• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Main Stream media pulling out all stops to make sure Ron Paul Doesn't win


New Member


"Main Stream media pulling out all stops to make sure Ron Paul Doesn't win" - Ed Show

New IOWA Polls

Ron Paul 23%
Mitt Romney 20%
Newt Gingrich 14%

Iowa Governor says "people are looking at who comes in second and who comes in third"

On the Monica Crowley show Saturday afternoon Republican Godfather Dick Morris called Ron Paul a misguided missile. He also stated Ron Paul was an antisemite.

Other quotes from Fox and the republicans this week:

"If Ron Paul Wins that will discredit the entire caucus primary system" - Fox keeps repeating this

"Ron Paul wining would discredit Iowa" - Fox keeps repeating this

"If Ron Paul Wins IOWA then that means Mitt Romney will be the next president" - Fox keeps repeating this (lol what?)

"It is Democrats and Independents sabotaging the Republican primary"

"Ron Paul Win In Iowa Is The Best Thing That Could Happen For Mitt Romney"

"Paul's Crazy train will derail Iowa's status"

"The Torpedoes Are Now in the Water for Ron Paul" - CNN John King

"Ron Paul Leads in Iowa. How Can We Bring Him Down?"

New Ron Paul Interview Today On CNN regarding the attacks

Rumors circulate that the Republican's might be throwing out a third party candidate, some suspect Jeb Bush to go against Ron Paul should he win, others are speculating that it will be like Europe and they will say a Ron Paul win doesn't count so we need a do-over or a recount ala 2000 gore/bush.

The Media Blackout Continues

CBS and Conservative radio, blatantly ignore Ron Paul as usual. They don't even mention his name or even have him in the graphics, In this cbs video the replace Ron Paul with "Someone else" and show a silhouette..If you are STILL somehow in DENIAL of the media blackout maybe this shocking video will change your mind:

Smear Articles over the last week:

Washington Post: ron pauls UN-electability will be his undoing. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-insiders/post/ron-pauls-un-electability-will-be-his-undoing/2011/12/20/gIQAC70t6O_blog.html

How can someone thats been elected 13 times be UN-electable? Someone who is in 1st or 2nd in ALL of the caucus states? The only vetaran and doctor running?

Bloomberg - Ron Paul’s Ascent Won’t Last, or Help His Cause - http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-1...h-ponnuru.html

NY POST - Blame America First - http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/blame_america_first_republican_5mqj6XU1tO0WLPPvWiH edM

Townhall - Why Ron Paul Can never be president http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2011/12/20/why_ron_paul_can_never_be_president_in_12_quotes

National Review: Paul Fringe Front Runner http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/286259/paul-fringe-frontrunner-rich-lowry

Politico: What happens when your number one http://www.politico.com/blogs/burns-haberman/2011/12/what-happens-when-youre-number-one-108122.html

The Street: Ron Paul Factor to help Obama's Election http://www.thestreet.com/story/11350842/1/ron-paul-factor-to-help-obamas-re-election.html

Washington Post: Ron Paul on short appeal http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-insiders/post/ron-paul-short-on-appeal/2011/12/20/gIQAo8Ni6O_blog.html

Washington Post: What if Ron Paul wins Iowa? http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/post/what-if-ron-paul-wins-iowa/2011/12/19/gIQAIYvP5O_blog.html

CBS - GET READY FOR RON PAULS 15 MINUTES http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-215_162-57345489/get-ready-for-ron-pauls-15-minutes/

Washington Examiner - Conservatives Draw knives against Ron Paul: http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/conservatives-draw-knives-against-ron-paul/266861


Well-Known Member
How can someone thats been elected 13 times be UN-electable? Someone who is in 1st or 2nd in ALL of the caucus states? The only vetaran and doctor running?
have you seen the people that get elected to the house? do you think they are electable to the general populace as a whole?

and by the way, he is NOT 1st or 2nd in ALL caucus states. he is not even on the radar in SC or FL. don't go bending the truth, you do yourself a disservice.

the newsletters are making their way through the news outlets once again, and he STILL has no decent explanation for why he said he wrote them back in '96 or who did write them if he didn't (he has to know that or he is even more of a joke than he already is).

face it, dude. ron paul is a national joke. but there is some good news for you if you are willing to drop your ron paul worship for a second....

gary johnson will seek the libertarian nomination. he did some polling in new mexico and would basically split the republican vote. he said he would be happy to earn 15 or 20% of the vote. i'm sure he would love nothing more than to split the republicans who for so long ignored him.

looks like we have 4 more years of obama giving us tax breaks and defending our national interests. oh, the humanity!


New Member
have you seen the people that get elected to the house? do you think they are electable to the general populace as a whole?

and by the way, he is NOT 1st or 2nd in ALL caucus states. he is not even on the radar in SC or FL. don't go bending the truth, you do yourself a disservice.

the newsletters are making their way through the news outlets once again, and he STILL has no decent explanation for why he said he wrote them back in '96 or who did write them if he didn't (he has to know that or he is even more of a joke than he already is).

face it, dude. ron paul is a national joke. but there is some good news for you if you are willing to drop your ron paul worship for a second....

gary johnson will seek the libertarian nomination. he did some polling in new mexico and would basically split the republican vote. he said he would be happy to earn 15 or 20% of the vote. i'm sure he would love nothing more than to split the republicans who for so long ignored him.

looks like we have 4 more years of obama giving us tax breaks and defending our national interests. oh, the humanity!
he still has no descent explanation? LMAO Its been explained over and over here on these forums and everywhere for decades, there is no possible way you still believe he wrote those If you are even a member of the Rollitup forums:

I've typed up a very long and meticulously cited FAQ in response to this very old charge, available here.
I think I've now read every blog post there is on the subject, and hopefully I covered just about everything. I would appreciate comments, criticisms, etc.

Basically, what happened was that for perhaps 3 decades, several newsletters ran under Paul's name containing some fairly conventional right-wing commentary. Many have attested that Paul personally distanced himself from production and various people with gigs as ghostwriters came and went.

For a brief period from about 1990-1994, a very small number of newsletters were released sporadically which contained racial hateful and "homophobic" remarks.

This was during a time when Paul had relinquished responsibility for the newsletters' operation, retired from Congress and an exhausting presidential campaign, and consigned himself to working full-time as a medical doctor and public speaker, in addition to raising five children.

A few objectionable issues managed to leak out under Paul's nose, quite understandably. Paul did not then and does not now possess superhuman powers. Believe it or not, there were other things that were occupying him at the time. He didn't have the ease of mind, the way some people apparently do, to devote his days to scanning the newsletters for the occasional rant against gays. Blaming him for this is ultimately like blaming him for comments on his Facebook wall.

The racist comments fly in the face of everything Paul has ever written and said, as many people who know him personally have attested. (Among whom include Rick Sincere, an openly gay libertarian whose run for Congress in 1993 Paul supported and helped solicit funds for, at the same time the most hysterical of the newsletters were being churned out.)

Paul was quite angry when he learned of the whole thing. He didn't issue a full denial in 1996 when it was first brought up only on the extremely stupid advice of his campaign staff. (Paul is far too trusting and has never been great at picking advisors.) He has in the past decade addressed the issue several times publically, explicitly denying authorship, and there is every reason to believe it and move on.


Well-Known Member
ron paul is unelectable because....

*racist newsletters that he defended as his own writing in 1996
*wants to abolish public education
*votes against every budget, takes all the pork he can anyways
*hr 7955 calling homosexuality "not an acceptable lifestyle"
*"i wouldn't vote against jim crowe laws"
*leaves our only ally in the middle east, israel, to fend for themselves
*hey, iran could use a bomb
*gold standard pipe dream
*austrian economics has no history of success, anywhere
*heavily invested in gold mining companies, wants to dismantle EPA and go to gold standard (how nicely that would work out for him)
*turtle fornicator

i'm probably forgetting some. there is no lack of ron paul skeletons in the closet.


Well-Known Member
he still has no descent explanation? Its been explained over and over here on these forums, there is no possible way you still believe he wrote those If you are even a member of the Rollitup forums:
then why did he do interviews and tell people that he wrote them during the 1996 congressional campaign?


in face of this, we can deduce that ron paul is either a liar, a racist or both. which option will it be?


Well-Known Member
ron paul is unelectable because....

*racist newsletters that he defended as his own writing in 1996
*wants to abolish public education
*votes against every budget, takes all the pork he can anyways
*hr 7955 calling homosexuality "not an acceptable lifestyle"
*"i wouldn't vote against jim crowe laws"
*leaves our only ally in the middle east, israel, to fend for themselves
*hey, iran could use a bomb
*gold standard pipe dream
*austrian economics has no history of success, anywhere
*heavily invested in gold mining companies, wants to dismantle EPA and go to gold standard (how nicely that would work out for him)
*turtle fornicator

i'm probably forgetting some. there is no lack of ron paul skeletons in the closet.
i forgot one BIG one.

when he talks about letting the market "clear itself", he is sugar coating his message. basically, he is saying let it all hit rock bottom, the people be damned. the free market will fix it all. people can suffer in the meantime while the free market fairy rains benevolence upon all.

in simpler terms, he wants to destroy it in order to fix it. the "my lai" approach to governing.

fuck that jazz.


Well-Known Member

  • He didn't issue a full denial in 1996 when it was first brought up only on the extremely stupid advice of his campaign staff. (Paul is far too trusting and has never been great at picking advisors.)

you just named yet ANOTHER reason why he is unelectable: he is shitty at picking advisors.

ok, let's suppose he didn't write it. are you saying he is too incompetent to read his own damn newsletters? are you making that your "trump card"?


ron paul is too stupid to run a newsletter, let him run the country!

put it on a bumper sticker, dude. we may just have a winner here.


New Member
then why did he do interviews and tell people that he wrote them during the 1996 congressional campaign?


in face of this, we can deduce that ron paul is either a liar, a racist or both. which option will it be?
You read the posts your responding to or not?


New Member
You seem really upset you can't even finish each of my posts without replying angrily before reading the entire thing. I think you need a nap.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Obama had the biggest US presidential skeleton, he was born Kenyan. Didn't stop him. Born citizen is a constitutional requirement on top of skeleton. Even if true, none of your skeletons are listed in the constitution.


Well-Known Member
You seem really upset you can't even finish each of my posts without replying angrily before reading the entire thing. I think you need a nap.
i think you need a reality check.

a ron paul win in iowa would be the best news romney ever got. let me detail for you the 'inside baseball' of this one.

ron paul is not a serious contender nationally. he is in 5th place behind newt, romney, "don't know" and "none of these". he has no traction in SC or FL. he would be toast by super tuesday.

who does have a lot of traction in SC and FL? newt.

who does romney not want to win in iowa? newt.

thus, ron paul wins iowa, romney takes NH, newt is 2 strikes. he has to win SC and FL at that point or he fades.

obama would love to run against paul. romney would love to run aganst paul. newt would love to run against paul. why?

because for all the devotion of his base, it is not a substantial enough base to elect him. you do not want the nomination by polling at 9%.

that is all the 'inside baseball' you get from me for now.


Well-Known Member
Obama had the biggest US presidential skeleton, he was born Kenyan. Didn't stop him. Born citizen is a constitutional requirement on top of skeleton. Even if true, none of your skeletons are listed in the constitution.

you are THAT guy.

wasn't what happened in may humiliating enough for you guys?

or do you dig the abuse?


New Member
i forgot one BIG one.

when he talks about letting the market "clear itself", he is sugar coating his message. basically, he is saying let it all hit rock bottom, the people be damned. the free market will fix it all. people can suffer in the meantime while the free market fairy rains benevolence upon all.

in simpler terms, he wants to destroy it in order to fix it. the "my lai" approach to governing.

fuck that jazz.
Ron Paul is a libertarian, he is not anarcho-capitalist, hes not the filthy republican you hate so much. Libertarians are not racist...he is the best choice for the people, Social Liberties and Fiscal responsibility brings us together and he can lead the republicans in the right direction and work with the democrats.

Everything you list is some kind of conspiracy theory or grandstanding, again, Ron Paul is a libertarian NOT an anarchist, he beleives in State over federal government...Anarchist don't believe in ANY government... Ron Paul recognizes the need for government and he can be practical. Idealism and Philosophy is practical, don't be so impractical.

he IS NOT a typical Republican you think he is...


Well-Known Member
...hes not the filthy republican you hate so much.
i like some republicans, but you are right. he is the nutty pseudo-libertarian who i find comical. better?

Libertarians are not racist...
wanna bet $10,000 that i can find a racist libertarian?

hell, he has a strong support base at stormfront. is stormfront not racist?

LOL! you are doing yourself a disservice when you bend the truth so hard it snaps.

Everything you list is some kind of conpiracy theory or grandstanding...
then what do you think he is implying when he says we need to let the market 'clear itself'? you never addressed that, you only deflected.

deflection does not a counterpoint make.

he IS NOT a typical Republican you think he is...
i agree. like i have already said, he is a nutty pseudo-libertarian who wants the government to make the most important health decisions for my wife.


New Member
I am not going to entertain your ridiculous theories. Provide me with something substantive and not falsies, conspiracy theories, sensationalism, in short snyde remarks for once and maybe I will bite, but I am sick of entertaining you just for the thread to end and die off.


Well-Known Member
I am not going to entertain your ridiculous theories. Provide me with something subsanitive for once and maybe I will bite, but I am sick of entertaining you just for the thread to end and die off.
i am going to assume you have watched the debates, seeing as how you proclaim him the hands down winner of each and everyone (despite what reality suggests).

so i ask you, what do YOU think ron paul means when he says we need to let the market "clear itself"?


New Member
i am going to assume you have watched the debates, seeing as how you proclaim him the hands down winner of each and everyone (despite what reality suggests).

so i ask you, what do YOU think ron paul means when he says we need to let the market "clear itself"?
I think thats actually a mis-quote, I don't believe he said those exact words. Does this lead into one of your anarchy conspiracy theories somehow? Or more sensationalism and snyde remarks....Yep - again - not biting.

Also...Who Won the debates? That is an opinion not fact

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

you are THAT guy.

wasn't what happened in may humiliating enough for you guys?

or do you dig the abuse?
Because he's a Kenyan. If he was really born in Hawaii, why not let Donald Trump view, with a news crew, the actual birth certificate,that can be used as documentational proof for getting a driver's license, at the county court house? I'm sure Trump would donate millions to Obama's charity of choice. What Obama has shown is not used for valid proof of citizenship at any agency. Imagine all the free campaign publicity for 2012. It would make his election a sure thing and humiliate the whole republican party racists. But Obama won't, because how can you make something appear that doesn't exist? It doesn't take someone with a 130 iq to figure out.


Well-Known Member
What Obama has shown is not used for valid proof of citizenship at any agency.
hmmmm, it seemed to pass muster with election officials whose job is to certify these things. but what do i know, it is probably just a grand conspiracy like you claim.

i'm sure the CIA took out ads in hawaii newspapers 50 years ago in an elaborate plot to get a kenyan into office, and that this decades in the making conspiracy involving thousands of people has only been recently uncovered by the most misinformed part of the electorate.

that sounds right.


Well-Known Member
I think thats actually a mis-quote, I don't believe he said those exact words. Does this lead into one of your anarchy conspiracy theories somehow? Or more sensationalism and snyde remarks....Yep - again - not biting.

Also...Who Won the debates? That is an opinion not fact
not misquoting, paraphrasing. it's so funny that you are calling me a conspiracy theorist while i am having fun making sport of another conspiracy theorist. a bit ironic, in a good way.


tell me what you think this means.

If you don’t liquidate this and clear the market, believe me, you’re going to perpetuate this for a decade or two more, and that is very, very dangerous.