woah man i bet that was some conversation! tell me you sprung it on her when the monthly arrived!? i bet she went bananas.funny you say don, i have proven to my lady our arguments revolve around her monthly. usually starts around 3-4 days before. i did it on a calendar fro 7 going on 8 months now.,
ah mate it's mostly of my own doing. i have been hitting it hard lately. still whats good for the gander is good for the goose. it aint like i've changed since we met i've always hit the bottle hard every now and then and done something stupid. maybe that's the problem she's finally had enough of me.Sorry to hear bout your trials with your lass, Don. Wish I could give advise, but my record ain't so good. So I'll just stand with ya mate!
aye, she's a winner for sure mate. nee wonder she was pissed off with me like...Aye, that's a keeper all right, lol. Can't say much, done some right daft things in ma time.
never say never indeed man, though i reckon id be miserable as sin if i gave up the drink. that or a raging drug fiend.... wait errr what?Never say never don. I loved the bottle more than me mum and thought they would have to pry it out of my dead hand before I'd let go. Stuff changes and I decided to put it down. I gotta say while I do miss having a drink with the boys, I don't miss waking up to a pissed off bird mad at me for something I don't remember doing. And I don't miss jail either, lol.
But it sure is funny when you hear what you did... I always thought "Yeah, that sounds like some dumb shit I would say" haha.
Did you say you loved london? It's lovely here this afternoon.
Love the christmas trees. You should get some miniature decorations for them.
Lol, good deal. I feel u on the gaming live. i used to play halo live and its always funny when i'm getting my ass kicked and some little 12 y/o starts talkin shit on the mic. lol so i know its even funnier over the pond. no offense to anyone. a month you say? u feelin the jet lag? a month from now i'll see you postin about sipping on a cup of earl grey smoking a J.lol TGSS. Yeah man, I'm cali all the way. Wifey however is worldwide and shit... so I get to ride coat-tales all over the place. Never ever would I have thought I'd be spending a month 8 time zones away from home. One funny thing, I was playing modern warfare online last night and I have to say a bunch of 12 year olds talking shit with british accents is so cute. It kills me listening to it at home, but the accents make it ok, hahaha.
bored in our nations capital???? lolI'll be here waiting mate. Probably bored out my mind by then.