Well-Known Member
Bo Jackson forever gets my vote. Not only could he run like a mofo, but he could hit homeruns too. Beast mode.
Edit: Maybe Ron Paul.
Edit: Maybe Ron Paul.
Tom Brady.He's getting up there in age but he's still playing at a high level.
To much emphasis is being put on offensive players, and in particular quarterbacks, running backs and wide receivers given the topic is the "Greatest Player In NFL History."
Those guys get the glory, but if not for a solid front line doing their jobs extremely well and a tight end or blocking back throwing a great down field block allowing a wide receiver or running back to break free, those glory position players would not get much glory. And almost every player who plays on the opposite side of the ball is being ignored and their contributions minimized.
As powerful of an offense as some winning teams have had very few will be truly great teams and win it all and be dominant in the league for some period of time without a dominating defense with at least one or two true game-changing standouts on it.
They keep the other teams offense on the bench much of the game giving their teams offense and glory players more and more opportunities to attempt to pull off big plays and rack up points. But without their heroic efforts it would be their teams offense on the sideline watching the game rather than their opponents offense on the sideline watching the game.
Not one of your mentioned players played at a consistent pro-bowl type level on 2 sides of the ball let alone 3. Barry Sanders in particular is a weak comparison, he couldn't block, pass, or catch. Sanders was the best pure runner, Payton was a better football player:
Walter Payton is the best there ever was no question....
Brett Farve are you people serious?
Good player...well lucky player!
But not even in the realm of great.
He shouldn't be in the hall of fame on the amount of interceptions alone.
Brett Farve isn't even the best Packer QB ever. Compared to Bart Starr he's a side show at the circus.
Sshh, you're done talking. You obviously have NO real respect for the game of football if you think that about Brett Favre. GTFO of here dude. Brett Favre has one of the best throwing arms the NFL has ever seen, between speed and accuracy - he's unmatchable. He threw the ball faster than ANY QB in history, and that's a fact. 1/2 of his interceptions came from receivers dropping the ball and defenders pickin it. Not to mention Brett's style of football is unlike any other QB in history. He took chances, he either was a hero or threw a pick to lose the game. He coaches himself, he called the plays, that's a lot on a QB. Whereas Aaron Rodgers takes the sack and punts, has an awesome coach calling plays, it's just a different style of QB. Brett Favre could stand at the 20 yard line and throw the ball 80 yards and hit those little orange pylons, not to mention he played his entire career in the coldest, windiest stadium in the country. Gimme a break, it's obvious you don't know Football from Foosball.
Not to mention you will NEVER see another QB with the sportsmanship Brett Favre had, and has. Even after having his reputation tarnished by a bunch of ego hungry douche bags at ESPN he still did things like call Rodgers to congratulate him on the superbowl. Things you don't see in sports Brett Favre did. Things you don't expect from a losing QB, he did. No one will ever compare to the complete player Brett Favre really was. NO ONE
Between the love of the game to just wanting to play, he had the most passion for the game by far, STILL MAKING THE PLAYOFFS at 41 and ya'll are doggin him, taking all kinds of BS from the press, all he wanted to do WAS PLAY FOOTBALL. He spent the summers playing football with the high school team in Mississippi, he did that shit before the NFL required or even told players to go out and do that shit for kids. He's the real deal, a real role model, and an awesome QB. When you factor all of that in, Brett Favre is by far one of the greatest athletes in history.
Brett Favre is a Drama Queen who could not find a way to leave the game on his own terms.
No he isn't... that was all ESPN dude. Brett Favre just wanted to play football, while ESPN did everything they could to make money off of Brett Favre's reputation. All of that was 100% BULL SHIT... when you look at what Brett Favre ACTUALLY said and did, it's clear he just wanted to play football. ESPN is the drama queen because it makes them money, and you buy into the shit, so they keep doing it. ESPN is a bunch of no-name douche bags that feel the need to keep pushing their ego because they failed to accomplish anything real in they're athletic career, so they spend their time bashing real athletes. If you really believe all that shit on ESPN you're a complete moron. ESPN is the same as FOX NEWS at this point... they don't cover sports, they cover fake drama.
Everything I've heard about sports on this forum has been fed to you from ESPN, you all need to do a little research on your own instead of sucking ESPN's tit. Maybe form your own opinion as well?
So who's really the drama queen? Brett Favre, or the people that buy into the shit? You might as well be watching Jersey Shore with your bf dude, while running scared from the swine flu, bed bugs, and terrorists.
Agreed! This is why I picked Brett Favre,
Why do you think it is that at the end of a successful season a top quarterback will buy a top of the line Rolex watch for each of their offensive linemen, or buy them all a new pickup truck or something?
It is because that top quarterback knows that without the extreme skill of his line he would be nothing, that he would never have been able to put up the impressive numbers that he did because he would have spent the season running for his life and picking himself up off the ground and spitting out grass, and maybe teeth too.
When talking about the greatest football player of all time it is possible that the greatest is someone that 99% of football fans do not know, or remember, the players name because he did not play one of the glory positions that gets the most fan and media attention but who was instrumental in those glory position players ever getting the opportunity to do what they then did that then got the attention of the fans and the media.
One or two shutdown cornerbacks that you can put alone on an island allowing you to bring up your safeties so one or both can rush the quarterback or one rush while the other covers the middle can be as or more important than any running back or wide receiver or even in some cases a quarterback. Seldom will one pick off an interception and run it back for a touchdown, so you cannot count on them for points, but what you can count on them for is keeping the other teams receivers out of the game so your team cannot be outscored, and that is how they win you games.
But the fans and the media flock around the quarterback, running back and wide receivers and credit them for the win.
Eh, in today's league he would get molly whopped, half of those runs would turn into a fumble in today's league, poor ball security, eh he was an awesome RB, one of the best RB for his time, but not the best all around football player of all time. Especially when you throw in today's NFL.
It's hard to pick one player for all time, you really need a by generation type thing since the leagues change so much. Especially the last few years, I would argue that QB's 5 years ago had a much harder time than the ones in today's league with all the new rules. I take ALL of that into consideration when looking at this stuff.
Like Troy Aikmen, an awesome QB, but had to quit because of too many concussions, always getting popped, but stood in to make the throw, whereas Tom Brady's candy ass gets a 15 yard penalty anytime someone touches him. Those are some BIG time game changers as far as how I look at a sports player.
Sshh, you're done talking. You obviously have NO real respect for the game of football if you think that about Brett Favre. GTFO of here dude. Brett Favre has one of the best throwing arms the NFL has ever seen, between speed and accuracy - he's unmatchable. He threw the ball faster than ANY QB in history, and that's a fact. 1/2 of his interceptions came from receivers dropping the ball and defenders pickin it. Not to mention Brett's style of football is unlike any other QB in history. He took chances, he either was a hero or threw a pick to lose the game. He coaches himself, he called the plays, that's a lot on a QB. Whereas Aaron Rodgers takes the sack and punts, has an awesome coach calling plays, it's just a different style of QB. Brett Favre could stand at the 20 yard line and throw the ball 80 yards and hit those little orange pylons, not to mention he played his entire career in the coldest, windiest stadium in the country. Gimme a break, it's obvious you don't know Football from Foosball.
Not to mention you will NEVER see another QB with the sportsmanship Brett Favre had, and has. Even after having his reputation tarnished by a bunch of ego hungry douche bags at ESPN he still did things like call Rodgers to congratulate him on the superbowl. Things you don't see in sports Brett Favre did. Things you don't expect from a losing QB, he did. No one will ever compare to the complete player Brett Favre really was. NO ONE
Between the love of the game to just wanting to play, he had the most passion for the game by far, STILL MAKING THE PLAYOFFS at 41 and ya'll are doggin him, taking all kinds of BS from the press, all he wanted to do WAS PLAY FOOTBALL. He spent the summers playing football with the high school team in Mississippi, he did that shit before the NFL required or even told players to go out and do that shit for kids. He's the real deal, a real role model, and an awesome QB. When you factor all of that in, Brett Favre is by far one of the greatest athletes in history. Lambert...he'd lay the smack on ya.
Hell yeah he would! I grew up in a Steeler household and he is legend. This man would break fingers tape them on the sideline and be in the next play! This man was a beast!Jack Lambert...he'd lay the smack on ya.