Well-Known Member
The show is awesome whenever I get to catch it I'm sitting with a pen and paper in hand. It's great to have a consistent show with fresh topics, keep up the great job and the audience will continue to grow.
I've did the whole "squaring and cubing", but the problem I've found with this landrace is for one, the rarity of a true male. Most every male I've seen from this lineage will at least pop a few hairs somewhere. They may not be apparent on a large outdoor male, but if you look you will find them. That's one reason I want to outcross, along with creating something that has those genetics and will be more compatible with indoor growing. There are plenty of females from them that won't herm regardless of environmental stressors. The recessive herm trait" IMO", comes from the males i.e., inbreeding. If you can explain in layman's terms how I could go about stabilizing, I'd love to hear it.I do think it would be worthwhile but if what you say is true I would not be mixing thoese rare genetics with anything but working withing the f2 generation to find the best parents and continue into further generations.
The problem is that if you have held these genetics and created seed each year then "selection" has already started taking place and by now in the 8th generation if you have chosen wisely you should have something stable?
I know that I am not Sub, but if I get a few nanners, and they are managable, I will just pick them off. This can be a deal breaker if I am already borderline about keeping a strain, but if the strain is chron, a few nanners isn't going to keep me from keeping it around.