Getting your pets high?

Getting your pets high?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 46.4%
  • No

    Votes: 15 53.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I have an almost 8 year old English bulldog. He's got some bad hips, he's mobile and shit and goes up n down the stairs but he's gimpy sometimes. The doctors gave me some $30 scrip that only lasts a month that's the equivalent of Motrin so I'm thinking would it be moral of me to medicate him like myself? I would use edibles on him, he's lazy as fuck and the coolest dog in the world and I just want him to be pain free. Another thing is that he's tougher than hell and never yelps so I think he could be in pain at times and I have no clue cuz he just acts normal. So who's medicating their pets? Thoughts?


New Member
I used to have a pot head cat. The second I blazed he'd come running and plop! down on my lap. Was great for a laugh until he ate an eigth of dank, the little shit! But on a serious tip, all creatures great and small have cannabinoid receptors. You may want to ask a vet as the previous poster said, don't wanna hurt old fido. But, I really don't think it will. Probably will make him sleep.


Active Member
Dude don't get animals high without checking with a vet. Not to mention don't leave your shit laying around anymore and don't let them near your plants now or they are likely to eat it since you gave them a taste, and since you did you better not take it out on your animal when they get your shit!


Active Member
My dogs are so damn lazy now that I probably wouldn't notice if they actually were high or not. None of them like having smoke blown in their faces; but hey it gets them out of my path :) Ediables may be too strong for dogs. And I agree ask your vet. I would imagine that if it were beneficial for Fido then they would give you the green light. Keep us posted.

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
i give my boxer a vapor bag every time he goes for a walk. it calms him down and makes him afraid of other dogs. when he's sober, the guy just wants to run free and fuck my neighbors golden retriever. i personally want to smoke up a gorilla and a bear, or give acid to a grizzly...... how about going to Seaworld and giving a shotgun to a dolphin in its blowhole? dolphins are supposed to be highly intelligent.. i think they would love to get high.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
my cat was just at the vet for a couple days with a catheter in because he was blocked. prior to that he was prescribed diazepam (valium) to help with the bladder spasms he was having. while at the vet the little shit refused to eat for 3 whole days, they were about to force feed or put a tube in. they made it very clear that he needs to eat or he needs to be forced.

since not eating compromises a cat's liver, i didn't want to give him the valium to calm him/make him hungry. so i blew a half a joint at him from about 8 feet away. he always did like the smell of pot anyway. long story short, he ate a little after the weed.

now maybe it was because he was settling back in at home and was calm enough to eat or maybe it was the weed. i don't think the weed hurt at all, and it was certainly preferable to valium because i'm trying to engage the cat and make him feel normal again. plus if i'm going to endanger myself forcing anything in his mouth it may as well be the food he's been lacking. i have some canned food in an oral syringe on standby just in case he doesn't continue eating. it's a bitch holding him and sticking a syringe in his mouth and it's very stressful for him. i think trying weed first is more humane to be perfectly honest.


Well-Known Member
What prompted the thoughts were that he slipped down the last few stairs tonight and was pretty jacked up. He couldn't walk for about 15 minutes, I gave him some norco and he's knocked out now but it just got me thinking about weed. His crates downstairs now and I know he's not going to want to sleep downstairs and I sure can't be carrying his ass up and down every day. That's irrelevant, just another thing I get to worry about.

un named

Active Member
i used to get one of my cats stoned but turns out he got hit by a car so i dont really wanna try with another pet. on another note i have a 10 year old pomerian and my dad recently mooved to another house and it has wood flooring the past few months her joints have been getting worse and had to not walk her we only just put carpets down and ater a week she seems to be getting better took her for a walk but half the time we carry her thats nothing new shes always has been a lazy shit but she loves the views n smells we have to walk our golden retriever so even if shes not up for a walk shes always down to be carryed lol


Well-Known Member
Why Why Why. I can't believe this came up again. Why doesn't your pole have an answer that I'm an uneducated fucking idiot that feels the need to blow pot smoke into my innocent animals face until they're fucked up.

You people amaze me sometimes.

Happy damn Holidays. My beautiful BEST FRIEND I WOULD NEVER VIOLATE in such a disturbing way will be hanging out.

Taking my ball and going home. Idiots. Grow up.


Well-Known Member
Why Why Why. I can't believe this came up again. Why doesn't your pole have an answer that I'm an uneducated fucking idiot that feels the need to blow pot smoke into my innocent animals face until they're fucked up.

You people amaze me sometimes.

Happy damn Holidays. My beautiful BEST FRIEND I WOULD NEVER VIOLATE in such a disturbing way will be hanging out.

Taking my ball and going home. Idiots. Grow up.
Hey, take it easy. Not all of us blow smoke in their faces. I only blow vapor.:razz:

My wife cleaned out the fridge a while back and threw out almost 2 lbs of cannabutter to our 3 little pigs by accident.

That was funny as hell, they could barely walk and they ate so much pig food.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Why Why Why. I can't believe this came up again. Why doesn't your pole have an answer that I'm an uneducated fucking idiot that feels the need to blow pot smoke into my innocent animals face until they're fucked up.

You people amaze me sometimes.

Happy damn Holidays. My beautiful BEST FRIEND I WOULD NEVER VIOLATE in such a disturbing way will be hanging out.

Taking my ball and going home. Idiots. Grow up.
You do remember that cannabis is a flower that grows in nature for all animals to eat and enjoy, right?

Deer and other animals eat it all the time. Ever see a deer by an apple field in late fall? They get drunk from the fermenting apples they eat off the ground.


Well-Known Member
420 this shit makes my blood boil. I just don't get it, and the young crowd that is on here thinks it's cool to do. When I was young, even in college and after, no one I've ever known has EVER don't this. I'm so confused with this, and it makes me mad.

I just see nothing ok with it, for any reason, ever. If they were meant to smoke it, they would have thumbs and the brain capacity to grow or buy it themselves, does that make any sense? It does to me.


Well-Known Member
420 this shit makes my blood boil. I just don't get it, and the young crowd that is on here thinks it's cool to do. When I was young, even in college and after, no one I've ever known has EVER don't this. I'm so confused with this, and it makes me mad.

I just see nothing ok with it, for any reason, ever. If they were meant to smoke it, they would have thumbs and the brain capacity to grow or buy it themselves, does that make any sense? It does to me.
I can understand your frustration but for the most part there's no harm. I'm not a fan of someone grabbing their pet by the sides of the face and forcing them to do it but like I mentioned before, my dog actually knows when and come to me, I've never forced him.


Well-Known Member
What grew in the wild is hemp, not 20% THC herb. It has taken decades changing the plants genetics to become what it is today.....not back when cavemen wandered the world.


Well-Known Member
I can understand your frustration but for the most part there's no harm. I'm not a fan of someone grabbing their pet by the sides of the face and forcing them to do it but like I mentioned before, my dog actually knows when and come to me, I've never forced him.

Pavlov has a tested and proven thesis about this..........

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
420 this shit makes my blood boil. I just don't get it, and the young crowd that is on here thinks it's cool to do. When I was young, even in college and after, no one I've ever known has EVER don't this. I'm so confused with this, and it makes me mad.

I just see nothing ok with it, for any reason, ever. If they were meant to smoke it, they would have thumbs and the brain capacity to grow or buy it themselves, does that make any sense? It does to me.
As far as I'm concerned, it's animal cruelty. This is the first forum that I've participated in which allows this. Even Grass City shuts down threads about getting pets high. Humans and pets do not have the same physiology. You have no idea what permanent harm this can cause. Not to mention that pet lungs are a lot smaller than human lungs and this is possibly causing harm to their lung tissue.

Most people don't even know that onions in any form are poison to both cats and dogs.

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
i ve got a 2 yr old male pigmy goat that walks around all gimped up like it has authritus or something, it got ahold of a plant and little while later he was running around like a youngster the next week i gave him a small cured bud and again he turns into this energetic fuck machine. so now i save all my clippings just for him.[but for med. purposes only,lol ]