Skyrim Is The Shit.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member


Active Member
level 45 jus now, smithing and one handed up to 100 alduin dead thieves guild master-arch mage-leader of the companions and thane in every hold, sided with stormcloaks in the civil war, encountered an ancient dragon. trying to get my conjuration up to get storm atronachs and my enchanting is at 86 wanna get the top perk in that


Well-Known Member
level 45 jus now, smithing and one handed up to 100 alduin dead thieves guild master-arch mage-leader of the companions and thane in every hold, sided with stormcloaks in the civil war, encountered an ancient dragon. trying to get my conjuration up to get storm atronachs and my enchanting is at 86 wanna get the top perk in that
Imagines an old person's reaction to that statement and laughs.


Active Member
I must have spent 600+ hours on Elder Scrolls IV, totally obsessed with levelling everything up without cheating (what's the point of THAT?). I've got Skyrim packaged sitting next to the desktop but I can't play the damn thing till the grow's over and done. My gaming machine is a 800W beast and it'll pretty much use the whole lot playing that game! You gotta keep those electric bills down somehow...


Well-Known Member
level 45 jus now, smithing and one handed up to 100 alduin dead thieves guild master-arch mage-leader of the companions and thane in every hold, sided with stormcloaks in the civil war, encountered an ancient dragon. trying to get my conjuration up to get storm atronachs and my enchanting is at 86 wanna get the top perk in that
You're going to see a ton of ancients now that you've hit 45; I'm 46 ATM and since turning 45 Ancients are all I've encountered. My character has max sneak and smith and 90+ in illusion and archery. I'm also ~80 in one handed, 50+ in every "thief" skill (pickpocket, lockpicking, speech, etc). I'm also working on enchanting but it's only ~70 ATM but I've got more gold than I know what to do with so I buy pretty much every petty/lesser/common I find whether full or empty and once I have a ton of soul gems I'll go through an area with my enchanted Deadric dagger (with soul Trap 2 seconds, it has like 300 charges or some crazy shit) and slice throats until my gems are all full. Seems to work well. In terms of game completion, my chick (shes a wood elf with red eyes haha) is the listener of the Dark Brotherhood, leader of the thieves guild, and thane of Solitude and Whiterun. I also own the manor in Solitude and it's baller.

I haven't done a ton of the main quest, because I've been just putting it off a ton but I have several shouts unlocked, many of them with two or three words of power. I've also done a LOT of the random little side quests... Last night I did the one with the argonian thief in solitude. He betrayed me, now he's dead.

I've also got a level 25 orc warrior in full deadric w/ a deadric axe and everything is improved to "legendary" but two handed weapons seem overpowered in the game IMO. on normal I one-shot everything except bosses and they only make it through a couple power attacks it seems... Next time I play that dude I'm gonna do it on one of the harder difficulties(I also plan on making a mage on the hardest difficulty soon, just for kicks).

oh and, I have plans to have my wood elf take sides with the imperials and my orc to take sides with the stormcloaks. I chose that because I noticed the nords dont like elves, they seem a bit racist IMO. With the orc, I joined the companions who back the Stormcloaks and I have a bounty in a couple Imperial cities so it makes sense to back the Stormcloaks as the orc.


Active Member
i found MGS a good game in principle, but lacking in depth and seemed a bit quick start to finish......can't say that of skyrim tho the depth is so extreme i didn't even go into my shouts.
Mame you need to progress with the main story and get the shout called Dragonrend, forces a dragon to land. hit it with that then fire in with dragonbane (80+ damage +35 extra on dragons) and my daedric war axe dishing out 200+ damage before it a power attack. even the ancient didn't last for more than 6 power attacks.
my first character was imperial and i sorta got about halfway thru then started again, went a Redskin and decided to go for an all out aggressive sheer raw power type character, bit of magic on the side. not overly impressed with the destruction magic, i think it will take a proper mage character to get the most out of it, think elf may be the way to go for my next character tho.
did the dark brotherhood quests on my first game, not bumped into them in this one yet, can't think of the last time i actually slept in game. got my follower in dragonplate armour i prefer the daedric, all done up to 'epic' bandit attacks dont even register on my health bar. can't say i've thought much of the dogs in this game, be hard pushed to beat Rex from New Vegas. i did like the spider you get in the dwarven museam tho


Active Member
To be honest I've not played the game in years because I'm afraid of ruining those memories playing it as a kid. It's definitely a quick game but those tinted glasses of yesteryear make everything look so good.


Well-Known Member
i found MGS a good game in principle, but lacking in depth and seemed a bit quick start to finish......can't say that of skyrim tho the depth is so extreme i didn't even go into my shouts.
Mame you need to progress with the main story and get the shout called Dragonrend, forces a dragon to land. hit it with that then fire in with dragonbane (80+ damage +35 extra on dragons) and my daedric war axe dishing out 200+ damage before it a power attack. even the ancient didn't last for more than 6 power attacks.
my first character was imperial and i sorta got about halfway thru then started again, went a Redskin and decided to go for an all out aggressive sheer raw power type character, bit of magic on the side. not overly impressed with the destruction magic, i think it will take a proper mage character to get the most out of it, think elf may be the way to go for my next character tho.
did the dark brotherhood quests on my first game, not bumped into them in this one yet, can't think of the last time i actually slept in game. got my follower in dragonplate armour i prefer the daedric, all done up to 'epic' bandit attacks dont even register on my health bar. can't say i've thought much of the dogs in this game, be hard pushed to beat Rex from New Vegas. i did like the spider you get in the dwarven museam tho
ha, my first character I made was an imperial as well. I tried to make him a one-handed/destruction hybrid and it was pretty weak. I did get dragonrend on that toon though, and it's pretty sweet (although with my archer/assassin I can kill a dragon pretty quick either way). I never sleep in game either, really, and I kind of feel like Oblivion failed to make sleeping relevant as well.

My orc is a werewolf though, which gameplay-wise is fun, but the werewolf actually sucks ass compared to normal hack and slash(at least at lvl 25).

I dont use companions unless a quest dictates that I do, though. I like playing lone wolf style.

edit: I found most of my shouts just from traveling around. there are dragon shrines in the mountians all around the map and there are shouts in some caves too... I actually got a letter from a courier that told me where to find a shout and it gives a 30% increased attack speed or something like that - seems pretty cool I guess (although if your weapon is enchanted I guess it doesn't work?). The one I really want is the "throw voice" shout so I can manipulate guards into turning their back to me. ;)


Active Member
if you use yuor voice in a town or settlement, the next time u return there u get the letter telling you where the words of power are, u can also speak to the greybeards to get the locations. i got the throw voice shout in mountains south of dawnstar


Well-Known Member
if you use yuor voice in a town or settlement, the next time u return there u get the letter telling you where the words of power are, u can also speak to the greybeards to get the locations. i got the throw voice shout in mountains south of dawnstar
oh okay, nice tip!

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
I actually slowed down my Skyrim play and picked up the remastered version of Halo.

It's so awesome. I play that shiz on Heroic.