Israel's cost to the American people estimated to be a staggering $2 trillion


Well-Known Member

fenderburn84 said:
My family lost members in those camps, you can say what you would like I really don't care if you are anti semetic or not. See I am an American citizen and I have every right to call Bullshit same as you. Obiously you didn't read the posts people want to bash on us and say we play the holocaust card well my friends it was not I who threw that down. The thing I don't get is a group of people throw grenades and launch rockets at our schools killing our children and we are supposed to smile. I have never heard such nonsense. And if you were a real Muslim you would understand my hatred. We are not Christians either of us we are bot a turn the other cheek people, nor are you. To the Muslims out there I do not respect you and I would expect the same. We are not friends. It's not that big of a deal to me and I don't know why it would bother you. We hate each other it is what it is. The reason we have ever "mistreated" anyone in ythe strip or bank us out of self defence. How many babies do we have to bury before we are just protecting our selves? Look ATT Europe what good has the Muslim swarm done for them? None. Now we are to bow down here as well not a chance in hell. Remember you tossed the first salvo and its not the 40s anymore we will fight back. I wish for peace but will it come? No. And that's to bad so insult me for defending my people I really don't care. Just remember there is a reason you weren't chosen Shalom.
I have used bold on all of your propaganda in that post. You need to realize that these exact teachings and beliefs are used by Zionism in order to make you hate Muslims. I DO NOT understand how you don't see how this is the exact thing the Nazi's did against the Jews.

How can you point the finger at your schools being attacked when it was Israel who just bombed a school in Gaza?

Fucking hypocrites. You want everyone to remember WW2 and the genocide that was committed there, while you use that as an excuse to push your cause in the murder of the Palistinians.. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK.

Those of us standing up to Israel are exactly what the Jews would have wanted people to do in WW2 for them.


Well-Known Member
You really belive that don't you. Israel is nothing like Nazi germany. We and I do mean we hate each other for much more than this little issue of late any real muslim would understand. I hear talk of propaganda, just because you don't want to accept the truth because it shines a light on the error of your statements does not make it propaganda. If we were really these evil people would we continue to let the dome of the rock sit atop our most holy site? Really I understand you think you are right and I am sorry for you I really am. Do you know why there is a Gaza strip and west bank? Let me hit you with some history. In 1967 a small country was attacked by its neighbors who greatly outnumbered them. They lost and as it goes in war the ground they lost fell to the victor. But unlike the nazis we took the high road and allowed them a chance to live in peace and thrive. These same people went and killed our boys at the Olympics (forgot about that one huh?) They then started a campaign of violence that continues to this day. I understand your hard feelings but when the Muslim nations waged holy war on the Jewish state they lost. I get why that would suck. But to just blatantly lie about our combined past won't make you the winners you lost get over it. As for propaganda you say all these things how we are like nazis, we are the only civilization that will drop pamphlets all over where we are going to bomb warning of our intentions, is it our fault if the lives of their children means so little to them that they wouldn't remove them from a life threatening situation? I don't think so. It is not our fault that no other nation will accept the palestineans. I wonder what its like in your world it must be sad.


Well-Known Member
Oh and me losing family in those camps is propaganda you can go Fuck yourself. It's not propaganda when its true I dare you to insult any survivor and tell them that their murdered kin are just propaganda. It shows what kind of a soul you have and I am happy you are not one of us we don't need scum in our ranks.


Well-Known Member
My family lost members in those camps, you can say what you would like I really don't care if you are anti semetic or not. See I am an American citizen and I have every right to call Bullshit same as you. Obiously you didn't read the posts people want to bash on us and say we play the holocaust card well my friends it was not I who threw that down. The thing I don't get is a group of people throw grenades and launch rockets at our schools killing our children and we are supposed to smile. I have never heard such nonsense. And if you were a real Muslim you would understand my hatred. We are not Christians either of us we are bot a turn the other cheek people, nor are you. To the Muslims out there I do not respect you and I would expect the same. We are not friends. It's not that big of a deal to me and I don't know why it would bother you. We hate each other it is what it is. The reason we have ever "mistreated" anyone in ythe strip or bank us out of self defence. How many babies do we have to bury before we are just protecting our selves? Look ATT Europe what good has the Muslim swarm done for them? None. Now we are to bow down here as well not a chance in hell. Remember you tossed the first salvo and its not the 40s anymore we will fight back. I wish for peace but will it come? No. And that's to bad so insult me for defending my people I really don't care. Just remember there is a reason you weren't chosen Shalom.
No offense but you are as dumb and ignornant as fuck.

First off, why do you think they attack Israel? Couldn't be anything to do with you building settlements in their territory no? With the endless siege of their territory?

Secondly you state Muslims are your enemy and that's how it is...why exactly is this? Ireland and Britian were enemies for 800ish years and now live in peace with free travel and trade. France and Germany were once enemies and now practically run the EU together. Britian and the US fought a bloody war and got independence and now Britian and the US are extremely close allies. Noone NEEDS to be enemies, just leave their territory alone.

Thirdly, you genuinely believe that "Chosen People" shite? Lol, your arrogance is astounding.


Well-Known Member
You know what I respect your opinion. But to say their land they lost that land in war. That's our land. And Jews and Muslims are nothing like the British and Irish I hear all this talk of propaganda and I wonder what is it your spouting? You can attack me all you would like it really does not hurt me. It just goes to show what you are. In your view they are the victims and that wont change, and I'm really not trying to. But if you are going to bash my people why would I just sit here and let you lie? Closed minds are a very sad thing indeed. I pray for you and I hope you can find some peace with all these issues that you know nothing about.


Well-Known Member
What I am is someone who believes in a peoples right to self determination, purely defensive militarism and that nations of different races/religions can live side by side in peace...yeah cos that makes me the bad guy.


Well-Known Member
And for the chosen people. What other group of people have been constantly attacked and had countless people try to kill them? None that's who and still we exist and thrive. I don't blame you for not being happy about our role, but it is what it is. I'm sorry that our G-D chose us as his people instead of you its a pity. As for you I can see why people of your mindset are not the chosen. Could you imagine the chaos if hate mongers had that kind of power? A scary place this world would be.


Well-Known Member
You talk about defense how many rockets have been thrown from them onto us? It's countless. If we defend ourselves we are called nazis. I personally don't think we should fight I would love a peaceful world for my children to grow up in, but that will never happen. It's sad and I mourn for all lost. As for Muslims and Jews for centuries we have disliked one another and that won't you honestly think Israelis enjoy constant bombardment every day? We have tried peace but the plo won't recognise our exsistance. How do you have peace with someone who has as a part of their charter the destruction of your people? If you could answer that in an un-bigoted way I would love to hear it.


Well-Known Member
Have you not noticed I'm the one promoting tolerance and peace, while you call all Muslims your "natural enemy" and advocate wiping them out yet somehow I'm the "hate-monger" in your mind. Youre completely upside-down man.


Well-Known Member
And I'm dumb and bigoted? How many PHD's do you have? I have one and I'm pretty proud of that. And if seeing some little pike trash talking my people and that causing me to become upset makes me a bigot well then I guess I'm guilty.


Well-Known Member
Have you read what you wrote? Really, your nuts that's the only thing I can think of. You wouldn't mix lions and hyena's would you? Why is that so hard to understand? We are (jews and muslims) enemies. They have a faith that they think is right as do we, it sucks that we cannot come to a better agreement, but remember it takes two to tango.


Well-Known Member
As for tolerance and peace you say we should just let em do what ever they want. Yet you say we should be wiped out. It has to be confusing to live in such a state of duality. I'm sorry for you and I really do pity you.


Well-Known Member
And I'm dumb and bigoted? How many PHD's do you have? I have one and I'm pretty proud of that. And if seeing some little pike trash talking my people and that causing me to become upset makes me a bigot well then I guess I'm guilty.
When did I once insult Jewish people? Or Israel? PLEASE quote it here for me, you'll have a hard time tho cos I never once insulted or said a racist/anti-Semitic comment.

What I did say was your countries policy towards Palestine is tantamount to genocide, which considering the Israeli people's past I would have thought the persecuted should feel empathy for others plight. I also suggested that if Israel allowed Palestine to become a country and forge their own destiny, perhaps trade with them then they wouldn't feel the need to attack them.

Have you not considered that on the other side of the fence YOU are considered the occupier and terrorist and that the people who fight you are considered freedom fighters, not terrorists?


Well-Known Member
That is the problem isn't it? That sums up all Jewish Muslim problems both side see the other as the aggressor, it does not make one right by default though, does it? I will go over the posts and there have been a few. I am not innocent in this and I accept that. Why is it so hard to admit it? I hate them for the blood they have spilled tor the countless cease fires that have been called and ruined by their attacks. So we want some garuntees when looking for peace is that really so much to ask?


Well-Known Member
Oh and me losing family in those camps is propaganda you can go Fuck yourself. It's not propaganda when its true I dare you to insult any survivor and tell them that their murdered kin are just propaganda. It shows what kind of a soul you have and I am happy you are not one of us we don't need scum in our ranks.


  1. Information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
  2. The dissemination of such information as a political strategy.

You're an idiot. You refuse to open your mind to what Zionism is doing. Your ignorant box refuses to even let you open your mind and search google for the information that people on the other side of the argument have. You refer to that information as being anti-semitic.

I will not bicker with someone who will not consider the other side.


Well-Known Member
And I will not bicker with one who's only response to something he rodent agree with is a childish temper tantrum. You can find a shit ton of info on Palestinian atrocities on Google as well but for some reason you don't want to talk about those. People may say I'm playing the anti semite card but what else could if be at this point? I'm not saying that for anyone but the last poster. With an argument like your an idiot there doesn't seem to be much else it could be. And if you really feel bad for the Palestinian cause maybe you should use big boy words to describe what you disagree with just sayin.


Well-Known Member
And I will not bicker with one who's only response to something he rodent agree with is a childish temper tantrum. You can find a shit ton of info on Palestinian atrocities on Google as well but for some reason you don't want to talk about those. People may say I'm playing the anti semite card but what else could if be at this point? I'm not saying that for anyone but the last poster. With an argument like your an idiot there doesn't seem to be much else it could be. And if you really feel bad for the Palestinian cause maybe you should use big boy words to describe what you disagree with just sayin.
Firstly, I don't have a clue what you are talking about with "temper tantrum." Secondly, I am more than willing to talk about what the Palistinians have done. However, I will not use it as a topic in order to distract what the Israelis have done. Get it?

Just remember. Propaganda can and often is true information. It just comes with a little spin ;)

fenderburn84 said:
People may say I'm playing the anti semite card but what else could if be at this point?
I'm sorry. WHAT?
When did I once insult Jewish people? Or Israel? PLEASE quote it here for me, you'll have a hard time tho cos I never once insulted or said a racist/anti-Semitic comment.
Anytime you question Israel's behavior or the U.S. government's assinine commitment to that country you better be prepared for supporters of Israel to brand you as a bigot or a racist. You just have to take those comments with a grain of salt.