20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

CG, grabbed a bottle of the Yellow Bottle Bloom Final at your high regards. Just applied the first dose tonight (hydro, F&D) so we'll see in a few days if it has any noticeable effects. I like that it has minimal pk tho so it's safe to use with PK boosters like Shooting powder or Pk13/14. Wanted to say thanks for the rec and I hope I see something good.
This really isn't the thread for that, but I don't mind sharing. Give me a reminder over the weekend and I'll post something up. I don't want to keep derailing CG's thread.

Post the info here if you dont mind. I'd like to see it. Obviously, with a yield like that, I wouldn't change a thing. BUT, I would bet that an aero settup in your garden, with everything else staying the same, would icrease your yield even more. Now, I would never do that. You don't see me growing aero. I'm trying to get more organic...the other direction from aero. Plus, I've always believed that behind strain, plants size, density, and canopy shape effect yield much MUCH more than nutrients and what medium is used. I believe this to be why experienced growers can pull much larger yields than noobs.
Anyways, post your shit. I bought a camera at Cosco yesterday...so I'll be posting some pics, as well. I need to get this thread going again. Too long w/o pics and things get stale.
Post the info here if you dont mind. I'd like to see it. Obviously, with a yield like that, I wouldn't change a thing. BUT, I would bet that an aero settup in your garden, with everything else staying the same, would icrease your yield even more. Now, I would never do that. You don't see me growing aero. I'm trying to get more organic...the other direction from aero. Plus, I've always believed that behind strain, plants size, density, and canopy shape effect yield much MUCH more than nutrients and what medium is used. I believe this to be why experienced growers can pull much larger yields than noobs.
Anyways, post your shit. I bought a camera at Cosco yesterday...so I'll be posting some pics, as well. I need to get this thread going again. Too long w/o pics and things get stale.

Alright CG, you asked for it... it'll be this weekend though, I'm crazy stupid busy lately and only have time to pop in on my short breaks from the mundane. Also, I think you're pretty spot-on about canopy shape, etc having a HUGE effect on final yield. My follow up on this will probably be the longest comment I've ever made, so don't be surprised.

edit: oh, and the finished quality of the stuff I've been putting out the past couple of years is just ungodly good. Uber trichome coverage and they stay healthy til the end.
Hey CG, I was wondering how your mini-split unit are working out for you? I was thinking about picking up a 3-ton later this winter do you have any advice from your experience?
Where to start where to end? First of all I have spent 12 hours reading this from start to finish and I have never ever in my 14 years of growing have seen, talked, or been able to find a person that will give FULL and complete disclosure about EVERYTHING that they do in there grow. The pot world is exactly like the hi-performance engine market. NOBODY will give you honest answer to where thier research is at because of the time, and money involved in it. Knowledge is the key and you damn well better be up to date on aerodynamics so you can port a cylinder head correctly.

Sir my hats off to you for the disclosure of your grow. I grow outdoors and after a very recent event that has happened to me I have to make a choice either stop growing or move to a state where it is legal. In my last trip to cali I was told about this forum and its a killer.

I have noticed that you are DYING to get your hands on floramite to go nuclear on the lil sunsabitches! Well I got something for you if I may say "my friend"

Floramite 8oz. Bottle. Legal to sell into California. Miticide / Spidercide


I am researching a biz plan to see what state I will end up in. I have known about mendocino county and that was the first place I went on my first trip to the west coast to se what condtions there are for a commercial grow. I know now that I will not be going there. this is strictly my opinion and I do not want to sway other people for what I am about to say. This is strictly my opinion and not to be taken to heart. Here it goes. I do not like the fact there is a canopy limit, having to buy a $50 zip tie for each plant, having to have my operation completely opened to law enforcement for routine inspections, and the thing that pushed me over the edge was the fact that it is up to the officers to dictate how much your plant can produce. If they think its producing to much bud you have to chop it down. I do not know 100% if the last statement is true but its the way that I took it.

After reading this I think I will be using your present set up as a model for me to grow.I will still have to do my homework, research out every detail before I make a decision. $100K seems to be a good start. I think in reality its going to cost me $180K to $220K because I have no contacts for genatics so I will proboly have to spend the first year buying and growing seeds until I get the mother plant that I want to clone. I know there is going to be problems, dialing in,ect ect so I think its going to take me a year and a half to two years before I am running hard.

Once again thank you for all of your information especially on nutes. I said previous that I grow outdoors.I mix my own soil and use IRONITE inplace of chemical nutes. Ironite is a mineral based product that has urea in it to get the small amount of N into the product. If you want to know more google ironite msds and all the contents and %'s are disclosed. I do not know how much time,frustraion and money you have saved me with the nute info and to be honest when I started to look into nutes I got lost because there is so much out on the market. Now I know to follow this thread and do EXACTLY what you are doing.

Well my buns are killing me from sitting in this chair for 12 hours now after reading this thread, once again THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow man im in washington we can only have 15 plants and up to aa pond and a half ... anyways im part a a 3 way collective garden and i started this account today cause i need more real time info and im really impressed with ur op cant wait 2 see the flowering results....
Hey CG, I was wondering how your mini-split unit are working out for you? I was thinking about picking up a 3-ton later this winter do you have any advice from your experience?

The whole thing got put off till spring again. I was originally going to wait till spring to seal the room, but got all exited seeing Commercial J's CO2 crop. But when I put together the final budget for CO2 gear and HVAC, it was more than I was willing to spend at that time. Right now my biggest atmosphere challange is keeping things warm enough. My clones are taking over 2 weeks now due to low temps. The vented lights in veg were shut down and the Adjustawings fired up to heat up the room. The bloom room is great, though.

Anyways, another post reader suggested getting the 'cold weather package' with whatever split system you get. That turned out to be quite true. Most people would not be running their air in cold weather. But, growers will. Therefore the AC must have a mechanism to slow down the compressor in colder outside temps (cold, as in, under 65f).
Where to start where to end? First of all I have spent 12 hours reading this from start to finish and I have never ever in my 14 years of growing have seen, talked, or been able to find a person that will give FULL and complete disclosure about EVERYTHING that they do in there grow. The pot world is exactly like the hi-performance engine market. NOBODY will give you honest answer to where thier research is at because of the time, and money involved in it. Knowledge is the key and you damn well better be up to date on aerodynamics so you can port a cylinder head correctly.

Sir my hats off to you for the disclosure of your grow. I grow outdoors and after a very recent event that has happened to me I have to make a choice either stop growing or move to a state where it is legal. In my last trip to cali I was told about this forum and its a killer.

I have noticed that you are DYING to get your hands on floramite to go nuclear on the lil sunsabitches! Well I got something for you if I may say "my friend"

Floramite 8oz. Bottle. Legal to sell into California. Miticide / Spidercide


I am researching a biz plan to see what state I will end up in. I have known about mendocino county and that was the first place I went on my first trip to the west coast to se what condtions there are for a commercial grow. I know now that I will not be going there. this is strictly my opinion and I do not want to sway other people for what I am about to say. This is strictly my opinion and not to be taken to heart. Here it goes. I do not like the fact there is a canopy limit, having to buy a $50 zip tie for each plant, having to have my operation completely opened to law enforcement for routine inspections, and the thing that pushed me over the edge was the fact that it is up to the officers to dictate how much your plant can produce. If they think its producing to much bud you have to chop it down. I do not know 100% if the last statement is true but its the way that I took it.

After reading this I think I will be using your present set up as a model for me to grow.I will still have to do my homework, research out every detail before I make a decision. $100K seems to be a good start. I think in reality its going to cost me $180K to $220K because I have no contacts for genatics so I will proboly have to spend the first year buying and growing seeds until I get the mother plant that I want to clone. I know there is going to be problems, dialing in,ect ect so I think its going to take me a year and a half to two years before I am running hard.

Once again thank you for all of your information especially on nutes. I said previous that I grow outdoors.I mix my own soil and use IRONITE inplace of chemical nutes. Ironite is a mineral based product that has urea in it to get the small amount of N into the product. If you want to know more google ironite msds and all the contents and %'s are disclosed. I do not know how much time,frustraion and money you have saved me with the nute info and to be honest when I started to look into nutes I got lost because there is so much out on the market. Now I know to follow this thread and do EXACTLY what you are doing.

Well my buns are killing me from sitting in this chair for 12 hours now after reading this thread, once again THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Mendo laws are a double edged sword. My wife would rather us be up there. She likes everything out in the open, with no worries of the local law busting the door down. There's something to be said for that. I'm not a fan of being told how much I can grow. Although, I wouldn't have to change my op much to comply with the Mendo rules. I think the county is doing a good thing. Many of the Mendo growers have alot of respect for the Sheriff up there. The Fed's, of course, hate it.

Well, you're realistic on investment costs. Dr Fever gave me a bunch of shit for spending what I did on my op. He says it would have cost him under 20 grand. Guess he likes those Ebay light systems. When you get ready for clones, give me a call. I can probably hook you up with a guy who sells cuts of elite genetics for a premium. With what he charges, you'll be confident not too many other people are buying them. I have paid some sick amounts of $$$ for genetics many many times. That's because I have stopped and started growing a dozen times in my life. Well, maybe not that many..,.but a bunch. Everytime I start up, I need good cuts. This time I was super lucky to have Commercial J as friend. In the past, I've had to nut up and convince other growers to sell me a tray of cuts for some insane price. In the end, it has ALWAYS been worth it to pay out the ass for cuts, and be 100% positive that what you're growing will sell like hot cakes. Otherwise, it's a long and unsure trail of hell and misery.
wow man im in washington we can only have 15 plants and up to aa pond and a half ... anyways im part a a 3 way collective garden and i started this account today cause i need more real time info and im really impressed with ur op cant wait 2 see the flowering results....

Only? Most of the country would kill for those laws.
CG did you order that Floramite? If you want someone to ship you a bottle we can work something out. Just send me a message and we can work out the details.

Thanks for the clone offer when I am ready i will let you know. Its proboly going to be 6 months to a year before I move . I am about to drop a major lawsuit and need to be here until I know what the deal is with that. When I was in cali on my last trip I noticed the clones were dirt cheap and read you got mites from a clone YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I thought going from seed would be better. I know you will stand behind them and I do not care about price I know its not cheap but someone has done all the work and should be paid a healthly amount.

Oh and I forgot to add this but have you thought about doing volunteer work with aids and cancer patients? That maybe a way to get around doctors then you could feel a person out.
If someone is looking to try something radical... I'm still waiting for the day somebody attempts my large scale concept "recirculating 'dwc' with individual bubble rings". I have a feeling though it's going to take a special person to understand it, catch on and actually go for it.

You'd probably need $500 or more, a couple weeks, an imagination.

Subbed to this... I thought I already was!
If someone is looking to try something radical... I'm still waiting for the day somebody attempts my large scale concept "recirculating 'dwc' with individual bubble rings". I have a feeling though it's going to take a special person to understand it, catch on and actually go for it.

You'd probably need $500 or more, a couple weeks, an imagination.

Subbed to this... I thought I already was!

There are a couple of those systems out there for purchase now. Check out the Undercurrent system, and there's another one that I can't remember...
There are a couple of those systems out there for purchase now. Check out the Undercurrent system, and there's another one that I can't remember...

I've seen them. :) And that's usually the opposition I'm faced with the few times I've given the slightest hint to my system. It's okay though, a lot of great ideas never took off over night.

My concept is large scale. Really large, in fact as large as you'd like because your the person building it. You folks would know much better than me... but does there an exsisting under "under current", or any other similar commercial systerm that could support the mentioned 20K watt grow? I personally doubt it. The reason is the money is all in the supplies, not the concept. You can only upsell things to a certain point before customers don't respond. On the other hand you have to make money, and that includes shipping all that bulky crap and unless your direct selling, marking it down to whole salers.

You can see how it works okay for small systems, but even then $500-$1000 is insane for someone to bore some holes in plastic for you and give you a kit of parts. But for the person like this for a 20K watt garden, it's impossible to sell them that system, you'd be charging them $10,000. For about the price of one of those little "rdwc" I could teach this person to plumb up maybe 100 sites and space them out as far as needed, all with a large amount of air, and all doing it as effiecently as possible. Would it take work, definently. But it would be equally or better than a commercial system and you'd get something they can't deliver.
I've seen them. :) And that's usually the opposition I'm faced with the few times I've given the slightest hint to my system. It's okay though, a lot of great ideas never took off over night.

My concept is large scale. Really large, in fact as large as you'd like because your the person building it. You folks would know much better than me... but does there an exsisting under "under current", or any other similar commercial systerm that could support the mentioned 20K watt grow? I personally doubt it. The reason is the money is all in the supplies, not the concept. You can only upsell things to a certain point before customers don't respond. On the other hand you have to make money, and that includes shipping all that bulky crap and unless your direct selling, marking it down to whole salers.

You can see how it works okay for small systems, but even then $500-$1000 is insane for someone to bore some holes in plastic for you and give you a kit of parts. But for the person like this for a 20K watt garden, it's impossible to sell them that system, you'd be charging them $10,000. For about the price of one of those little "rdwc" I could teach this person to plumb up maybe 100 sites and space them out as far as needed, all with a large amount of air, and all doing it as effiecently as possible. Would it take work, definently. But it would be equally or better than a commercial system and you'd get something they can't deliver.
You should read this thread http://www.thcfarmer.com/forums/f158/under-current-here-we-go-13962/ and no, it doesn't cost 10,000 for the undercurrent itself...lights and everything else well that's a diff story lol

pg35 has some nice pics
Yeah, it was the first time I've gone outside my cirlce of friends to get a different strain. Either they wouldn't give up the GDP or they didn't have it. Needless to say I'll just go with 200 seeds of GDP to get what I'm looking for lol.

dude where can you get GDP seeds??