Keeping my son from drinking.


Well-Known Member
So my son is 20 and smokes, I have only just started smoking again in August. I don't smoke with him, nor condone his use of marijuana. He's going out with friends tonight and I worry alot about drinking and driving of course. So what this crafty dad did was give him a couple grams of some top shelf Indica. It's a weird kind of ass backwards thing but I figure if I can get him and his friends glued to the couch they won't be out possibly getting hurt in an accident. Seems kind of strange I know... But in the grand scheme of things it's pretty ingenious! I hope.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you just got to trust the common sense you gave them , hopefully he know's that drink driving can only end up in tears , i feel your worry though....good luck umbre


Well-Known Member
I think what you did was give him more money to buy alcohol because he won't be spending it on weed.

If you want to keep him from drinking and driving, have him invite his friends to your house to hang out for new years.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
our son is going to be 25 in june his mother being from canada had a diff view of weed so she always allowed it , he never really picked up on drinking , his mom and i do drink we can't smoke at our present jobs , not often that is

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I think what you did was give him more money to buy alcohol because he won't be spending it on weed.

If you want to keep him from drinking and driving, have him invite his friends to your house to hang out for new years.
He's 20... not 13!

He probably pays for his own gas, food, and many other things.... :lol:

To save 20 bucks on weed and spend it on alcohol is a very young-teen thing to do... If my dad did that at 20 and it gave me extra cash I would put it in the bank to pay down my credit card balance :lol: :p.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Drink driving happens, you can hold what ever higher ground you like, but once drunk shit simply happens.

Not the general way to look at it but i am a hell of a lot safer BECAUSE i crashed drink driving. Before the crash i had done it here and there, when you're drunk and you don't crash you have a way of justifying it as fine. Now i won't even get in the car after a toke on a joint. From experience, a. it's gonna take a heck of a lot more than a couple of grams to keep one person on a couch not drinking, a hell of a lot more then if there are friends involved. If you've taught him all the issues with drink driving and such, then the best you can do is sit back and let him learn his way in life. Everything one does these days seems to have health risks, try just to accept that life will happen as it goes, you can only protect kids to a certain point and after that they have the freedom of mind to make or not make that mistake, but shit happens.


Well-Known Member
i am 27 i was an alcoholic and drank a bottle of vodka most days and had a list of problems as long as your arm, i started smoking weed and after a year of smoking it and learning more about cannabis i was growing it and i have totally changed my life around, am not one of these guys who was an alcoholic and can never take a beer again the cannabis changed my way of thinking and i can have a beer now without wanting anymore and the idea of being drunk again would be a nightmare for me as i look back on my lifestyle and think that wasent me that was some other guy. i have no doubt whatsoever that cannabis has saved my life i am a much much better person now so i think you done the right thing with your son


Well-Known Member
Any human being who does not consider other peoples welfare before getting behind a wheel of a veichle is a low life , everyone know's this in reality , just when your bladdered , reality is a long way off!


Well-Known Member
I second trying to get him to stay home if not,Give some cash for a taxi or offer to pick him up.Thats my idea.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately not a lot really works. My friends dad basically opened up his house to a select group of his sons friends where they could drink and smoke behind a blind eye. No driving was allowed. We respected his wishes and kept our mouths shut about it too so as to not get him in trouble.

In my oppinion the only thing that will work is the offering of truth surrounding the substance, and total honesty about it. In the end we just have to hope they do the right thing with the info.

Hopefully your son will respect the vulnerability of honesty....good luck


Active Member
I'd let kids b kids. Just inform them of the issues and let them have free will. Eventually they will figure it out 4 themselves. If they don't then at least u did ur job. Parents aren't supposed to be friends with their kids but there voice of reality. It took me awhile and now I can agree to disagree w my parents.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Also, a zero judgement pickup policy works great, or did for us..."if you call me to pick you up, I will come get you. There will be no punishment involved, there may be a discussion, but there wont be a penalty for doing the right thing and cosing the lesser of two evils"

My friends and I have said more than once that that policy could have saved our lives.

And by the way, none of us turned into boose hounds, we are all moderately successful professionals... ones a world class chef, ones runs allstate insurance for the cali central valley, one is still in college, and im a world traveling college graduate with the 3rd best job in the world, following pornstars and athletes


Well-Known Member
Also, a zero judgement pickup policy works great, or did for us..."if you call me to pick you up, I will come get you. There will be no punishment involved, there may be a discussion, but there wont be a penalty for doing the right thing and cosing the lesser of two evils"

My friends and I have said more than once that that policy could have saved our lives.

And by the way, none of us turned into boose hounds, we are all moderately successful professionals... ones a world class chef, ones runs allstate insurance for the cali central valley, one is still in college, and im a world traveling college graduate with the 3rd best job in the world, following pornstars and athletes
Please , I need more info on exactly what you do. I'm thinking I might need to change careers


Well-Known Member
maybe sitting down with him and explaining that alcohol is hella dangerous, and marijuana has killed.... 0 people, is the way to go. if hes 20 hes old enough for a conversation.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
What a great dad. Happy New Year OP. :)

I'd rather have my nephews melded to the couch than going to thier funeral due to alcohol poisoning or a DWI accident. New Mexico was, at one time, the number one state for alcohol related accidents. I don't know a single family that hasn't lost a loved one because of a drunk driver.