What's your favorite cloning medium?


just started using rockwool, though I dont like how quickly it dries if youre not paying attention. Other than that, works great!


Well-Known Member
No success with roottech. I switched to sticking cuttings into a plain glass of water and leaving it there for days. Then, when the stems look warty, I stick in coco plugs. I've had a 100% success rate this way. Today, I bought some clonex gel. I have 5 cuttings dipped in clonex, stuck 'em in coco plugs, and put under a humidity dome... we'll see how that goes. But, 100% success rate using nothing. Be careful if using a humidity dome. It's beneficial at first, but after a few days, it's the quickest way to rot your cuttings.


Well-Known Member
The past 5 years I think I have tried most methods and I am back to soil. The rockwool was ok, for me harder to control the moisture content than soil, success rate nearly 100% but attention to moisture always. A cup of water and rooting hormone is slow and I have to be more attentive to the age of the stem before selecting with water, success rate low 90's to high 80's.
The aero and other newer methods are great but it just takes some of the spirit of growing away for me anyway. Soil for me is the simpliest, least time consuming and honestly can't remember the last cutting I lost the last two years. I use soil from an old grow that has been placed in its resting and refurbishing area. The soil I make with one watering will usually last until the cutting has rooted and ready to be placed in its veg container. The only decision or bother I have then is whether to have the doom on or off.
Everyone that grows things will have a favorite that works best for them, the secret is try all of them for several cycles and decided which pleases you the most.


Well-Known Member
I use a homemade bubble tray, Olivias cloning gel and tapwater. 100% success, roots in 14 days on most strains. I want to try a turbokloner!


Active Member
I had the worst time learning to clone and it was slowing me down. After losing many clones, I broke down and spent $65 on a Daisy 8 spot aeroponic cloner. 100% sucess rate.My buddy checked it out and looked on youtube and made his own aeroponic cloner for $30.


Well-Known Member
why change if getting 100%? not to be a dick bro, but dont fix what aint broken. imo.....peace
LOL I MUST experiment! I want to see how much sooner the roots will form. Some strains will take 3 weeks and few are ever less than 2 weeks. Ive tried to build aerocloners, but I never can get them sealed very good. I know, I suck!