Mid Amber's Indoor Grow # 2 (From seed, to harvest, to dry and cure.)

Nice grow man!! Mine are 2 weeks in so it should be fun seeing em grow side by side, yours are looking nice man keep it up, glad I caught it in the early stages!


New Member
Nice grow man!! Mine are 2 weeks in so it should be fun seeing em grow side by side, yours are looking nice man keep it up, glad I caught it in the early stages!
Well, thank you good sir!
I will be posting some pics here in a few hours....Did you start posting your grow up yet?


New Member
looking good are these fem seeds or you got to sex them looking at pics another 2 weeks and they be really growing mad like


New Member
looking good are these fem seeds or you got to sex them looking at pics another 2 weeks and they be really growing mad like
Sorry for not specifying from the start, they are in fact random bag-seed.....This is the main reason I have six.

-The main goal is to end up with two strong, healthy females that I will low stress train for max yield.
It should be a good time.....if all goes well. :)

Thanks for stopping by, DrFever. Good seein' ya.


Well-Known Member
Should be fun Mid! What are you looking for out of the bag seeds when they grow to choose between? Which pheno are you after?


New Member
Should be fun Mid! What are you looking for out of the bag seeds when they grow to choose between? Which pheno are you after?
Honestly.....It will be a choice based upon a few qualities....
1. Sativa oriented, or a hybrid...NO INDICAS...lol sorry fellahs, not my cup of tea.
2. General vigor, and strength.
3. Female, AHAHAHAH! (Of course)

These seeds are from SERIOUSLY about 1 1/2 - 2 years old. All of the seeds were randomly chosen out of shwag bags back then.....The seeds were not selected by strain, but by all around quality of the seed.....so it is anyones guess to what the strains will be.

-If I had my choice in the matter, 1 female plant would end up being "Blue Dream" and 1 female would end up being hmmm...."Mental Floss"...but like I said it is anyones guess....

HEY, mysteries are always fun. ;)
PICTURES IN 3 MINUTES!.................................


New Member
<<Update time>>>
:leaf:<<DAY 8 FROM SEED>>:leaf:.............................................................:leaf: <<DAY 4>>:leaf:
(Mrs. Kennedy)(#2).............. (#1)............................................................................(A)..........(B)..........(C)



Well-Known Member
Right on mid Amber! Lookin greaaaaaat! Get time check my grow out in my sig. 9 or 10 days in flower.


Well-Known Member
Looking great man! So are you just going to throw the rest of the plants out? Or do you plan on growing them out to smoke?


New Member
Looking great man! So are you just going to throw the rest of the plants out? Or do you plan on growing them out to smoke?
Thanks everyone for the kudos! Happy new years!
-ChainSmoking....about what you said....More than likely I will get at least a couple of males, (automatic death, lol)
-I will then keep 2 strong females that seem sativa dominant.
----> I only have enough cfl wattage to get good growth off of two flowering plants....
-so in short...yes...ALL BUT 2 will die in the end. Sad I know...but it has to happen this way......Unless I get a job in 3-4 weeks. (Then I will go insane and buy shit tons of cfls!, lol)


New Member
HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE! With new a new year comes new pictures.....The babies are doing well....

-I just figured I would update on the first, and then wait a COUPLE OF DAYS TO UPDATE AGAIN...

----> The second set of true leaves are starting to coming in nice for all three of the seeds planted 9 days ago. @.@

.............................................. ..............................................
<<DAY 5>>

(Mrs. Kennedy)........(#2).............. (#1).................................................. .........................................(A)..........(B)..........(C)
