Well-Known Member
Hehhehehe that sounds awesome, I know we will have fun anywhere though lol 

Yes I did, the Yosemite would cost a lot more. But a really neat place.
The Yosemite place, people would just make their own reservations
Hello all-
I just found this thread, here we go...
The bug hostel is something to look into for 4/20, we (TLD & me) can negotiate a lump price for what we want that weekend, you know get a "bulk rate" for it, I'm sure they'll cut us a nice deal, we're locals, and they're a bit slow that time of year.
I"m working on a Summer Solstice 2012 camping trip in Yosemite for June 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. I have a very good friend that lives 5 miles out on a dirt road in Yosemite west (Yosemite west is private property within the national park boarders off HWY 41, no federal jurisdiction there, and rentals for you non campers) His property was once a rental, now my buddy lives there, so it's nice, deck, hot tub, OUTSTANDING VIEWS, and no one around for 5 MILES, you'll be in the middle of the woods with electricity, and running water....nice!!! Bathrooms too!...LOL
I went to a party my buddy threw there about 7-8 years ago and met Jack Herrer at that party, no shit! Smoked his keif out of his pipe too! What an honor! Jack had a walking cane made out of a marijuana plant trunk.
My buddy had a band playing, BBQ, all kinds of eats, about 100 people there most camping, plenty of room for us to camp, 6000 ft elevation, it's BAD ASS!!!!!
I'll get in touch with him within the next week or two and see what he says, I'm sure he'll be down. I can see this one going off great!
I have other friends that own overnight rentals within that community of Yosemite west, I can see about getting a deal on some of their rentals, but it's there "prime time" of the year too, so getting a "real good deal" might be tough. We would limit it too 100 people or so, but if I know my buddy, the bigger the better!
How does that sound guys?
A Summer Solstice party in Yosemite!
I guarantee you'll all be blown away with this location my buddy lives, it's unreal!
Give me some feed-back......
yosemite is out in the middle of nowhere. it is centrally located next to nothing. 6 hours away is rather far for me. i'm sure it's that far for everyone else as well. something closer to Sac seems "fairer" to everyone. IMO.
is the snow even melted in May?
I haven't heard back from the guy with the Delta house. See what kind of deal you can get from the hostel.
I'm trying to find a place that we could have all too ourselves. I did see a 10acre ranch in Jackson with a pond.
Still looking
Hook us up a summer party treeman!