Israel's cost to the American people estimated to be a staggering $2 trillion


Well-Known Member
Anytime you question Israel's behavior or the U.S. government's assinine commitment to that country you better be prepared for supporters of Israel to brand you as a bigot or a racist. You just have to take those comments with a grain of salt.
That's what I'm trying to show here, I didn't once insult Jewish people and I also never gave my endorsement to any other religion either. I never insulted anyones race or nationality yet I'm a racist or anti-semite somehow.

Fenderburn even quoted one of my posts in his little "why is racism tolerated" thread. So I'll let him out his money where his mouth is and quote one here. I like to watch feats of impossibility, cos he won't find where I made one prejudicial remark.


Well-Known Member
i do not think we (united states) should blindly back israel or give them or any country 2 trillion dollars..way too much money..the united states foreign policy is a joke, i am not a religious person..i try to live a good life but organized religion is such a scam that brainwashes people, takes their money and encourages violence towards others.


Well-Known Member
If you don't get how calling the Jews nazis is anti Jewish then there is no discussion. Ignorance is a dirty disease.
That's what I'm trying to show here, I didn't once insult Jewish people and I also never gave my endorsement to any other religion either. I never insulted anyones race or nationality yet I'm a racist or anti-semite somehow.

Fenderburn even quoted one of my posts in his little "why is racism tolerated" thread. So I'll let him out his money where his mouth is and quote one here. I like to watch feats of impossibility, cos he won't find where I made one prejudicial remark.
The reason you didn't make any prejudicial remarks is because race has no bearing on what we're discussing here. In fact, people who try to inject the race card into this debate are flushing their credibility down the toilet right up front - that is if rhey ever had any to begin with. The reason is because people who worship the Jewish faith are not, nor can they be considered to be, a separate race of people. Consequently, there are no racial issues here.


Well-Known Member
The reason is because people who worship the Jewish faith are not, nor can they be considered to be, a separate race of people.
you've never heard of "the chosen people"?

is there not an entire category of jokes dealing with jews? do they often touch on being financial tightwads and having large noses?

you are so deep into the lie you believe it. it's half entertaining and half pathetic.

if all you came here to do was spread anti-israel propaganda, why not go somewhere else more welcoming, like stormfront?


Active Member
Ffs people can you stfu this has nothing to do with judaism it has to do with israel they are not the f**king same


Well-Known Member
Ffs people can you stfu this has nothing to do with judaism it has to do with israel they are not the f**king same
yeah, when i think of israel, jews don't even come to mind. mainly, i think of buddhists and jehovah's witnesses. :roll:


Active Member
yeah, when i think of israel, jews don't even come to mind. mainly, i think of buddhists and jehovah's witnesses. :roll:
So if I criticize the Saudi regime I am being Islamapobic? Or even anti-Semitic since Arab are Semitic. Or how about you watch ANY video by Dr Norman Finkelstein who is Jewish and has lost most of his family to the holocaust. He constantly criticizes Israel is he anti-Semitic?
This has NOTHING to do with race/religion it has to do with a countries policy regardless of how racist and pro-Israeli people want to twist it.


Well-Known Member
So if I criticize the Saudi regime I am being Islamapobic? Or even anti-Semitic since Arab are Semitic. Or how about you watch ANY video by Dr Norman Finkelstein who is Jewish and has lost most of his family to the holocaust. He constantly criticizes Israel is he anti-Semitic?
This has NOTHING to do with race/religion it has to do with a countries policy regardless of how racist and pro-Israeli people want to twist it.
keep trying to spin it like it just happens to be coincidence that there are a lot of jews in israel.

perhaps one day, people will buy it.


Active Member
keep trying to spin it like it just happens to be coincidence that there are a lot of jews in israel.

perhaps one day, people will buy it.
Haha more like you keep playing the anti-Semitic card. I don't just criticize Israel I also criticize the corrupt Saudi Regime and also the disgusting acts of suicide bombing.


Well-Known Member
Haha more like you keep playing the anti-Semitic card. I don't just criticize Israel I also criticize the corrupt Saudi Regime and also the disgusting acts of suicide bombing.
how is pointing out the fact that there are a lot of jews in israel "playing the anti-semitic card"?

facts must bother you more than i thought.


Active Member
how is pointing out the fact that there are a lot of jews in israel "playing the anti-semitic card"?

facts must bother you more than i thought.
Well maybe you should'nt try and imply that I am only critizing Israel because there are Jews there. Typical Zionist ploy to twist peoples words, or is it that you chat so much gibberish that you loose track of what you actually say.

Referring to this btw where you imply it.

keep trying to spin it like it just happens to be coincidence that there are a lot of jews in israel.

perhaps one day, people will buy it.
you've never heard of "the chosen people"?

is there not an entire category of jokes dealing with jews? do they often touch on being financial tightwads and having large noses??
If you believe that people who worship the Jewish faith constitute a separate race of people you have essentially reliquished your credibility here - that is if you ever had any to reliquish to begin with.

if all you came here to do was spread anti-israel propaganda, why not go somewhere else more welcoming, like stormfront?
First, over $2 trillion of cost to the American public is something that needs to be talked about. Second, no one forces you to view or post in this thread.


Well-Known Member
If you believe that people who worship the Jewish faith constitute a separate race of people you have essentially reliquished your credibility here - that is if you ever had any to reliquish to begin with.

First, over $2 trillion of cost to the American public is something that needs to be talked about. Second, no one forces you to view or post in this thread.
the $2 trillion figure comes from what,


enough said.
the $2 trillion figure comes from what,


enough said.
First, you can't dispute the figures.

Second, with the exception of the figures given for the current U.S. aid package to Israel - which are well know, have been well documented and have been part of the public record for three years - the figures given aren't those of the U. Press. It states exactly where they came from.
Haha more like you keep playing the anti-Semitic card. I don't just criticize Israel I also criticize the corrupt Saudi Regime and also the disgusting acts of suicide bombing.
If Uncle Buck doesn't have the intellectual capacity to recognize a discussion that is clearly of a diplomatic, political, and financial nature, he clearly doesn't have the credibility to be discussing this very important issue.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
If Uncle Buck doesn't have the intellectual capacity to recognize a discussion that is clearly of a diplomatic, political, and financial nature, he clearly doesn't have the credibility to be discussing this very important issue.
I think you just bit off more than you can chew.


Well-Known Member
If Uncle Buck doesn't have the intellectual capacity to recognize a discussion that is clearly of a diplomatic, political, and financial nature, he clearly doesn't have the credibility to be discussing this very important issue.
you have 17 posts, and they are all anti-israel related spam.

tell me, how well does alex jones pay you to spam our boards?