Marijuana Secret Society


Well-Known Member
There's the:
Freemasons (Masons)
Knights Templar (Mercenaries)
The Jews (Bankers/Lawyers)
The Catholics (Mass Controlling/Baby Rapists)
and more and more...

Where's the Marijuana secret society?
Where is Marijuana's political and global influence?
In the hands of the cartels?

That shit needs to change...
Anyone else interested in what the future is going to look like?
Let's talk, Comment or PM.

Servare secreta sua quisque
haha u cereal?


Just like Jews are good at sarcasm(They literally spread it) and are good at comedy, because of their cultural difference from ours...
They happen to also be good at defending, and bringing up points (Lawyers) and handling money (Bankers)

And What would you say is the Catholics "game"?
Black people need a secret society too...

Maybe they already have one, and it's REALLY a secret though.

I know there HAS to be some in the middle east for semi-black people, that's where ALGEBRA and other math's were invented. They MUST have something set up...Maybe not though...
i'll only join if we have a secret handshake, and as long as it doesn't conflict with my other secret society schedule.
Watch ANY movie with a Jew as the main actor, especially old ones.
They DO these things.

And watch Comedy Central, about 1/3 of the comedians are JEWS they talk about it.

Like watch "My Cousin Vinnie"

It's not crazy talk, it's just the world.
And I'm not racist against jews, I'm just saying what I see. Not "Bashing".
In......There is a genuine need for underground overground mass spreading of information and requirement.....A knowing handshake between strangers bring them to a brother and sister hood,of representatives....Encourageing business between like minded people and forming a strong cooperative of business men,women,old young unemployed,onemployed,inemployed etc cte tec,i not focus on the business,i use as an important example,im not jewish,,im Buddha,,,but a collective of people from all classes with the same common purpose of helping the smokers out,and pushing,,,pushing for all our rights to wrap one up,clog a bong and get high.........oh yeahhh,,,,,gonna do one right now!.......done!!!!bongsmilie yeahhhh more yeahhhh....B.
As the founder of the organization i offer may help,,if required....and must inform you that you are gifted with the designing of the Marijuana handshake,,,and thats a big job bro,,,any pressure im in....regards.............B.
As the founder of the organization i offer may help,,if required....and must inform you that you are gifted with the designing of the Marijuana handshake,,,and thats a big job bro,,,any pressure im in....regards.............B.


I'll let you know if I think of anything, but it won't just be anything. It'll be good...


Keep your mind open to:

These are things that will probably be important.
I might even have a handshake in mind.

One that only my sister, and one friend of mine knew.

Maybe something better will come into my head though...But it IS good :D
Trust ya bro...
Make it special,make it shine,make it warm,make them want the handshake bro.....not golden.....Green....B.


I'll let you know if I think of anything, but it won't just be anything. It'll be good...


Keep your mind open to:

These are things that will probably be important.
How about beginning with the hand sign commonly used for toking, but interlocking thumbs and forefingers with our 'brother, bringing them close to our mouths then flying them apart and away, like an explosion of light.
How about beginning with the hand sign commonly used for toking, but interlocking thumbs and forefingers with our 'brother, bringing them close to our mouths then flying them apart and away, like an explosion of light.

But everyone would know what that meant, and ANYONE can copy it after seeing it...
i tollity athe gov need to legalized marijuana and let us grow our own that will stop the drug lords and help stop illegal aliens
Give it some sleep thought,,,just if you dont mind me saying but,,ive been thinking the handshake does indeed need to not stick out in anyway,anyway at all......but how about the stance,there could be the standard handshake,,,but,,,as hands touch for the shake,a foot is put forward!!!!!!!or the shake is followed simply by casually raising your fingers in a smoking fashion and raising to the lips,,,,,,very briefly,and both parties do this move straight after handshake,,,it would evolve naturally.......heh im just an idea man Fin,but im here bro!!
How do you know there isnt all ready a secret "club"?, just the fact that you dont know about it means its working just as it should. If your a member youll know.

who needs handshakes when you have telepathic powers, all true members do....

your free to create your own of course....
u69,your point is perfectly valid bro.
I fail on the telepathy tho man.I can barely read my own mind than someone elses,but a good hippy band wrote a song about it my friend please listen to the words of the song,,,,,,please please please love this band!............B.
i tollity athe gov need to legalized marijuana and let us grow our own that will stop the drug lords and help stop illegal aliens
That wouldn't help with illegal aliens at all I don't think, they're here for the work, not the weed.
But it would cut down violence and everything.
When the police aren't going to come, NO ONE has to bring a gun. Because no one else is.
So once the cops stop pullin guns on all the border stops, THEN the drug lords will stop, because they won't be "Drug lords" any more.
They'll be "Hemp farmers" and "salesmen" just like they were in generations BEFORE we started pulling guns on them...

Give it some sleep thought,,,just if you dont mind me saying but,,ive been thinking the handshake does indeed need to not stick out in anyway,anyway at all......but how about the stance,there could be the standard handshake,,,but,,,as hands touch for the shake,a foot is put forward!!!!!!!or the shake is followed simply by casually raising your fingers in a smoking fashion and raising to the lips,,,,,,very briefly,and both parties do this move straight after handshake,,,it would evolve naturally.......heh im just an idea man Fin,but im here bro!!
The perfect one will come to someone :D

How do you know there isnt all ready a secret "club"?, just the fact that you dont know about it means its working just as it should. If your a member youll know.

who needs handshakes when you have telepathic powers, all true members do....

your free to create your own of course....

There probably is, but I'd like there TO be if there is not.
And I don't know of one, so I'll step down if one day they appear and are like "W-T-F mate?"
But other than that, I believe it needs to be done :D