Merry christmas smelly!!! Hope u have a good one! I no u will !Stoney merry x mas to I seen ur grows! Ur a great grower..SouR smOKer.Jus smoked a blunt of blue moonshinewowwww ten a gram n dis shit got me higherThen the diablo og I jus smoked lol ..different weeds different weeds lol...What's everyone smokenn?
The 600 is workin amazing in there huh? Temps have been alright I'm guessing that's awesome. Get your trimmin sheers ready buddy gonna be a great new years lol
Yo smelly how you been man? Things are looking awesome over here bro, you got some sweet treats growing. As usual your plants are super healthy looking! Stop by my new thread if get a minute, it's in my sig.
Ohh, & big props on the Guy Fawkes avatar as well.
Thanks JC!! The smoke is great! Not much curing needed honestly, It would only get better but its getting me by for now! The white Dwarf turned out the biggest and the best IMO. I grabbed about a ZIP of her dry, took 8 days to dry too.Plants are looking awesome. Glad to see you made your Christmas merrier. I got my first auto going right now, but it's not about me. How is the smoke on your finished buds? What's up with that vanilla kush? What seed company is that from? Happy holidays, stay blazed, I sure have since harvest.[/QUOTE/]
The vanilla Kush is from Barney's Farm, Budz are getting fat! Can't wait till they bulk up even more. What auto you running again?
merry christmas smelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
may your jars be full and your eggnog be spiked!!!!
santa looks pretty happy there with his tree, LoL, looks good bro!!
Sub'd up ST, sorry but I am going to be straight here, I am not going to be able to read everything up to this point cause you will probably be done with 2 grows before I finish. So I will follow from here on out. Plants looking awesome bro, how does the VK smell??? I heard some mix emotions about VK.
Hope you dont spend money on bud no more!!!! Good luck bro and have a Happy New Year.
I think I overfed my VK smellyshe's not lookin to great. The farms were only at 1.9EC but they got burned a bit. PH was in check so idk wtf is up really. O well live and learn, have u found her to be nute sensitive?
looking good bro!! should have some nice buds outta all that.