First Harvest - Is She Done?


Well-Known Member
Well, I just don't know when to stop... :lol:

Last night, I was looking at her and thinking I needed to trim up what was under the scrog. So I did. And did I toss the cuts into the trim bag? Oh hell no... I'm rooting them. I cleaned em up, trimmed 'em down, clonexed their feet and shoved 'em in rockwool. Beats the heck out of me why I did that. I have room for exactly ZERO new plants. LOL

I pretty much cloned them because I like to do it and I'm good at it...

I am not going to have any grow space for at least three weeks so they may have to just sit in the propegator and veg till then.


Weed Modifier
I know hey, it's as though we feel guilty, if we were just to toss them, almost as if were killing them :(

Obviously you have a green thumb and a Big heart...nothing wrong with that.

I'm sure you will figure out how to make them all work for you someway or another ;)