Just a few questions i need answered please.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
I believe the correct K's for a CFL for proper growth is a 'daylight' bulb, which's 6500K, so probably not, and even an energy-saver ..@ 8W might be a bit on the dull side for sustained growth.

Be fine as a supplimental light if you're using something else, but I wouldn't be using one 8W globe for an entire plant.

Good news is, you can buy "daylight 6500K" CFLs for $8 earch, so it's not hard to replace it :)

..They also sell Growlush CFLs that use-up about 150W, and pump out a massive (comparatively massive) 8,000 lumens. Standard household SFLs only put-out around 1,000 lumens.

All about the lumens really :)

The indoor 'standard' 400W HID lamp pumps out a staggering 50,000+lumens - on average, so you want to get as close to that as possible with CFLs.

All this is chicken feed compared to the "real" standard in lighting: The sun. It pumps out so many lumens that plants on earth can't even USE ALL the light the sun lays down on em.

I wouldn't have a clue how many lumens the sun emits, but I'm guessing a shitload more than 50,000 :)

But if your globe's in that 1,000 lumen range, then you're going to need more than one of em, tis for sure.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
What kinda light is it? I'll look back through the thread..

Hope it's not an incandescent. You just can't use them :) They emit heat in much greater quantity than light and are only good for a little supplimental flowering-stage red-light. But even then, they're very inefficient compared to all the other globes today.


Well-Known Member
Are you serious? First of all you're jacking this guys ridiculous thread. Second of all spend a couple hours reading a sticky or two before you ask "hey guys, tell me how to grow pot!" <--paraphrasing

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
No wonder I can't find the OP's message: There's like 3 people all hijacking the thread. Whats his name's right: You should all start a thread've your own, make answering questions for everyone alot easier, since .. well it just will.

Anyway, if the 8W Light's a flouro, you can use it, but I wouldn't be expecting great growth from any 8W globe running solo. It it's an incandescent, then you're just wasting electricity :)

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Are you serious? First of all you're jacking this guys ridiculous thread. Second of all spend a couple hours reading a sticky or two before you ask "hey guys, tell me how to grow pot!" <--paraphrasing
Yeah I'm gettin mixed up too. I go lookin back and there's 1..2.. NO 3..THREE people all scrambling the thread up :)


yea this is my thread though so dnt ignore me haha... n wat if i used both of these lights together? btw yes it is florescent.


Are you serious? First of all you're jacking this guys ridiculous thread. Second of all spend a couple hours reading a sticky or two before you ask "hey guys, tell me how to grow pot!" <--paraphrasing
btw sry if i came off as doing that i have read pleanty of stickies and other forums and learned many things it's just tht i have no money to get the things i need so im pretty much procrastinating and not sure if these methods im forced to use will work.
After i get a job (i went job hunting for 3 hours tonight) i will buy the proper things and follow the things and methods ive learned but until then this "crap" im using isnt on any other forum ive seen so i need to ask the questions so i can get answers.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
What season is it there? Unless you're in the southern hemisphere like me, I'll assume it's winter..

Honestly, as long as it's not snowing or bitterly cold, and you have anyplace at all that they won't be stolen/discovered/destroyed, then stick em outside. They'll do just fine.

Sunlight is the bees-knees of ALL the lighting types, and you cannot do better. You'll also have constant ventilation, and a lot less risk of anything going TOO wrong, until you can arrange a decent light, fan, etc,.. for them.


52°F Right now Here in south FL. where im at. and ok ill go with your word on it but i did put it out there yesterday and it started drooping to the side and the stem turned purple again... When its inside its green and standing straight up. Ill try again today but if it droops and turns purp again im just gonna keep it inside until its back up in the 70's then try outdoors again.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Well, it'll probably go into mild shock if it's placed into cold whether like that, but that should trigger flowering, and you'll end up with a little bud growing out the top of it.

No wait! .. I've just looked at a 52oF ->11oC conversion thingo. Apparently, 52oF = 11oC.. that's probably dangerously cold for the plant, so keep her inside.

YOu got a camera or anything that'll give us an idea what the plant looks like? .. Much easier to get a lot more information that way.. Picture's worth a thousand, all that :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm gettin mixed up too. I go lookin back and there's 1..2.. NO 3..THREE people all scrambling the thread up :)
I actually got confused with whose thread it was too, hence my original reply to him first, but I figured I'd follow it up and not leave him hanging. Not like the original poster hasn't been helped or replied to; water under the bridge at this point I hope.