Chem Dawg Flower, Kryptonite Veg

wow man.happy new years!?? doin whatcha gota do. good lookin cats.were cat folk to. we would kill bkb!!! lmao looks like you got alot going bro! hope your powers back on soon bro!

yea it sucks ass, but i cant jus sit all pissed off i had needy fish and plants that needed tending too haha thanks man power shud be on tomarrow!

When I see cats in my friends pics on here, I always say.....I will need medical assistance if I was there!!! Sometimes when I see pics of cats I feel itchy! LOL

@Nor Cal, what type of camera do you use for your Vids??? I am looking for a camera today and was wondering what you use. Seems to take a good vid!



haha but that does suck on the real though.. mine is an olypus stylus and i bet you can find beter... but if not its a decent camera for the price i got mine a few years back before goin to iraq
yea it sucks ass, but i cant jus sit all pissed off i had needy fish and plants that needed tending too haha thanks man power shud be on tomarrow!

haha but that does suck on the real though.. mine is an olypus stylus and i bet you can find beter... but if not its a decent camera for the price i got mine a few years back before goin to iraq

I have a Olympus and I hate it, sucks! Although it did last a very very long time for me but I am not getting another Olympus.

Did you happen to get any MJ seeds in Iraq?
Norcal dude! I'm glad Ive been tagging along this whole time, I know I don't comment much but Ive basically read everything that's been said on this thread hahahaha. And you always seem to impress me man, you grow some nice ganja xD
Just started a new grow log today of the plants Ive had for a while to, check it out man if you got the time!
the water cured cola is done now and drying, i gues its ready for the bowl as soon as dry so will let yall know:)

I've done a water cure before. Absolutely some of the smoothest smoke I've ever had. The downside to water curing was that it made the buds look like total shit. They upside was that the taste and the high was just as good and the smoke was wayyyyy smoother.

So funny, I laughed my ass off when I saw your hotel room setup. That must be a pain in the ass to deal with. Hope you get your power back and you're up and running at full speed again soon. Days Inn grow though..... really?..... lol. I have to say that's the first hotel grow I've seen
I have a Olympus and I hate it, sucks! Although it did last a very very long time for me but I am not getting another Olympus.

Did you happen to get any MJ seeds in Iraq?

right so my girls got a shitty sony something thatspretty nice... saddly no... i was lookin for bud out ther but never came across any of either.

Norcal dude! I'm glad Ive been tagging along this whole time, I know I don't comment much but Ive basically read everything that's been said on this thread hahahaha. And you always seem to impress me man, you grow some nice ganja xD
Just started a new grow log today of the plants Ive had for a while to, check it out man if you got the time!

yo glad you have been here lol always enjoy your spotaious posts outa tha blue haha thanks much for the comments bro most of what ive learned is from the cool ppl following my thread, and if i get info else wher i post it up, but i dont need to tell you that :) thanks RIU friends!
is that the link to it in your thread? ill get ther for shur buddy!

I've done a water cure before. Absolutely some of the smoothest smoke I've ever had. The downside to water curing was that it made the buds look like total shit. They upside was that the taste and the high was just as good and the smoke was wayyyyy smoother.

So funny, I laughed my ass off when I saw your hotel room setup. That must be a pain in the ass to deal with. Hope you get your power back and you're up and running at full speed again soon. Days Inn grow though..... really?..... lol. I have to say that's the first hotel grow I've seen

cool man, i see the bag apeal drop like its cool.. no biggy here i was after the end product :)

thanks hahahaha i thought it was pretty dedicated. it was such a pain tryin to be steath. but it for a good cause, im stoke bout growin in a hotel thogh lol FIRST!!!!!!

yo glad you have been here lol always enjoy your spotaious posts outa tha blue haha thanks much for the comments bro most of what ive learned is from the cool ppl following my thread, and if i get info else wher i post it up, but i dont need to tell you that :) thanks RIU friends!
is that the link to it in your thread? ill get ther for shur buddy!

Yeah I guess I forgot to say the link is in my signature hahaha, drop a comment bro and tell me what you think!
Wow NorCal! Nice...and I thought I was the queen of Make-Do. I LOVE the Guitar Hero dry box. Just shows the love you have for your girls. Good work man.

ps. just a tip in dealing with utility companies and contact. It is a major PIA to deal with, but I have been successfully doing it for years. I have had shut-off notices for amounts as high as 800$, and more than a couple months behind. As long as you keep in contact with them and set up a payment plan, before the shut-off date, they will work with you. I have even made a payment plan, not been able to keep to it, and called them and made a new one. Like I said, PIA, but it will save you lots of time, money, and headache.
So im posting this on behalf of norcal,norcal got robbed!!! He will be ack online sure he will fill everyone in.
2 things I hate in life....A LIAR and A THIEF!!! Always respect KARMA!!!!

NorCal just dont do nothing stupid, its not worth it bro!


[video=youtube;62y3u4_QRpA][/video] definatly dont do anything stupid. you dont know what time is,till your sittn in the pin and some other mf is makinTIME to be with your ol lady. stay straight nor cal.
Norcal man sorry that shit went down, not to worry though, the moment that you where robbed the robbers created an abundence of negative energy that will follow them for a long time. Bad energy = bad karma
Hope all is well and I hope that you are ok to

Peace and love
Hey everyone! Com cast screwed me for Internet till Friday... The 13th... Shits been heavy in my life atm but I'll be back to riu with shit tons of pics and everything y'all have missed.

Thanks everyone for the support and concern! I am safe and smart over here and still rockin the grow :) when I get back on I will hit up everyone individually:) again thanks and see you soon!
Did you want to post here or start a new one in the forum? In this thread you can only reply to this thread. If you go back to the main room that says 'forums'. find which forum you want to post in and click on it. There should be a button at the top left that says 'start new thread' Easy peasy. ;)
Hey everyone! Com cast screwed me for Internet till Friday... The 13th... Shits been heavy in my life atm but I'll be back to riu with shit tons of pics and everything y'all have missed.

Thanks everyone for the support and concern! I am safe and smart over here and still rockin the grow :) when I get back on I will hit up everyone individually:) again thanks and see you soon!

Always good to get your stuff in order. We aint going nowhere, handle your business bro! You sound in good spirits so thats a plus!

