Police or Paranoid

I just found out that the police have put a camera across the street from a hydro store in my neighborhood to track customers.
is it possible if they got my licence plate to track what i buy online or hack and monitor my computer???
can they check what you buy online with cedit cards??
F****N COPS!!!!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
I just found out that the police have put a camera across the street from a hydro store in my neighborhood to track customers.
is it possible if they got my licence plate to track what i buy online or hack and monitor my computer???
can they check what you buy online with cedit cards??
F****N COPS!!!!:cuss:
It's not illegal to buy grow supplies. I think you're being paranoid.


Active Member
Most likely paranoid...however if it were me I would quickly find another hydro store just to be on the safe side...I try to not sketch myself out any more than I need to...if I'm worried about 1 store I go to a different one...just not worth standing by the garbage disposal with plants in hand ready to turn it on every time you hear a knock on your door. Even if the camera is really not doing what you think it is doing you'll still sleep better at night knowing that you eliminated a possibility.


Well-Known Member
Paranoia is a good thing.
On the other hand, don't let the porky-pies win.
Park up the road, walk down or get a lift off a mate who doesn't toke.
NEVER use credit cards. (here come all the answers off the 'members' on here who are here to sell their wares)


Dude ....your not paranoid...check this shit out...



Active Member
ALL larger police agencies have electronic surveilance divisions now so they dont have to use manpower to stake a place out.I just did a job for a guy who retired from LAPD and this is exactly what he did for the last 10 years,they go out dressed as a utility worker and place the camera and from that point on its all recorded and monitored from HQ until they have what they need.Frankly i could care less but to monitor someone over weed?C'mon,go catch a thief or a pedo or something,get a fucking life,where are their priorities at?


Well-Known Member
If your not in a medical state then you can bet your ass their watching. I used to live in a non medical state. The DEA would camp out at the hydro stores from time to time and write down license plates. They would then later cross reference the license plates with electric bills , houses being rented or owned. etc etc . I mean, If your trying to catch a grow op and you had to start somewhere, Where would you start ? I would start at the hydro store.


Well-Known Member
I just found out that the police have put a camera across the street from a hydro store in my neighborhood to track customers.
is it possible if they got my licence plate to track what i buy online or hack and monitor my computer???
can they check what you buy online with cedit cards??
F****N COPS!!!!:cuss:
Yep, they're watching you. They probably already have your name address and telephone number. You can bet that they've hacked into your computer and are following everything you do online.Of course they have been monitoring your credit card activity and bank account. Hell they've probably even put surveillance devices in your house. :twisted:


Active Member
Ya they can and do watch those places for sure...dont drive yours or anyones car who might smoke, borrow your moms or whatever. I dont like credit cards either send cash in mail and send it to a safe address. I still cant believe people in non legal states here order attitude with a credit card. the way i see it with credit cards is that shit is electronically there forever.

But your kewl anyway man your not a commercial dude like u said doin it for yourself.

I actually if i could would go to the hydro store everyday cuz we got a real kewl one around here but instead go only when i need to.


Well-Known Member
Dude ....your not paranoid...check this shit out...

And the sheriffs department is being sued for doing this also.....
I was at the store when the cameras where up and they never came too my house.


What is it gonna take before We The People do something about this tyranny. Soon every action and every word will be recorded by cameras on corners, in your homes, and on your phones. Every activity you wish to engage in will require a license, or be outright illegal. Every fake dollar you spend will have a tax associated with it. We need education on the law. I live in California. The California State Constitution says that every court in the state is a "court of record". That means it proceeds according to the common law. Under common law if there is no injured party, there is no crime. The remedy to this kind of unlawful police harassment is already there. It's just been swept under the rug by crooked judges, politicians, cops, etc. These people have done everything they can to get rid of the common law because there isn't any money in truth and justice. Same reason they give marinol to cancer patients when the real medicine grows on trees. whatch these video links and see that there are still honest peace officers out there, not where I live, but they are out there. And watch Carl, he knows what he's talking about and he lives it.<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s-zHrNPfkQ" data-cke-saved-href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s-zHrNPfkQ">[video]www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s-zHrNPfkQ[/video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaEKB8pU2Tw