Skyrim Is The Shit.


Active Member
I can't decide which I like more the light dragon armor or the nightingale armor you get doing the thieves quests.. I know the dragon armor has way more armor rating etc and I can put the enchants I want on it, so no doubt the dragon armor is "better" but DAMN that Nightingale armor is sexy!!

I keep it in my inventory just to throw it on from time to time, completely waisting carrying space.

so far....
lvl 55 assassin, full light dragon armor, daedric bow, all improved wearing my masters blacksmithing gloves (+ 15% to improvements), and all double enchanted with +23% dam with bows, and + 23% dam with one handed weapons.. cept the weapons which are +23% frost dam and +23% fire dam.


Active Member
Heheh WoW the best game to date? hardly, it caters to the lowest common denominator. Everquest was the first real MMORPG and paved the way for games like WoW. It isn't dumbed down for the adolescent masses like WoW was and was infinitely more rewarding.

But IMO an MMORPG would be in a separate category than most video games. Super Mario World on the SNES is on my list of best games

i have to agree with you man,EverQuest was a badasssss game,untill sony ruined it more and more and more,then kileld it off when they made EQ2,also WoW came out around this time,killing it even more.

i played it in PvP Live and ive played private PVP servers recently where it was old school EQ maps/toon and cap at lvl 50-55,best gaming experience ive ever had.

WoW was a great game,when it first came out.ive quit the game many times since its release and everytime i rejoin again its the same old stuff and then it gets boring quicker..

each expansion kills the game even more...but they keep adding them for the hardcore players who like to raid and make the new races/classes to the highest level.or the new professions and new armor etc..guilds want to be the first to beat the new bosses

WoW and EQ2 killed EQ DRASTICALLY!!!they had to merge servers to keep population and even then it died over time.

out of WoW,EQ,EQ2,Dark Ages of Camelot,oblivion,guild warsl,vanguard(makers of EQ),age of conan,warhammer
and possibly other games im missing, EQ was the best in my opinion,pvp/gameplay wise

but population is what really makes the game,badass game with no pop = no fun

nowadays i just play live FPS games like mw3,black ops,combat arms and counter strike source until another game comes out worth playing,all the new ones are fun to play to gank and pvp untill the game dies in 1-3 months.


Well-Known Member
Rift is a pretty damned good game. I have a sub but haven't played in months. Just burned out on MMORPG's


Well-Known Member
I can't decide which I like more the light dragon armor or the nightingale armor you get doing the thieves quests.. I know the dragon armor has way more armor rating etc and I can put the enchants I want on it, so no doubt the dragon armor is "better" but DAMN that Nightingale armor is sexy!!

I keep it in my inventory just to throw it on from time to time, completely waisting carrying space.

so far....
lvl 55 assassin, full light dragon armor, daedric bow, all improved wearing my masters blacksmithing gloves (+ 15% to improvements), and all double enchanted with +23% dam with bows, and + 23% dam with one handed weapons.. cept the weapons which are +23% frost dam and +23% fire dam.
That's pretty impressive. I've started over a few times now, but I'm set on a female wood elf assassin type w/ magic support (alteration, illusion) but I'm only lvl 30 ATM. currently in a mix of Dark Brotherhood peices and Nightengale chest/bow.

I was wondering if anyone else kept the Skeleton Key and just didn't finish the theives guild entirely? So far, I've left the quest to return the key in my book so I can take advantage of the key while I'm still leveling(no unbreakable perk, yet... it isn't high priority though). Really, I can open a master lock just fine with 5 or so picks and if I really had to it's just a matter of finding the general region and using the markings on the left side to remember how to angle your lockpick... Do you get anything worthwhile for finishing the quest? I know they asked me to be the new boss but IDK what else happens and I'm kind of enjoying being super lazy with the key.

I've been seeing a lot of elven/ebony weapons lately and have gotten a hold of some glass arrows but that's as far as the armor progression has gotten for me so ATM quest items are my friend.

Also, do you guys find that after a while it seems like money is no object? I've been cleaning out alchemy shops for their ingredients and I've been buying all the empty soul gems(and the filled cheap ones: common, lesser, petty)... All I've done for money is pick up things on a gold per pound basis (to maximise profit per load of goods) and then enchanting the weapons with whatever soul gems I happen to have. The only downside is that vendors have a limited gold supply so you have to wait, go to a different shop, or buy items from them(which works when they actually have things I need).


Active Member
is rift really good?how populated is it?like WoW?sorry to compare i just know it has a good amount of population..

how is the pvp in open world?i hate instanced pvp and see this in every game these days..

i want to gank and be ganked lol..

i joined rift's free trial but i got bored right away and quit because it said low populations on the servers,cant interact with anyone..its like you try the game out on a seperate server line,with only yourself and no one else.


Well-Known Member
Dunno about PvP, I don't do that at all. Early on in Rift the servers always had a que,, although that smoothed out after the first few months. hard to say how it is now, it has been months since I logged in.

Skyrim, 40+ hours so far, too much to do and not enough time to do it


Well-Known Member
my boy is obsessed with this game. he killed his horse Shadowmere the other day by accident and im pretty sure he almost cried, kinda funny for a 6'2 260 lb 23 year old.


Active Member
I just bought Skyrim as a christmas present for my son, it was at the top of his wish list. Sounds like he's going to have a blast playing it!!!