New Member
Ok now I am becoming lacy the hyjacker again

Ok now I am becoming lacy the hyjacker again

damn.... hating on dogs what the hell is wrong with u people....that is man's best friend...fdd dont judge all dogs by some hillbilly at walmart parking lot with blue heeler in bed of truck....most dogs serve a purpose all of my dogs do...i dont like ankle biters they are pretty much useless... i dont mind cats but i couldnt own one my dogs kill alot of cats....if your dog is "out of control" well then 99% of time it is owner's fault for not doing any obedience with dog and dog knows no better ....... and if a dog is chewing up house...then he is either too young to be left alone inside a home(crate him) or he isn't getting enough excersize and has bound up energy....he is saying get off your lazy ass and take me for a walk.