Here in a few weeks we should have different strains to choose from...Querkle, Pandora's Box, AMS etc...
i have one Kushberry about 8 inches tall in a 1 gallon pot...we are deciding if we want to keep her around, if not that will be one of my teenagers. PM me for more info...this is one of the only weeks I don't have appointments so get at me! I'm free this week![/FONT]
I'm sorry for delaying everyone on here that I have said to meet. Ever since Bill scared me with the patient to patient trading I was skeptical and needed to wait for my lawyer to come back into town to make sure everything was kosher. Now that I know I am okay to be doing what I have already done, I will be taking orders. Jjlongo yours should be ready here in a few days...beaver yours too. Swag hit me up later this week or next week...I have a big harvest coming up so I would love to trade meds.

The cuts I can take right now is as follows:

Golden Pineapple
Williams Wonder
La Confidential
Pot of Gold
Kings kush

I have to talk to my buddy to see if I can take some off of his chocolope mother. Here in a few weeks we should have different strains to choose from...Querkle, Pandora's Box, AMS etc...
i have one Kushberry about 8 inches tall in a 1 gallon pot...we are deciding if we want to keep her around, if not that will be one of my teenagers. PM me for more info...this is one of the only weeks I don't have appointments so get at me! I'm free this week!

mmmm golden pineapple Thats a kush right?
I'm sorry for delaying everyone on here that I have said to meet. Ever since Bill scared me with the patient to patient trading I was skeptical and needed to wait for my lawyer to come back into town to make sure everything was kosher. Now that I know I am okay to be doing what I have already done, I will be taking orders. Jjlongo yours should be ready here in a few days...beaver yours too. Swag hit me up later this week or next week...I have a big harvest coming up so I would love to trade meds.

The cuts I can take right now is as follows:

Golden Pineapple
Williams Wonder
La Confidential
Pot of Gold
Kings kush

I have to talk to my buddy to see if I can take some off of his chocolope mother. Here in a few weeks we should have different strains to choose from...Querkle, Pandora's Box, AMS etc...
i have one Kushberry about 8 inches tall in a 1 gallon pot...we are deciding if we want to keep her around, if not that will be one of my teenagers. PM me for more info...this is one of the only weeks I don't have appointments so get at me! I'm free this week!

trading between patients is ok, if done correctly. Remember, we sponsor the ETP which is designed for trading amongst patients.

and when you crop that Pot of Gold would ya mind bringing some by the shop? I have been having problems with the cure on ours and would be interested in seeing what others are doing with it. Its a new strain for us and the growers info is limited so far.
In small grows those dual reflectors work wonders but in your huge area isn't that a waste? When growing in an area your size I've always noticed it to work better to alternate HPS then MH in separate reflectors to get a wider range of output. It'll be cool to see how they work for you.

this is for phxfirs as well,

we use the dual bulb reflectors so we can,

#1- increase the overall lumen output from a single reflector unit. This helps with penetration capabilities of the reflector as well as foot print clarity. Meaning, less loss of spectrum than if we were to run alternating MH and HPS lights. If you have a five foot floor pattern from a single light, move another light in next to it to give yourself another five foot floor pattern, you have a 5 foot by ten foot pattern. Unless you over lap the two light foot prints where the secondary light zone starts to create a third primary source to offset the photo-tropism effect of having the two lights farther apart.
#2- increase the overall spectrum output of a single reflector, rather than run 2 HPS or 2 MH we run one of each. Photosynthesis doesn't work on just one spectrum so using one or the other is never as good as using both.
#3- decreasing the heat in the environment as well as the costs to do so by using a single dual bulb reflector. Much easier to vent one light than two;)
#4- yield, the holy grail of grower BS'ing. To increase yield. We super crop to the 33* around here and the secondary light zones are well used.

Every situation is a little different than the next. Even the buildings we utilize act differently during the different seasons. It usually takes us a bout a year or so to get the building itself dialed in on a grow this size.