video showing how fast fires can spread


Well-Known Member
my buddy who is in the fire academy showed me this the other night.thought id share it because its good to know these things. watch how fast this fire lights this place up. 100 people died because people got stuck in the doorway, and probably a few other reasons.

warning: this is graphic and shows at least one guy on fire, but from far away.
pay attention to the time it takes to spread. notice it takes the fire dept 5 minutes to get there.

did you see how everyone was stuck at the doorway? damn. this video reminds me of faces of death. do any of y'all remember that shit when it first came out?
...this was a horrific ordeal. Unimaginable. I've been in blazes before as a 'semi' volunteer firefighter. 'Semi' means I was trained and paid, but on call from home. Either way, not once in 5 years did I see a charred body - let alone the amount that died in this one. I'm thankful for that to no end. Every one was tragic, but this was epic.

I often think about people who grow and alter their home's electrical with any knowledge of power. Maybe one of the reasons for regulation?
It seems to me like 2/3 of the people in that building were fucking stupid about the whole thing! Apparently people just stood around and took there time not thinking that people 50 feet behind them could be dying?? That is such a damn shame...if you see a fire get the hell out of the building!
did you see how everyone was stuck at the doorway? damn. this video reminds me of faces of death. do any of y'all remember that shit when it first came out?

The one Ive seen was traces of death. Fucked up shit man, mad me I'll. Couldn't watch for more than a few minutes.
yeah the first time i saw it, i couldnt believe how fast it went up. you take one breath of that thick black smoke, and you are dead. its hundreds of degrees too. they should design buildings so people dont get caught in the fuckin doorway when they make a mad dash for the exit. if i had a club, one whole wall would be like big garage doors side by side. when the fire alarm goes off, they fly open.
yeah the first time i saw it, i couldnt believe how fast it went up. you take one breath of that thick black smoke, and you are dead. its hundreds of degrees too. they should design buildings so people dont get caught in the fuckin doorway when they make a mad dash for the exit. if i had a club, one whole wall would be like big garage doors side by side. when the fire alarm goes off, they fly open.

...containing hydrogen cyanide - you basically drown from the inhalation of all that smoke. It's fckd up.
Hydrogen cyanide is a minor component. Carbon monoxide is plentiful, and as quickly deadly. cn

...I was hoping you'd post in on this. Is carbon monoxide 'set off' with humidity the way that hydrogen cyanide is? My knowledge stops at what my old ifsta manual held for me.
...I was hoping you'd post in on this. Is carbon monoxide 'set off' with humidity the way that hydrogen cyanide is? My knowledge stops at what my old ifsta manual held for me.

I don't know about hydrogen cyanide being "set off" (potentiated?) by moisture. Carbon monoxide works either wet or dry.
what a horrible event. you would have thought the band might stop playing sooner, definitely. The clog at the doorway, can you imagine the force of hundreds of people wedging your pelvis between a door jam and another persons cracking back? Approach doorways in a mob scenario carefully. Also, be aware of chairs and other things that can wedge you into something, or an overturned chair leg thru abdomen when the mob is pushing on ur back ( almost happened to me at a game event )

thank you for this educational post. I will never approach a concert scenario the same again, especially without knowing all the exits! Thinking back, it is scary to realize just how confined in places ive been, drunk as fuck, with no idea how to get out if there was an emergency besides just try and climb over folks and hope for the best. It becomes painfully evident why there are max occupancy rules and all that!
It seems to me like 2/3 of the people in that building were fucking stupid about the whole thing! Apparently people just stood around and took there time not thinking that people 50 feet behind them could be dying?? That is such a damn shame...if you see a fire get the hell out of the building!

are you serious? the place was stuffed way past capacity with no room to move and there were too few exits. do you have any idea what it's like trying to stuff 200 people through a single door during an emergency? have you ever been in a crowd?
also they had NO FUCKING BUSINESS using pyrotechnics in there. what a fucking nightmare. the insulation was not at all up to code and that's why the place went up so quick.

i know several people who were actually there that night. they all survived, fortunately. this one dude had to get reconstructive surgery on his ear that practically got burned off. they had to literally step over corpses to get to a window and climb out. the dude with the burned ear had some pretty bad ptsd or something for a while. i don't know what he's up to now.