Arizona strains

all of the flower pics are medi nvm, making this easy:
377168_313113335389938_165208740180399_993839_1225247748_n.jpg 408415_313113945389877_165208740180399_993844_1750685263_n.jpg 402113_313114828723122_165208740180399_993852_1756616041_n.jpg 397913_313115412056397_165208740180399_993857_235310354_n.jpg

I took these last night, as you can see she got a little cooler:

here you go, attaching one so you can pull the exif ID out of it to verify timestamp.
all of the flower pics are medi nvm, making this easy:
View attachment 1964298 View attachment 1964300 View attachment 1964301 View attachment 1964302

I took these last night, as you can see she got a little cooler:

here you go, attaching one so you can pull the exif ID out of it to verify timestamp.
View attachment 1964304

Not Bill but thanks Bryan. I see one good picture out off all of those, IMO. Guess I'm just picky, but what is the strain of that 4th picture? I'm pretty sure it's not the same as medibud...

In your guys videos you claim "ALL ORGANIC" how can this be when using cyco nutrients? Please elaborate on these "ALL ORGANIC" methods...I am quite interested.
AZCS actually goes around saying it is illegal to trade between patients ? Is that why people sign up with them ? Just trying to understand the double talk . . .
what a joke, rather than annihilate you publicly I'd rather extend an invitation to do it privately. Make sure you bring a cam with ya.

8376 N El Mirage rd, El Mirage Arizona, 85335.

I get to work around 430 am and I'm there until 5pm everyday so whenever you wanna learn how to grow from clone come on down ;)

Just saw two different pics and a vid of people with medibud clones that are ALL over watered. Funny thing, they were all in soil.

My thoughts are you newbs complaining must have forgot they were rooted in Rockwool cubes when you transplanted so now you are consistently over watering them.

Post pics of you clones with your complaints would ya, love to see them.

here's a vid of what we have done with the SAME GENETICS, every plant you see in this video NOT on a tray is a medibud plant. You can TRACK EVERY PLANT from all of our videos and photo albums.

I even put a special clip in there just for all you Medibud doubters lol

First we burned the plant you'll see me clone, then we starved her, then we over watered her, then she got PM from being outside, then she got mites and pyth really bad. She has been in crazy light patterns, dark for days sometimes, lights on for days others, no schedule whatsoever as we planned on letting her die and didn't care, LAZY lol.

Call me lazy, lmao, come do work, put up or shut up. Come hang with me for ONE SHIFT, one full shift and see how lazy I truly am.

I dare ya Pixi;)

and FYI patient to patient IS illegal, the very reason we have NOT touched our own site, silly rabbits. Why someone wanna buy it from me??

[video=youtube;EFpeZW0sjkI] rjV1R5tKqJ_jkhAH_DC0[/video]

your speal about how great the medibud genetics are is hilarious. I've taken cuttings of 11 different strains and put in a cup of tap water and left on a mantel for 4 weeks, changing the water only once, and all started to root. I've planted a 4" rooted clone outdoor, had it get snowed on twice, 30-40°temps, then 100° temps in summer. Ended up with a good harvest. CANNABIS in general is a tough plant.

Dutch Master and Cyco are not organic, so what is?

and lumens aren't everything, get some different spectrums in there
Not Bill but thanks Bryan. I see one good picture out off all of those, IMO. Guess I'm just picky, but what is the strain of that 4th picture? I'm pretty sure it's not the same as medibud...

In your guys videos you claim "ALL ORGANIC" how can this be when using cyco nutrients? Please elaborate on these "ALL ORGANIC" methods...I am quite interested.

All 4 pics are the same nugs, different lighting. In the video he said "don't panic, it's organic" in reference to the bugs. That's all you get from my phone at the moment.

Ps. I posted the pics because I take them all
your speal about how great the medibud genetics are is hilarious. I've taken cuttings of 11 different strains and put in a cup of tap water and left on a mantel for 4 weeks, changing the water only once, and all started to root. I've planted a 4" rooted clone outdoor, had it get snowed on twice, 30-40°temps, then 100° temps in summer. Ended up with a good harvest. CANNABIS in general is a tough plant.

Dutch Master and Cyco are not organic, so what is?

and lumens aren't everything, get some different spectrums in there
* you just proved my point about those saying its the genetics, its not, its the growers that are holding those plants that are the problem, not the genetics. thanks again. And the organic comment is regarding our use of bugs for pest control. We do however have more than just dro going on as we do offer patients a choice between four growing methods. Feel free to look at the other videos on youtube, you'll see plenty of super soil, m3, fox farm ,ocean forest, roots organic, coco, etc. And lumens aren't everything, you are correct. However commenting when you haven't seen the whole thing from start to finish is a bit silly to me.
We run HPS during the first two weeks of the switch to 12-12. Then we run both MH and HPS during flowering up until the last two weeks when we switch back to MH
prior to the 48-72 hr dark period depending on strain. Our 2000 ft of veg is all T5 or T8, 6500K full spectrum lighting sources. you can't really get more spectrum than that. If your talking LED technology, forget it, to weak in such a large garden. Sulfur plasma is nice but you have to be right over your tray to be effective. I think I'll just stick to pumping 1.5 million lumens into a 1700 sq ft flowering room, it seems to be working so far;)
AZCS actually goes around saying it is illegal to trade between patients ? Is that why people sign up with them ? Just trying to understand the double talk . . .
we don't "trade" anything, makes it really easy. There is no double talk in the 14 page membership agreement, its an agreement between two people, legal and binding.

Not Bill but thanks Bryan. I see one good picture out off all of those, IMO. Guess I'm just picky, but what is the strain of that 4th picture? I'm pretty sure it's not the same as medibud...

In your guys videos you claim "ALL ORGANIC" how can this be when using cyco nutrients? Please elaborate on these "ALL ORGANIC" methods...I am quite interested.
One good pic huh? just watched your grow vid, so if you want to compare your apples to my oranges we can do this all day.

3000+ sq ft garden as opposed to a couple 4X4's ? 1000 watts compared to 18,000 watts? 1 foot plants with some LST work as opposed to 14 ft tall mother plants in veg and 6 foot tall DWC plants in flower. I would be interested to know the age of those plants in the vid you have linked. Look to be about a month old or so, am I wrong? The ones in the first portion of the vid Bryan posted are in the same size container (5 gal bucket/pot) it would appear and I was just wondering the age difference between mine and yours is all.
* you just proved my point about those saying its the genetics, its not, its the growers that are holding those plants that are the problem, not the genetics. thanks again. And the organic comment is regarding our use of bugs for pest control. We do however have more than just dro going on as we do offer patients a choice between four growing methods. Feel free to look at the other videos on youtube, you'll see plenty of super soil, m3, fox farm ,ocean forest, roots organic, coco, etc. And lumens aren't everything, you are correct. However commenting when you haven't seen the whole thing from start to finish is a bit silly to me.
We run HPS during the first two weeks of the switch to 12-12. Then we run both MH and HPS during flowering up until the last two weeks when we switch back to MH
prior to the 48-72 hr dark period depending on strain. Our 2000 ft of veg is all T5 or T8, 6500K full spectrum lighting sources. you can't really get more spectrum than that. If your talking LED technology, forget it, to weak in such a large garden. Sulfur plasma is nice but you have to be right over your tray to be effective. I think I'll just stick to pumping 1.5 million lumens into a 1700 sq ft flowering room, it seems to be working so far;)
we don't "trade" anything, makes it really easy. There is no double talk in the 14 page membership agreement, its an agreement between two people, legal and binding.

One good pic huh? just watched your grow vid, so if you want to compare your apples to my oranges we can do this all day.

3000+ sq ft garden as opposed to a couple 4X4's ? 1000 watts compared to 18,000 watts? 1 foot plants with some LST work as opposed to 14 ft tall mother plants in veg and 6 foot tall DWC plants in flower. I would be interested to know the age of those plants in the vid you have linked. Look to be about a month old or so, am I wrong? The ones in the first portion of the vid Bryan posted are in the same size container (5 gal bucket/pot) it would appear and I was just wondering the age difference between mine and yours is all.

If you want to compare apples to oranges lets do so. WOW your mother plants are big, aren't they suppose to be? And a 6ft plant in dwc, nothing special...IMO if you don't have that big a plant in DWC then you are a complete noob. I'm glad you think growing plants in veg makes you a good grower. Please show us pictures of the plants in flower...

A 3000 sqft garden is great, if you know what you are doing. Would you like me to grow a 20ft tall plant to show you it's not that hard? The plants you saw are only in their 5th week of flower, I only beg my plants for 4 weeks...all that is needed. Now that I answered your question, please be generous enough to let us know the genealogy of your "medibud". With that huge system of yours let me ask another question, what is your average yield per plant not per crop? And not of your commercial, mediocre strain medibud...I'm talking about plants that produce REAL MEDICINE. Not some mexi mersh.
Just so everything is straightened out, I was the one that called you lazy. Just because you have a lot of plants and multiple systems does not make what you do hard. What I was referring to was what cannabliss has already confirmed. The systems you are running IMO are lazy. Having every plant in your ebb and grow, plus your flood tables, all getting the same exact feedings. Coming from a TRUE ALL ORGANIC GROWER, every plant has its special needs, and according to how your systems are set up you could careless about that. Instead of having all one strain in your tables I can see at least 4 different strains. Which goes back to my initial statement saying you are lazy.

Now your medibud...congratulations that a WEED can survive under harsh conditions ;) isn't that what they are supposed to do?? Hence the name "WEED." :) I can and will show you that your plant isn't the only one that can do that. But coming from experience, the medicine that comes off the plants that are so resilient are mediocre. It's the plants that are very sensitive and HARD to grow that you receive TOP SHELF meds. I have yet to see any TOP SHELF meds come from your so called "compassion" club.

Although I'd love to come down and help you, I have more pride in keeping my grow secrets to those that are worthy. What makes you think I would teach you everything? I mean hell, you can't even cut clones properly. Ha ha maybe next time, instead of trying to make your "house" strain look good, don't make yourself look like a noob in the grow world. To me and probably all the experience growers, after seeing that videos we are glad we are ahead of the curve when it comes to you. Big, hearty commercial strains are out my friend...try getting some strains that actually yield GOOD medicine rather then ALOT of medicine. It's all about quality over quantity, ESPECIALLY when dealing with patients.

you have NO CLUE how to grow ANYTHING, period. This statement alone proves your full of shit kiddo... "Having every plant in your ebb and grow, plus your flood tables, all getting the same exact feedings.Coming from a TRUE ALL ORGANIC GROWER, every plant has its special needs, and according to how your systems are set up you could careless about that."
Those are all the same genetics on the ebb and flow tables and all clones taken within one day of each other. Most from the same two mother plants to keep both pheno types, but you already knew that right cause your sooo familiar with commercial growing, right? clown! Come on down and I'll help you and your closet get a jump start kid. I throw out plants bigger and badder than you.

Funny that you have four types of genetics rockin in your vid and we carry three of them but OUR stuff is garbage and your beans are special somehow right? Your not serious with this are you? " the medicine that comes off the plants that are so resilient are mediocre. It's the plants that are very sensitive and HARD to grow that you receive TOP SHELF meds." LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you mean like KUSH?!?!?! yup, crap meds alllll day cause its sooooo finicky to cultivate lol. get a clue man, take a class before you type anything else, please.

Normally I'm not this frank, but, are you stupid or something, like dropped on your head stupid??

" It's all about quality over quantity," Why do you think we have such a large facilities to cultivate in? or did you in fact just figure out your folly on your own I wonder? guess we'll wait and see...?

And regarding all those hearty commercial strains...(back to "are you stupid" really quick, sorry folks) have you even bothered to look before running your mouth?

[h=2]Arizona Cannabis Society - El Mirage Menu[/h]
View: Flowers | Clones | Seeds | Other
I Afk Afghan Kush

Afghan Kush


Click to view Afghan Kush rating info

H Ago Agent Orange
Agent Orange

Click to view Agent Orange rating info

S Atf Alaskan Thunder Fuck
Alaskan Thunder Fuck

Click to view Alaskan Thunder Fuck rating info

H Bd Blue Dream
Blue Dream

Click to view Blue Dream rating info

H Car Carmelicious

H Cak Cataract Kush
Cataract Kush

Click to view Cataract Kush rating info

H Cha Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen

I Che Cheese

Click to view Cheese rating info

H Che Chernobyl

Click to view Chernobyl rating info

H Dq Dairy Queen
Dairy Queen

Click to view Dairy Queen rating info

I Dep Deep Purple
Deep Purple

Click to view Deep Purple rating info

H Dia Diablo OG
Diablo OG

H 13h G13 Haze
G13 Haze

Click to view G13 Haze rating info

I Gdp Granddaddy Purple
Granddaddy Purple

Click to view Granddaddy Purple rating info

I Hp Hash Plant
Hash Plant

Click to view Hash Plant rating info

H Hav Havanna Widow
Havanna Widow

S Iro Iron Cindy
Iron Cindy

H Kal Kalishnikova

H Kb Kushberry

Click to view Kushberry rating info

H Mks Master Kush
Master Kush

Click to view Master Kush rating info

I Med Medibud

H Og OG Kush
OG Kush

Click to view OG Kush rating info

S Pan Pandora's Box
Pandora's Box

Click to view Pandora's Box rating info

I Plu Plushberry

H Pur Purple Pine Cone
Purple Pine Cone

H Red Red Dragon
Red Dragon

Click to view Red Dragon rating info

H Sou Sour Bubble
Sour Bubble

H Sou Sour Bubble x Yumboldt
Sour Bubble x Yumboldt

H Sg Sour Grapes
Sour Grapes

Click to view Sour Grapes rating info

H Spb Space Bomb
Space Bomb

Click to view Space Bomb rating info

H Sup Super Sour OG
Super Sour OG

H The The Third Dimension
The Third Dimension

H Tv The Void
The Void

Click to view The Void rating info

I Vio Violator Kush
Violator Kush

Click to view Violator Kush rating info

H Wb White Berry
White Berry

Click to view White Berry rating info

H Ww White Widow
White Widow

Click to view White Widow rating info

H Whi White Widow Maxx
White Widow Maxx

YOUR RIGHT THEY ARE ALLLLLL TRASHY commercial crops that are "out" lol

call me when your ready to come out of the closet and talk CANNABIS cause I don't grow "weeds" thanks
oh and fyi, the 4X6 black ebb-n-flow your talking about, LMAO it ONLY runs R/O in it, its a holding pen, silly rabbit, the smaller 4X4's are on their own schedules with about 25-200 clones in each depending on the day. The big one is simply for somewhere for them to go during cleanings and transfers to other stations, we don't "grow" in it per say. It just saves us time hand watering over 2000 clones a day is all. Welcome to the BIG time kid ;)
I am in Soil, so Monitor it for what?? PPM? or what?

I am VERY new so im not quite sure.

An i might just take you up on the Medibud clone, been wanting to try some of that.

Just wish everyone here could at LEAST TRY to respectful...if not nice at least respect
No one here thought AZCS would still be open, after they shut everyone down, they are still up and expanding. Sooooooo for better or worse, respect game when game is tight.

And dont PM me with any shit about "AZCS turncoat" like last time i tried to get everyone to get along......(or ill break your stubby resin stained fingers) ^^

how about you come on down and I'll just show ya, first hand, 1 on 1 grow lesson, 1 hr, just for you;)
Holy shit Bill! Nice selection...

Where'd you come from and where do I sign??

oh hell with it, who else? I'll take any three for an hour, pick my brain, talk to me about cannabis, then we'll pick some from the AZCS jar collection and talk some. You can tour the facility, meet the staff, have some of our awesome coffee maybe.

Anyone else??
oh hell with it, who else? I'll take any three for an hour, pick my brain, talk to me about cannabis, then we'll pick some from the AZCS jar collection and talk some. You can tour the facility, meet the staff, have some of our awesome coffee maybe.

Anyone else??

Count me in, Im there when and where ever.
Count me in, Im there when and where ever.

your in :) we'll have to figure out when is good for everyone, this upcoming week I am opening another Phoenix facility so its pretty busy but I can make time. Be aware flowering runs from 3am to 3pm, so plan accordingly please.
you have NO CLUE how to grow ANYTHING, period. This statement alone proves your full of shit kiddo... "Having every plant in your ebb and grow, plus your flood tables, all getting the same exact feedings.Coming from a TRUE ALL ORGANIC GROWER, every plant has its special needs, and according to how your systems are set up you could careless about that."
Those are all the same genetics on the ebb and flow tables and all clones taken within one day of each other. Most from the same two mother plants to keep both pheno types, but you already knew that right cause your sooo familiar with commercial growing, right? clown! Come on down and I'll help you and your closet get a jump start kid. I throw out plants bigger and badder than you.

Funny that you have four types of genetics rockin in your vid and we carry three of them but OUR stuff is garbage and your beans are special somehow right? Your not serious with this are you? " the medicine that comes off the plants that are so resilient are mediocre. It's the plants that are very sensitive and HARD to grow that you receive TOP SHELF meds." LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you mean like KUSH?!?!?! yup, crap meds alllll day cause its sooooo finicky to cultivate lol. get a clue man, take a class before you type anything else, please.

Normally I'm not this frank, but, are you stupid or something, like dropped on your head stupid??

" It's all about quality over quantity," Why do you think we have such a large facilities to cultivate in? or did you in fact just figure out your folly on your own I wonder? guess we'll wait and see...?

And regarding all those hearty commercial strains...(back to "are you stupid" really quick, sorry folks) have you even bothered to look before running your mouth?

Arizona Cannabis Society - El Mirage Menu

View: Flowers | Clones | Seeds | Other
I Afk Afghan Kush

Afghan Kush


Click to view Afghan Kush rating info

H Ago Agent Orange
Agent Orange

Click to view Agent Orange rating info

S Atf Alaskan Thunder Fuck
Alaskan Thunder Fuck

Click to view Alaskan Thunder Fuck rating info

H Bd Blue Dream
Blue Dream

Click to view Blue Dream rating info

H Car Carmelicious

H Cak Cataract Kush
Cataract Kush

Click to view Cataract Kush rating info

H Cha Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen

I Che Cheese

Click to view Cheese rating info

H Che Chernobyl

Click to view Chernobyl rating info

H Dq Dairy Queen
Dairy Queen

Click to view Dairy Queen rating info

I Dep Deep Purple
Deep Purple

Click to view Deep Purple rating info

H Dia Diablo OG
Diablo OG

H 13h G13 Haze
G13 Haze

Click to view G13 Haze rating info

I Gdp Granddaddy Purple
Granddaddy Purple

Click to view Granddaddy Purple rating info

I Hp Hash Plant
Hash Plant

Click to view Hash Plant rating info

H Hav Havanna Widow
Havanna Widow

S Iro Iron Cindy
Iron Cindy

H Kal Kalishnikova

H Kb Kushberry

Click to view Kushberry rating info

H Mks Master Kush
Master Kush

Click to view Master Kush rating info

I Med Medibud

H Og OG Kush
OG Kush

Click to view OG Kush rating info

S Pan Pandora's Box
Pandora's Box

Click to view Pandora's Box rating info

I Plu Plushberry

H Pur Purple Pine Cone
Purple Pine Cone

H Red Red Dragon
Red Dragon

Click to view Red Dragon rating info

H Sou Sour Bubble
Sour Bubble

H Sou Sour Bubble x Yumboldt
Sour Bubble x Yumboldt

H Sg Sour Grapes
Sour Grapes

Click to view Sour Grapes rating info

H Spb Space Bomb
Space Bomb

Click to view Space Bomb rating info

H Sup Super Sour OG
Super Sour OG

H The The Third Dimension
The Third Dimension

H Tv The Void
The Void

Click to view The Void rating info

I Vio Violator Kush
Violator Kush

Click to view Violator Kush rating info

H Wb White Berry
White Berry

Click to view White Berry rating info

H Ww White Widow
White Widow

Click to view White Widow rating info

H Whi White Widow Maxx
White Widow Maxx

YOUR RIGHT THEY ARE ALLLLLL TRASHY commercial crops that are "out" lol

call me when your ready to come out of the closet and talk CANNABIS cause I don't grow "weeds" thanks

Are you done bantering like a little baby? Ha ha I'm glad I can get under your skin. So once again you have not answered my question, what is the genealogy of your medibud? Are you too scared to share?? You are right you might have 3 out of my 4 strains but guess what, anyone can. Hell I got them from attitude if you must know. What about Williams wonder? You have that? Or how about a clone only strain, orange crush...have that one? From my understanding everything you have I can buy online but you obviously don't get my point. Regardless of how big your grow is and how many plants you have you will never produce the type of medicine I do. If you are so confident how about I put my stuff in your shop, right next to all of your strains...then when your "clients" come in to pick let's see which one they choose. :) and after they choose mine then you can inform them that my stuff is only a $35 "donation" rather then a $50 one. Stop trying to lie to people saying you are here to help, all you are is a company here to cash out on this beautiful plant. You have no compassion what so ever.

As far as growing goes, like I said before please show me something in flower. I have personally seen your guys medicine and I have never been so disappointed in my life. You guys claim to have all these strains but why not stick to a few and actually learn to grow them? LMAO no wonder your medicine sucks so bad, you don't know what you are doing. Bet you every plant gets the same mixture and vice versa based in the stage of flower they are in? Correct Or am I stupid again? You want everyone to believe you are something great, but you aren't. You might have a nice setup and a lot of genetics but what good is it when you don't know how to use it? I will talk to my partner this week and if I can convince him I will show you what a real grow looks like. Not as fancy as yours but I can guarantee the meds are definitely better and cheaper then what you have to offer. Try growing simple...might help you out a lot ha ha
your in :) we'll have to figure out when is good for everyone, this upcoming week I am opening another Phoenix facility so its pretty busy but I can make time. Be aware flowering runs from 3am to 3pm, so plan accordingly please.

And FYI we already met a few times...I had to give advice to your helpers and even you not so long ago. It's funny that you guys decided to go with Dutch master and cyco nutrients...why is that? Lmao I know more about you and your shitty inexperience growers then you know buddy. But keep the name calling coming you just make yourself look like a fool.
Originally Posted by Wolfhound
"AZCS actually goes around saying it is illegal to trade between patients ? Is that why people sign up with them ? Just trying to understand the double talk . . ."

Bill says:
"we don't "trade" anything, makes it really easy. There is no double talk in the 14 page membership agreement, its an agreement between two people, legal and binding."

So much for an honest answer. Nice dance though. Im trying to give you some respect but you make it hard with such nonsense. Nothing you said addressed my question or concerns...
Originally Posted by Wolfhound
"AZCS actually goes around saying it is illegal to trade between patients ? Is that why people sign up with them ? Just trying to understand the double talk . . ."

Bill says:
"we don't "trade" anything, makes it really easy. There is no double talk in the 14 page membership agreement, its an agreement between two people, legal and binding."

So much for an honest answer. Nice dance though. Im trying to give you some respect but you make it hard with such nonsense. Nothing you said addressed my question or concerns...

gangsters dont dance. We DO NOT TRADE ANYTHING, which part don't you get? We have a protected forum for patients wishing to trade medication with each other called the Even Trade Project (ETP) its been around since the day after prop 203 passed. There is NO trading at the Co-Op. Like I said, there is an agreement between patients aka a Collective. There is an administration of the Collective consisting of several members and a Board. If you need to know more than that about how a Collective operates please Google it. So again, there is no double talk, or slick paperwork. Our paperwork was created by attorneys once the law was finalized
and is based on the actual wording of the law. :clap:

Any other questions you feel I haven't answered for you?