**** Please check page 2 also, I got a problem replanting and I need help (thanks in advance!)****
Hi, guys,
I am starting in this and have checked other posts regarding this issue, but since I am an insecure newbie, I would like to expose my exact issue.

Here I go (pictures attached):
1) Variety: Northern Lights Feminized (90% indica).
2) Stage: seedling (6th day since I put the seeds on the mini-pots).
3) Average stem length at this point: 4 inches (10 cm).
4) Grow setup: Indoor (closet)
- Soil: Soilless mix (a premade mixture with perlite and "blablabla").
- Solution = drinkable water + root stimulator (1:1000).
- Closet: 2.62 x 2.62 x 5.24 feet (80x80x160 cm)
- Light: 400 W HPS dual x 17.5 hours a day (under a hammered reflector). Distance from top of plant to lightbulb = 23.6 inches (60 cm). Since I read tall thin stems are normally caused by lack of light, I just put (temporarily) the light closer at a distance of 15 inches (38 cm). Please tell me if you think this is OK.
- Average conditions: Temp= 71.6 ºF (22 ºC) Rel. hum.: 50%
- Fan: directed to the walls so the wind rebounds and does not hit plants directly (I was told to do it this way so plants wouldn't get dry). Stems move all the time, but little (about 0.4 inches —1 cm— side to side).
6) Miscellaneous: I let them listen to musical classsic since the first day for 3-4 hours a day

1. Do you think they are too tall and thin or is this normal for the 6th day of an indica?
2. Do you think relative humidity could be a factor? (In this stage it should be around 65% but I cannot get it higher than 50%).
3. Do you think I did good now reducing the distance to the light (explained above)?
4. Leaves are a bit yellowy, I think. Could this combined with the tall thin stems the symptom of something I don't know?
Many thanks for your help.
UPDATE!!!! (please help!)
I just replanted 3 of them, but I got a problem with 2 of them. The soil under the surface was humid and warm (it has dark color, as opposed to the light brown colour that drield soil has). So replanting was not really easy and I broke some roots. Attached are 2 before/after pictures of one of them.
Questions (please answer all questions!):
2. I need to do this in 4 more plants and their soil is wet too. I don't want them to get behind the recently replanted ones but I don't want to hurt them either if breaking roots is really a big deal. So what should I do? wait for the soil to dry and then replant the other 4 plants or just go ahead now and replant them?
3. Also, when I replanted I noticed the soil was not soaked but homogenely humid and warm. I am trying to figure out when I should water again.
3a. So based on my description of the soil, would you say that that humid, dark borwn soil still has enough water for the plant or should I water them again so the soil gets damper?
3b. If I shouldn't water again yet, how much more should I wait to water again? Does all the soil need to be light brown (as in totally dry)?
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.