Do atheists celebrate xmas or these holidays

For sure pal, qhatever you say!

Happy new year mofo!

little boy, you are pissed at atheists :D


dude, you come here with questions like that, not having done any research on what you are saying.
in some miserable attempt to put atheists down
putting your own ass down in the attempt ("christmas" is not christian (except by theft..)

...´s funny.. you religious types :)

barely read your own "book" , havent read any other "books" (or apparantly anything else but the newspaper cartoons") and definitely not done any thinking, or little enough of it.
and start calling people idiots and ignorant fools? :D


its also obvious you dont understand your own bible, its full of metaphors and allegories (along with edited crap)
and it can not be understood, till you have read a shit load of other texts (most who have nothing to do with "christianity" except on the surface)

(btw, once you understand it, you know its mostly to be ignored ;), its not one of the better texts for spiritual salvation (all you need is love.)

btw, im again reminded of ghandi
i like your christ (allright dude, bit of an idiot), but not your christians(hateful spiteful little things) , they are nothing like him.

and you, little boy, are not much like your christ.

(whom i think , was just an ordinary man with a message of love (that later got used (due to his popularity) to create a demented religion)

(example, "i and the father are one" (read other spiritual texts, god is in the heart, everything is god, therefore, Everything is one with god (jesus was not the only son..just one of many) (and god has nothing to do with rules , there is only one rule, love (Everything else sucks (so its not a rule, its more of a guideline (or your life will suck, do what you want(its your sucky life))
No celebration for me! I try and get home for christmas to see my family but they don't even have the manners to appreciate my company and views without trying to force christmas tradition down my throat none the less. The christian way, what else should i expect :p
I am the cookie monster under your bread man...

i appreciate the kind gesture man... it means a lot coming from an atheist...

I just want to know why people are so quick to judge others over the internet after i have been targeted by tsh feeble attempts at "bashing religious beliefs" i aint going to sit there and take it just cause im a christian...

In person i am the most chill guy, it is just that you atheists let your hate blind any good a person has within them...

I think you spend too much time on the internet fighting with athiests. go take a bath, tend to your plants and lay down for a while. burn a few bowls and think about it. christmas is so unreligous its crazy. its about snowmen, santa, presents, and family/friends. have fun at the church supper!
Im glad you had a great time pal

No celebration for me! I try and get home for christmas to see my family but they don't even have the manners to appreciate my company and views without trying to force christmas tradition down my throat none the less. The christian way, what else should i expect :p
No celebration for me! I try and get home for christmas to see my family but they don't even have the manners to appreciate my company and views without trying to force christmas tradition down my throat none the less. The christian way, what else should i expect :p
yeah ive found most christians to be self centred , deluded people , i try to steer clear of people like that
I thought your whole reason for living was to bash religious beliefs... now "you try to steer clear of people like that"? looks like you are only an internet persona man! Nice epic fail on your part dude...

i really feel sorry for you now...


yeah ive found most christians to be self centred , deluded people , i try to steer clear of people like that
LOL your a gullible one, thats for sure Oliver .
Do you really think i only live to bash peoples beliefs lol i have children and familly and many other things that i live for .
no didnt celebrate happy native american genocide day and corporate mass day or beg for candy from ur neighbor in a stupid mask day

i saw the july fireworks, from my roof.i am an optimist american
christmas does not have anything to do with remembering the birth of jesus christ. Its all about santa clause and presents. To be honest, christians should not be the ones celebrating and promoting santa clause, their taking away from their own holiday, because most kids dont even know jesus christ goes with christmas.