Do atheists celebrate xmas or these holidays

I celebrate Crimbo! :D

I like getting together with family, giving gifts (and getting them too!), having big meals, and getting drunk!

It has nothing to do with Jesus for me...
i despise everything the 'christian christmas' is , but i love the holiday from work .
happy 'cash-mas ' to you all , i hope you all make a fortune from the gullible religious freaks at this time of year . :eyesmoke:
I celebrate Crimbo! :D

I like getting together with family, giving gifts (and getting them too!), having big meals, and getting drunk!

It has nothing to do with Jesus for me...
good on you fella , i bet about 2% of the world was thinking about baby jesus when they woke up this morning lol
i tend to ignore the religious part of this holiday and celebrate the year ending and a new one starting.
btw i hope you had a nice cash-mas oliver , or are you still to broke to even celebrate the most important date in your calender ?and what you doin on riu ? i thought you should be sacrifising your youngest child or some kind of mad thing for your saviour on a day like this , did santa bring you a car, to carry your broke ass to college ? or you still waiting on a miracle from the great lord above ?i heard women in the US dont hang around long if your broke and stupid ?
I dont celebrate christmas but i do celebrate the new years. yesterday i was in a mcdonalds when my little sister of 6 years of age saw that they had for a Santa Claus actor taking children and doing the stuff santa does (has little children sit on his lap) long story short she walked up to him and said "you aren't real, stop dressing up! its not halloween!" and i laughed my ass off. people gave me dirty looks but a few people were actually clapping so i think america has some hope in it. its good when kids dont think they are entitled to gifts they have not earned regardless of its given to them by some magical elf, its no wonder so many christian kids in america grow up with a false sense of entitlement.
When in the world did Santa clause and the north pole come into play when celebrating the birth of jesus christ? Ive always wondered, The present thing originally came from the three wise men giving presents to baby jesus by following the north star. SOMEHOW the star ends up on a spruce tree, and we are obligated to get everybody we basically come into contact with a present. I think the last thing on a childs mind during the christmas season is remembering jesus, and more like wondering what santa is going to bring him.
also, its hypocritical for christians to celebrate christmas as well, since its nothing but a sales ploy to get people to buy gifts, and the fact that its a ripoff of other pagan and norse festivities adapted from when the christians indoctrinated them into the faith. saturnalia, yule, and about 3 other holidays were incorporated to jesus's "birthday" so fuck that it ain't even a christian holiday.
Afaik the man called Jesus (he did exist, it's his powers that are questionable) was born start to mid summer I believe I saw on a became the 25th of December cos it was a pagan festival and religion generally works by assimilation.

I don't believe in "Christian Christmas" but getting together with the family, with a tree in the living room, giving each other stuff and no work is pretty awesome so I'll play along with their little holiday.
also, its hypocritical for christians to celebrate christmas as well, since its nothing but a sales ploy to get people to buy gifts, and the fact that its a ripoff of other pagan and norse festivities adapted from when the christians indoctrinated them into the faith. saturnalia, yule, and about 3 other holidays were incorporated to jesus's "birthday" so fuck that it ain't even a christian holiday.

You beat me to it...
cool... it seems you are a total failure... i guess what you hate so much has made you such a fool that you cant even come back to reality! I guess it is pretty cool in your fairy tale lala land world within your mind. I wonder what it feels like to be such a failure such as yourself, someone who says that "im too lazy, thats why i suck at boxing" or "my reason for living is to "bash" religious beliefs" that is a fucking joke!!! Instead of living for reason, you live for failure and you want to blame believers for your failures in life, your scapegoat so to speak...

being broke has nothing to do with what your own experiences with women. I got a bright future brother, how bout you? will you still be a lousy boxer? or a lousy son? who knows, but i know mine...

and i will continue to laugh now at your stupidity


oh, and

merry christmas mothafucka


i despise everything the 'christian christmas' is , but i love the holiday from work .
happy 'cash-mas ' to you all , i hope you all make a fortune from the gullible religious freaks at this time of year . :eyesmoke:

good on you fella , i bet about 2% of the world was thinking about baby jesus when they woke up this morning lol
i tend to ignore the religious part of this holiday and celebrate the year ending and a new one starting.

btw i hope you had a nice cash-mas oliver , or are you still to broke to even celebrate the most important date in your calender ?and what you doin on riu ? i thought you should be sacrifising your youngest child or some kind of mad thing for your saviour on a day like this , did santa bring you a car, to carry your broke ass to college ? or you still waiting on a miracle from the great lord above ?i heard women in the US dont hang around long if your broke and stupid ?
i don't know what you are oly, but you definitely aren't a christian, and you have proven that to everyone here on riu time, and time again.

i celebrate a day where i get to see my family come together, so we can laugh, talk, play games and share ideas with each other. it sucks that we all use an excuse of a day to all get together... but it is what it is... and awesome day for my family to get together lol. i had an awesome family day, and hope the next one comes sooner than another made up holiday. hope everyone else had a happy family day, even you oly.
I am the cookie monster under your bread man...

i appreciate the kind gesture man... it means a lot coming from an atheist...

I just want to know why people are so quick to judge others over the internet after i have been targeted by tsh feeble attempts at "bashing religious beliefs" i aint going to sit there and take it just cause im a christian...

In person i am the most chill guy, it is just that you atheists let your hate blind any good a person has within them...

i don't know what you are oly, but you definitely aren't a christian, and you have proven that to everyone here on riu time, and time again.

i celebrate a day where i get to see my family come together, so we can laugh, talk, play games and share ideas with each other. it sucks that we all use an excuse of a day to all get together... but it is what it is... and awesome day for my family to get together lol. i had an awesome family day, and hope the next one comes sooner than another made up holiday. hope everyone else had a happy family day, even you oly.
Without getting into a pissing contest about who's the most hypocritical, I celebrate having a couple days to spend with my kids. We don't get together often enough. Christmas seems like a pretty good excuse. Without getting into a pissing contest about who's righteous and who's not, lot's of celebrations get hijacked. Wasn't Christmas a pagan celebration before, having to do with the winter solstice?
Without getting into a pissing contest about who's the most hypocritical, I celebrate having a couple days to spend with my kids. We don't get together often enough. Christmas seems like a pretty good excuse. Without getting into a pissing contest about who's righteous and who's not, lot's of celebrations get hijacked. Wasn't Christmas a pagan celebration before, having to do with the winter solstice?

Indeed it was. It was BANNED by the Catholic Church for any one to place gifts under evergreen trees because it was COMMONLY KNOWN TO BE PRACTICED BY PAGANS as a winter solstice celebration. I guess GOD changed his mind on that... And folks who cry, "Keep the Christ in Christmas" are shamefully ignorant of their own faith.
The Greek letter X (chi) is the first letter of the Greek word for Christ, Xristos ( Χριστός) so X-mas therefore means "Christ's Mass" which is what the word Christmas actually means.
man fuck you, douche... and where did you get that quote? i did not say such a thing...

good job at making yourself look like a fucking idiot by quoting what is not true...

also, who the fuck do you think you are? are the forum police?

i thought i dealt with your immature ass along time ago...

you think you are some bad ass douche huh?

ok, yea, i guess

It has nothing to do with your just act like a complete idiot on this forum
little boy, you are pissed at atheists :D


dude, you come here with questions like that, not having done any research on what you are saying.
in some miserable attempt to put atheists down
putting your own ass down in the attempt ("christmas" is not christian (except by theft..)

...´s funny.. you religious types :)

barely read your own "book" , havent read any other "books" (or apparantly anything else but the newspaper cartoons") and definitely not done any thinking, or little enough of it.
and start calling people idiots and ignorant fools? :D


its also obvious you dont understand your own bible, its full of metaphors and allegories (along with edited crap)
and it can not be understood, till you have read a shit load of other texts (most who have nothing to do with "christianity" except on the surface)

(btw, once you understand it, you know its mostly to be ignored ;), its not one of the better texts for spiritual salvation (all you need is love.)

btw, im again reminded of ghandi
i like your christ (allright dude, bit of an idiot), but not your christians(hateful spiteful little things) , they are nothing like him.

and you, little boy, are not much like your christ.

(whom i think , was just an ordinary man with a message of love (that later got used (due to his popularity) to create a demented religion)

(example, "i and the father are one" (read other spiritual texts, god is in the heart, everything is god, therefore, Everything is one with god (jesus was not the only son..just one of many) (and god has nothing to do with rules , there is only one rule, love (Everything else sucks (so its not a rule, its more of a guideline (or your life will suck, do what you want(its your sucky life))