Pots or holes?


Well-Known Member
Anyone have an opinion on growing in pots v. actually digging a hole filled with good potting soil? Here are some of the pros and cons i see.

Hole versus. Pot

roots have unlimited space v. roots have less space
access to ground water v. no access to ground water
better insulation poor insulation v.
must compete with native roots 4 the nutrients v. gets all the soil and nutrients in the pot to itself
Possible diseases in the ground? v. less likely to get ground disease
Plant is stuck in ground v. plant can be moved
less obvious and easier to hide v. pot kinda gives it away

Any others? and what have people found to work better?
sweet, my first grow was in pots with holes drilled in the bottoms for the roots to sneak through, this year I started early and have been digging the holes, but its damn hard work because although the soil is good, where is live in an ancient ocean bed and the ground is full of smooth river rock that has to be pried out of the ground.
sweet, my first grow was in pots with holes drilled in the bottoms for the roots to sneak through, this year I started early and have been digging the holes, but its damn hard work because although the soil is good, where is live in an ancient ocean bed and the ground is full of smooth river rock that has to be pried out of the ground.

noone said the shit would be easy.... dig a hole and buy some good soil and extra perlite and mix it into the native soil since you say its fertile... grab up some good nutes too... i would look into organics its not that hard to understand and well worth it
each has its perks, like express said u will have bigger plants and yeild with holes, but u will still gett a good yeild from pots. i personally like pots so i can move them if i suspect some1 snoopin around.i would like to do some in the ground next year but the ground is straight rock less then a foot down. but the best thing u can do is experiment, do a few of each next year see what u like, rerfine ur techniques to ur preferences not what every1 else tells u. ive been given some real shitty advice on here and ive been given great advice, so u cant always trust it bc the guy on the other end is a supposed "expert grower".
Another idea.
Grow in pots,cut the bottoms off and sit them on a bed or a raised bed if you like pots.

Mine outgrew 150ltr of soil & they still had 4-5 weeks of flowering left...Go big
Anyone have an opinion on growing in pots v. actually digging a hole filled with good potting soil? Here are some of the pros and cons i see.

Hole versus. Pot

roots have unlimited space v. roots have less space
access to ground water v. no access to ground water
better insulation poor insulation v.
must compete with native roots 4 the nutrients v. gets all the soil and nutrients in the pot to itself
Possible diseases in the ground? v. less likely to get ground disease
Plant is stuck in ground v. plant can be moved
less obvious and easier to hide v. pot kinda gives it away

Any others? and what have people found to work better?

For sure holes turn plants into trees. Just make sure it's a strain that will finish in your climate without having to be brought inside to finish under lights. I learned the hard way I need a Costco greenhouse to pull off "in ground" planting here. Two monster Blue Dreams had to be chopped early due to mold.
I say holes. but if you desire a little extra security you can spray paint the pot in camouflage. But make sure you are getting some good sun or else you will not get anything to grow.
i ;like holes every yr. i dig next to them making them bigger. in the 3rd yr the plants are huge. also i like to use rocks or logs to build raised beds and add top dressing
Here is a thought. Bear in mind this is mainly for stealth purposes. Dig your hole at a size to accept your pot so it can be camo'd. This will help to keep it cool, less evaporation in the case of air pruning and you can move the pot when ever you wish. I'm sure there are plenty of draw backs to this but like I said.....FOOD FOR THOUGHT!
Holes: less maintenance, bigger plants. Easier all around. MOre risks of diseases and fungal infections (it comes from the dirt).

Pots: safety, safety, safety: Try to move a fully grown plant out of harms way from a hole! Good luck!