Help..feel guilty and paranoid.


Active Member
Hey i need a lil' advice and emotional support here plz.I know we are all on the same boat and i need some reassurance.
I'm doing a closet grow of 2 plants in soil.This is actually my second grow i already done one and didn't feel like this before for some reason.
I am really worried about the safety of it all..I feel guilty for possibly putting my families safety at risk an di need to know if i need to worry so much.
My light is a 250 watt HPS with digital ballast.As far as i am aware these digi ballasts are quite alot safer than the regular,but how likely is it that one day the bulb will break ? If it breaks will the shards of hot glass start a fire ? I am paying for my electricity and have no dodgy wiring , the bulb is less than a year old and has only been used for 1 prior grow.i take my plants and water them in the bath tub when they are getting watered. Is it only just large grow ups with stoeln electricity and bad safety practices that go up in smoke or have people burnt they're house down just because an hps bulb gave up in they're closet?
THe thing doesn't get that hot,i have a fan coming on and off every half hour cools it down ,you can touch the reflector and not get burnt...


Well-Known Member
You must be smokin too much of the goods haha! Paranoia is pretty common with smokin some of the goods, but it sounds like you're just concerned with other peoples safety and that should be commended. If a bulb explosion is a serious concern use a cool tube which will contain most of the glass, whats your growing situation?


Well-Known Member
Well if your concerned about it one of those extinguishers would be a grand idea. Just be sure there is nothing too flammable near the light, tough the trouble area is usually shoddy wiring.

The biggest thing is just to keep your mouth shut about growing, thats a big trouble area.

You can also buy fire resistant materials to line your closet if you want another level of security.


Active Member
thanks guys ,yeh i think i might get one of those , i did a bunch of google searches there aswell and feel alot better that it is safe..i am at home all the time anyway and check the setup alot .i just watched the hills have eyes for the first time before bed tonight, disturbed the shit outa me ,so i was lying in bed freaking out about everything then that sent me into a big bout of paranoia and i couldn't sleep so i had to get up and get some support lol ,cheers.
watch how hot it gets i tried to grow in a closet a couple years ago and it got way to hot
but now i have a card and a whole bedroom to use as a grow room

Happy Growing


Active Member
well the heat is ok,because i check it so much,i alread grew in there and got an oz off 1 plant for my first attempt,happy enough.

clown baby,gfy


Well-Known Member
The fire extinguisher is a good idea if you can swing it but if your wiring is good and the ballast is new you should be fine. It's when people run shitty wiring that things get bad.