Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

i think it was the Egyptians who invented plating. it is done by suspending a metal within a liquid. often using an acid to do so. then the object that is to be plated has a positive and negative electrode attached to it. then it is suspended within a tank of the "liquid metal" and a current is passed thru it. the molecules of metal are drawn to the electrical current and stick to the item that is emitting it. the longer it is left in the thicker the plating becomes. you can tweak the current to get odd build up as well. some of this bubbly looking stuff was probably done on a higher current, causing it to build up faster and ball up. it's actually a really simply process.
i think it was the Egyptians who invented plating. it is done by suspending a metal within a liquid. often using an acid to do so. then the object that is to be plated has a positive and negative electrode attached to it. then it is suspended within a tank of the "liquid metal" and a current is passed thru it. the molecules of metal are drawn to the electrical current and stick to the item that is emitting it. it's actually a really simply process.

Sounds similar to galvanising. -- a pretty good place to get educated about anodizing/chroming/plating and they make home kits to do it yourself, but beware they arent home kit prices really anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand depending on how fancy you get..........
And I can see why some object to the style choices of the face mask with the plating work, but for a guy like me who has always liked games like Half-Life its a cool reminder of the genre.......
Recognize this stencil?
you really want the stencil. ill send it to ya but my hand ached after cutting that one out.. i would want at least 10$ because i would be cutting it out again... but it can happen.