Sorry but I cannot help this comment...what do you think this site is? Drug dealing 101? We have enough issues growing and using our own medicine. I suggest forgetting about the balck market and getting a job.
sorry but i cannot help this comment...what do you think this site is? Drug dealing 101? We have enough issues growing and using our own medicine. I suggest forgetting about the balck market and getting a job.
what a lame ass comment. dealers are brave people who risk their own personal freedom for you to get high, and like the guy said, they're not even making enough PROFIT (yes that is still a legit word in our world to describe compensation for work, risk and losses) to make up for it, if med-bud isn't legal in your state, how you gonna get your medication (and I do wish you good health) without dealers? not to mention the millions of hard working folks who just want the relaxation at the end of the day?
you're a disgrace to the marijuana war. it's so sad this hypocrisy of fighting a war for marijuana and not even considering once the real soldiers who fight this war, the growers and the dealers - yes they are not always good and decent people, but this is the government's fault not the dealers' as a collective.
sell only your own product and only to one person whom you completely trust after knowing him very long, and who has no connections to any kind of gangs criminals and especially not a criminal record, that's a big no no right there.
if you can't meet these terms, it may be very bad for you to start this business.
the only way i can think of right now is to buy an OZ. of good bud and sell 1.7's for 25$... the only problem is that $100 is not that good of a profit... do you guys have any other ways to sell weed on a small scale?
I think someone needs to come back down a few notches....the real soldiers who fight this war? Come on man, just smoke your shit and get real!
The response to this thread is straight forward...not sure how hard it is to figure out common sense when it comes to selling excess weed if your truly a medical marijuana user. It doesn't need to be strategic on a forum. This forum is also not a militia or a place for fucking gangs to openly discuss how they are going to break the law...we go back to your "marijuana war"...take your BS somewhere else!
Thought this site was about NOT being involved with dealers.
Excuse me Mr. Troll. How many drug dealers do you think would like to see prohibition ended? HMMM...ZERO. I used to buy from dealers, 'friends' that would sell under weight, lower quality 1/8ths for $60.00. If you wish to line the pockets of street thugs, the so called soldiers..that is your business. Personally I prefer to grow my own. But thank you for your kind words. Oh and BTW did you even read the OP? This guy is not looking to fight the war, he is not concerned with helping medically needy or the hard working folks. He wants an easy way too make money. $25.00 grams of street weed? Get real!
the only way i can think of right now is to buy an OZ. of good bud and sell 1.7's for 25$... the only problem is that $100 is not that good of a profit... do you guys have any other ways to sell weed on a small scale?
I do not have a card nor do I live in an MMJ state. Care-givers, clinic and co-op personnel, NORML members, people who walk the streets and collect petition signatures, Scientists, Doctors, Lawyers, High Times Magazine. There are your true Angels of mercy freedom fighters. I do not sell my medicine, I give it freely to members of my community that are in need. You sir a profiteer, praying on the needs of the real victims of the immoral and unethical war on drugs.
i am a ^%&^ %$#%@( and I would very very much like to see prohibition end.
I am not a street thug and and not a criminal of any kind. I'm not rich either, and I have a job. I want people to smoke, and I want compensation for the risk that I am taking. And believe me, where I'm from, 25$ p/gr is quite cheap.
Troll that.
I do not have a card nor do I live in an MMJ state. Care-givers, clinic and co-op personnel, NORML members, people who walk the streets and collect petition signatures, Scientists, Doctors, Lawyers, High Times Magazine. There are your true Angels of mercy freedom fighters. I do not sell my medicine, I give it freely to members of my community that are in need. You sir a profiteer, praying on the needs of the real victims of the immoral and unethical war on drugs. When was the last time you saw a chemo-therapy patient suffering and handed them an eigth of medicine just because it is the right thing to do and not for what you can get out of it. I do it daily. So before you start accusing others of being a disgrace to the war, you should find out who you are talking to and look in the mirror.
HMMM another troll heard from. Did you not see the last piece of my post? I give medicine away to those who need it. But you did not see the need to include that in your reply to me. You are a trouble starting hate mongering troll and you are dismissed. Oh thank the RIU admin for the ignore button. View attachment 1970911