Miracle Gro 2nd try Nirvana Feminized Indoor Mix, CFL 6.5k Veg, 2.7k Flower


Well-Known Member
Hi, screwed up my first grow. I don't think one sprout was viable and went wrong in sevral places with that one. This one is 40/40/20 Miracle Grow Moisture Control, Miracle Grow Seed Starter and Miracle Grow Pearlite. Everyone in the soil biz put their Fox Farms away for the winter so grabbed what I could at home depot. Pix below on Day 5 or so I will call it...



Active Member
the grow works pretty good. I used it on my outdoor garden. you dont have to feed them anything for atleast 1 month


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kush, hoping this type of setup is forgiving. Just watering into transplanted peat cube for now (obv. potted VERY early) trying to follow "Buds For Less". I guess a few tablespoons of water until day 10 where I can get more aggressive but will try to listen to my plants as suggested...


Active Member
with your lights you can keep adding the Y adapters . I used a old bathroom mirror light, holds 6 bulbs. Mine has a mirror on it, if you ask anybody from this fourm they will tell you mirror only absurb light and do not reflect it. so if you get one with a mirror you have to paint it white so it can reflect.

with seedings in a 5 gallon bucket, you are going to need to make sure you dont over water them.


Well-Known Member
Im going to go nuts with Y adapters and extenders from my power strip. Also have a nightstand type lamp I will use to fill in one side. I wanted to build a wooden rig, but after lumber cutting, light socket with base, extension cords etc., I felt I could figure out a shroud with adapters and extenders for same price or cheaper. I am probably going to buy the 12 bulb pack from Walmart of 26w 2700k for flower. http://www.walmart.com/ip/GE-Energy-Smart-26W-Soft-White-Compact-Fluorescent-CFL-T3-12pk/16622625 Any filler needed beyond that will be supplemented with the 6500k's! This is slowly becoming "Buds For More" because of my newbness.


Well-Known Member
This is day 6. Day 5 did not water because area around plant (mostly peat cube) was still moist yesterday and decided to wait until this morning afraid of overwatering (36 hours between). This morning the surface was completely dry and I kind of felt I should have at least gave a tablespoon for good measure around base of seedling last night. Gave each plant half a party cup of tap water that sat out in a jug for a few days. Temps are between 75 and 80 degrees humidity is averaging 40-45%. Small fan in background on constantly, no nutes yet except for soil mix mentioned above. I am on 20/4 with four 6500k lights about 3 inches away...



Well-Known Member
i wouldn't use moister control anything, or miracle grow for that matter. Try jacks all purpose,its like 30-30-30 and is sold in lowes and stuff. You dont want moisture control soil when growing pot. Thats what perlite and vermiculite are for.

Hope everything works out better this time!


Well-Known Member
This is day 6. Day 5 did not water because area around plant (mostly peat cube) was still moist yesterday and decided to wait until this morning afraid of overwatering (36 hours between). This morning the surface was completely dry and I kind of felt I should have at least gave a tablespoon for good measure around base of seedling last night. Gave each plant half a party cup of tap water that sat out in a jug for a few days. Temps are between 75 and 80 degrees humidity is averaging 40-45%. Small fan in background on constantly, no nutes yet except for soil mix mentioned above. I am on 20/4 with four 6500k lights about 3 inches away...
Also, if you really feel liek you want to water it, but arent sure,use a spray bottle of water. Something that can spray a little more of a mist then a stream . I do this to the leaves and top soil. Enough so it turns dark again and not looking dry. Also foliar spraying works great for plants with bad roots, ph problem or just needs water


Well-Known Member
Thanks corners, yeah Loews I never thought of, well will try the Jacks next grow. Came home from a day out and looks like the fan leaves are bigger. Its funny, like looking into the nursery of a newborn like oh look its doing "this"!


Well-Known Member
Day 7, looks like second set of leaves are developing nicely. Have not watered for 24 hours, try to keep to a 36 hour sched until plants tell me different. Half a party cup of standing in air for a day or longer water for each of my two plants A (Althea) and B (Bedina) LOL



Well-Known Member
Day 11 today, gave it a full water yesterday after 36 hours of no water. Top was dry, about an inch down somewhat damp, not afraid to give the first full water pretty much 1.5 quarts each. Watered the whole pot and avoided the stem of the plant. Moved lights as close as I could with the hand test.



Well-Known Member
Day 12, checked in on them looking fine. Soil still damp even at top, teps got down to 68 or so in the closet this morning so figured it went to 65 last night. No biggie on the temp drop but upped the heater just a little to deal with these cold nights. No nutes, figure the soil has something. On my next good water, probably at the 19 day mark or so, I will water with 1/4 recommended nutes. Should be in flower by then or about to flip the switch but we will see on that.



Well-Known Member
Day 15 and plants are a bit dry. Did the finger test and no moisture. Tomorrow will be a full 7 days between. Will wait it out till then.

Started another seedling in the background. This will be day "0" of my "McDonalds Cup Grow" Same soil mix of 40/40/20 and going to flower all at same time so the cup will be almost 12/12 from seed. Ill probably screw it up but I was thinking about buying another pot when I said, this McDonalds cup thing would be like a party cup grow but bigger maybe more forgiving. Save $4.00 on a pot and try something new...



Well-Known Member
Day 16 actually watered yesterday evening and gave it half a teaspoon of MG Bloom Booster 15-30-15. It was small enough to not burn I hope but switching to 12/12 in the next two days so figured that small amount was a good primer. Here they are this morning with McDonalds cup showing promise.



Well-Known Member
Day 16 actually watered yesterday evening and gave it half a teaspoon of MG Bloom Booster 15-30-15. It was small enough to not burn I hope but switching to 12/12 in the next two days so figured that small amount was a good primer. Here they are this morning with McDonalds cup showing promise.
You're playing with fire by adding anything on top of MG soil, looks good though at this point. I don't know if your Lowe's has any still in stock, if they do it will be way in the back outside somewhere. Normally I don't recommend purchasing bagged soil stored outdoors, but this time of year you don't have much choice.


The above stuff is cheaper and better than MG, I use the potting soil, mushroom compost, a bit of perlite, and worm castings. For 25 bucks you can mix up about 50 pounds. BTW, I like your lighting strip idea.
Hey man, nice grow so far. I was going to suggest to replant it a bit deeper in the soil and bring your lights in closer. However, as I clicked on the second page of the thread I see she's grown quite a bit. Still, I think it would do more good than harm as long as you're gentle about it.


Well-Known Member
You're playing with fire by adding anything on top of MG soil, looks good though at this point. I don't know if your Lowe's has any still in stock, if they do it will be way in the back outside somewhere. Normally I don't recommend purchasing bagged soil stored outdoors, but this time of year you don't have much choice.


The above stuff is cheaper and better than MG, I use the potting soil, mushroom compost, a bit of perlite, and worm castings. For 25 bucks you can mix up about 50 pounds. BTW, I like your lighting strip idea.
Thanks for the advice. I am trying to follow this "Buds For Less" thing for now (he used Miracle Gro). With the 40/40 Moisture Control and Seed Starter ratio I figure there are less nutes than one would expect and by only adding half a .5 teaspoon in 3 quarts of water (used small end of spoon from package) of 15-30-15 I hope I am safe.

Yeah I wanted to do the whole wood - saw - drill and mount thing for the lights but I just saw another thread that used the zip ties and power strip and went with that. Just some twine, flathead screws and zip ties. Proximity to two walls helps also.