ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

baaaaa hahaha that's awesome!!

i get to be part of the "just got meh first nail n dome" club too! just picked it up yesterday, although apparently now i need a perc. *sigh*

research, please put me on the waiting list for a ti nail too..... ;)
baaaaa hahaha that's awesome!!

i get to be part of the "just got meh first nail n dome" club too! just picked it up yesterday, although apparently now i need a perc. *sigh*

research, please put me on the waiting list for a ti nail too..... ;)

Welcome to the club! I plan to give away most all of my prototype nails, dont worry, you'll be on the list. :)
so i got a question.... are you guys really a fan of these glass "dabbers"

to me its really a severe case of form over function
Other than for smoking weed a bong is virtually useless...what's your point?

that not even comparable What other use does a "dabber" have other than to dab oil/budder/full melt with
and it looks to be nearly incapable of doing so, so whats your point? because it seems the 2 things your trying to compare, dont quite compare the way you wanted them to.
eg. if they cant do what they are designed to do, and or do it Very poorly, Why do they even exist? why are they a popular trend?
eg. if they cant do what they are designed to do, and or do it Very poorly, Why do they even exist? why are they a popular trend?
Its a trend thing, this industry is VERY trendy, often meaning popular artists charge way more than comparable competitors. Why do trends exist? Human nature. Some lead, most follow.

Some folks are going artsy with glass themed dabbers. Some are going practical with the new Ti dabbers and dental tool style stainless steel shovels. I'm more of a practical kind of guy. Buy honestly, dabbing in the dark with a glow in the dark light saber has its own aesthetic worth.
To me its clear that the quality of the extract #1. Beyond that its all personal preference. Lately I've been "dropping bombs", where you drop pieces of wax on to the nail. I can do two or three little chunks if I get it lined up right.
that not even comparable What other use does a "dabber" have other than to dab oil/budder/full melt with
and it looks to be nearly incapable of doing so, so whats your point? because it seems the 2 things your trying to compare, dont quite compare the way you wanted them to.
eg. if they cant do what they are designed to do, and or do it Very poorly, Why do they even exist? why are they a popular trend?
So you're asking why someone would buy a 'dabber' instead of using a paper clip or something?
Probably cause it's cleaner and they have the money to spend. You can get a glass rod for 5$, they're not all 70$
How stoned are you?
But aside from what they do, what do they do?
What else do you want these to do? Pick your nose? stir your drink? Toothpick?
Other than for smoking weed a bong is virtually useless...what's your point?

Some make a great flower vase with a built in watering fixture on the side.


I personally prefer either Titanium or stainless steel dabbers, but artsy glass is nice to look at.